Diseases Of The Blood

PCT in a blood test. What is it, deciphering, the rate for women, men and children. Which means increased, reduced rate

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One of the key indicators of the blood test, the doctor evaluated to determine the presence of abnormalities in the patient's health, is a PCT (percentage of volume of whole blood, platelet-occupied). This is a criterion by which you can detect not only the current inflammatory processes in the body, but also to investigate the general condition of the human immune system.

The ability to decode the results of the analysis and understanding of what is usually the cause of deviations of the actual concentration of platelets in the blood from the generally accepted standards, will help identify developing the disease and start treatment as much as possible more.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Pct - what it is, the role and function in the body
  • 2 trombokrita norm for women, men and children
  • 3 Factors affecting the rate
  • 4 When the assigned analysis
  • 5 Survey Preparation
  • 6 What biomaterial taken for analysis
  • 7 As the analysis
  • 8 deciphering analysis
  • 9 When you need additional research?
  • 10 low values
  • 11 elevated values
  • 12 Video of the PLT blood test
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Pct - what it is, the role and function in the body

PCT (abbreviation used to indicate the results of studies on Thrombocrit) illustrates a state portion of the total volume of blood containing platelets. It is an indicator, the level of which is determined in the analysis mostly automated fashion, rather than manual counting. Its main role is the ability to prevent the progression of serious diseases.

The most common among them there are:

  • thrombosis;
  • stroke;
  • cerebral hemorrhage;
  • no cause internal bleeding.

The criteria help determine:

  1. As far as the body of a particular person is prone to bleeding. In the case of a clear predisposition doctors usually prescribe corrective medication drugs, in order to minimize the existing risk.
  2. The extent or rate of thrombus formation process. Blood clotting can be assumed as in the patient is likely to form vascular occlusion prevents the free flow of blood.

In view of the importance objective of this result, precise platelet count provided by advanced technologies, is more popular compared with manual.

PCT in a blood test. What is it, deciphering the norm. Which means increased, reduced rate
PCT in the blood count - the number of platelets per liter!

When there is insufficient or excessive amount of platelets in the body, a person suffering from:

  • frequent headaches, migraines;
  • skin color changes extremities;
  • unreasonable bleeding (most commonly from the nose);
  • listlessness, drowsiness;
  • reduced performance;
  • severe itching in the fingers or toes;
  • pain in the kidney or liver;
  • increasing the size of the liver or spleen.

trombokrita norm for women, men and children

Despite the similarity of the structure of the circulatory system in children, the female and male body, trombokrita common rate varies depending on the age and sex individual patient.

A healthy baby quantitative value of platelets is usually equal to:

Age of the child Reference value PCT
From birth to 12 months 100 - 421 * 109 cells per liter of blood
Older than 12 months 181 - 321 * 109 cells per liter of blood

Children often fall, causing them getting cuts, scratches and wounds on the body. In the normal index trombokrita skin regenerate yourself in no time. In addition, the platelet cells prevent ingress of infection in children's body through the skin integrity violations.PCT in a blood test. What is it, deciphering the norm. Which means increased, reduced rate

For adults generally accepted reference values ​​are:

Age adult or features of its status Reference values ​​trombokrita
Men from 20 to 75 years old 0.14 - 0.39% to 1 liter of blood
Women from 20 to 75 years old 0.14 - 0.39% to 1 liter of blood
Women during pregnancy or menstruation 0.07 - 0.21% to 1 liter of blood
Elderly people over 75 years old 0.18 - 0.31% to 1 liter of blood

When evaluating the results obtained trombokrita must take into account not only the age and sex of the patient, but also his way of life, as well as the factors that have a potential impact on this indicator.

Factors affecting the rate

As with other blood studies on Thrombocrit analysis can give a misleading result because of the existence of circumstances affecting the temporal change of the blood.

Among them:

  • Times of Day delivery of biological material (evening platelet count can be reduced by 5-7%, or located at the lower limit of normal);
  • seasonal period (In the spring and fall, due to internal physiologic adjustment organism trombokrita component may differ from their normal values);
  • during menstruationDuring which a woman gives blood (in the beginning of the cycle indicator PCT typically significantly reduced by 20 - 40%);PCT in a blood test. What is it, deciphering the norm. Which means increased, reduced rate
  • pregnancy (During gestation female body activates all its protective function, in particular dilutes the blood for the purpose of prevention of thrombus formation);
  • excessive exercise (In the case of putting the biological material after exercise, especially cardio loads obtained trombokrita indicator may be more reference values ​​in 2 and more times).

Proper organization of the blood test will provide reliable results, identify deviations (if available) and the time to begin treatment of pathological processes that are hazardous to health person.

When the assigned analysis

PCT blood assay (this is a study that involves platelet count) held normally intended hematologist or physician, it is considered necessary to assess the specialist.

As recommended by doctors to take a common blood test is necessary as a preventive measure every 5 - 6 months. This will help in time to adjust its structure, without waiting for the apparent deviations in the health and development of dangerous diseases.

Therapists usually prescribed type of study considered when the patient's complaints:

  • frequent manifestation of bruises and bruises on the body, not connected with external action;
  • recurrent nosebleeds, beyond the rapid elimination;
  • irregular menstrual cycle (in this case the value is the duration themselves monthly, and the number of days included in the menstruation cycle);
  • excessive bleeding gums (for violations in the blood is the case with each tooth cleaning is depending on the hardness of the toothbrush).PCT in a blood test. What is it, deciphering the norm. Which means increased, reduced rate

If no deviations in the obtained result of the research on Thrombocrit physician directs the patient to a specialist for the subsequent detection of violations in particular the functioning of body systems (eg, a person will recommend to apply at the causeless bleeding gums general practitioner to the dentist).

Survey Preparation

PCT blood assay (this is the number of platelets which have often per liter of blood) - an indicator which can detect only when properly prepare for the study.

On the eve of delivery of biological material should:

  • abandon meal and liquid (since the last receipt of food and water in the body should be at least 8 hours);
  • avoid stressful situations and emotional tension;
  • minimize physical exertion;
  • sleep (optimal duration of time to sleep - 8 h);
  • Avoid fatty, fried, spicy food;
  • minimize the consumption of flour products and foods with a high content of sugar in the composition;
  • ensure no increase in body temperature, or symptoms of incipient disease (after full recovery from even a simple SARS must be at least a week).

If any of the points general recommendations resulting figure would be misleading trombokrita that in consequence can lead to incorrect treatment intended.

What biomaterial taken for analysis

To conduct a study on the amount of blood containing platelets, technicians take the patient's blood from a finger.

Such a method allows the capture of biological material to obtain the necessary number of capillary Blood quickly and without additional financial cost of medical equipment (in particular, syringes).PCT in a blood test. What is it, deciphering the norm. Which means increased, reduced rate

Given the fact that in some cases the identification of PCT is necessary in young children, second puncture ring finger will allow to conduct all necessary manipulations without the need to restrain the resistance of the small patient long time.

As the analysis

The standard sequence in the capture of biological material for general blood analysis involves simple steps.

Among them:

  1. Treat your hands before taking biological material.
  2. Make sure that no cold hands (fingertips temperature should not be below 36.6 degrees).
  3. Disinfect with alcohol or an alcohol-one of the fingers.
  4. Lancet (medical instrument, blade-like) to make a puncture in any cushion (often anonymous) finger. The depth of the cut should be approximately 2-3 mm.PCT in a blood test. What is it, deciphering the norm. Which means increased, reduced rate
  5. Gentle pressure on the ball of the selected finger, to collect the necessary amount of blood pipette.
  6. One part of the resulting biological material must be placed in a sterile flask, and the other - in the laboratory glass.
  7. Clamp a cut alcohol cloth to stop the bleeding and bandaged finger.

Restoring integrity of the skin usually occurs after only a few days after the capture of capillary blood. At the site of the puncture is sometimes formed small hematoma disappear on their own without the use of drugs.

deciphering analysis

PCT in the analysis of blood - is a number, which can decode by estimating the ratio of platelet count of blood to the test. Under normal conditions, an adult its value must fall within the interval from 0.14 to 0.39.

Any deviation from the reference values, subject to the rules of preparation for the delivery of biological material, as well as conducting the research itself, is a sign of the presence of a pathological process body. A single abnormality usually reinforced by repeated analyzes but no earlier than a week.

When you need additional research?

Additional screening is advantageously carried out in the case of actual platelet concentration which is substantially higher or lower than the generally accepted norms.

In addition to re-blood count is recommended to the patient:

  • ultrasound potentially unhealthy system or body;PCT in a blood test. What is it, deciphering the norm. Which means increased, reduced rate
  • analysis to determine the level of serum iron;
  • analysis on blood coagulation.

Additional studies are also needed health status people who are at risk. This is due to the probability of transmission of blood diseases at the genetic level.

low values

Insufficient concentration of platelets in 1 liter of blood negatively affects its clotting. At low values ​​trombokrita increases the risk of bleeding causeless (Both external and internal), stop to be very difficult.

Depending on the age and sex of the patient supplies, hematologists and physicians characterize different detection rates as low.

According to the standards:

  • for women - is less than 0.14%;
  • for men - similarly;
  • for pregnant women or women who give a blood test in the beginning of the cycle - less than 0.06%;
  • for people over 75 years - less than 0.16%;
  • for children aged from birth to 12 months - below 0.1%;
  • for children older than one year - less than 0.17%.

Platelet count may be reduced due to existing or pathological processes due to previously transferred human diseases.

Most often, these changes in the blood are caused by:

  • prone to anemia (low hemoglobin or "anemia");
  • renal insufficiency;PCT in a blood test. What is it, deciphering the norm. Which means increased, reduced rate
  • problems with the liver;
  • deficiency of vitamins, in particular folic acid;
  • infectious or viral disease;
  • disease "lupus";
  • available hemoblastosis or leukemia;
  • erratic reception antibacterial and diuretics;
  • recently completed a course of chemotherapy;
  • intoxication of an organism;
  • radiation injury;
  • underweight;
  • the presence of intestinal parasites.

Normalize trombokrita level is possible only with the help of an integrated approach. The patient is usually recommended to review your diet and take a course of drug therapy.

In his daily menu is worth to focus on:

  • fruits (bananas, apples, pomegranates, melons);
  • vegetables;
  • seaweed;
  • gluten-free cereals (buckwheat, rice, corn);
  • nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts);
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • low fat varieties of meat (including beef);
  • fresh herbs;
  • green tea.PCT in a blood test. What is it, deciphering the norm. Which means increased, reduced rate

Among drugs used with the aim of raising the level of platelets in the blood, the most effective are recognized:

  • "Dicynonum" (Preparation for the treatment of capillary bleeding);
  • "Derinat" (of parasites means);
  • "Vikasol" (the cure for hemorrhagic disease and vitamin deficiencies).

After treatment is necessary to re-take a blood test to make sure that normalization trombokrita level.

elevated values

PCT in the analysis of blood - is the value above which may cause blockage of the cardiovascular system. In most cases the difficulty in blood circulation of the patient leads to a lethal outcome.

Depending on a person's age increased value trombokrita is:

  • for men and middle-aged women - more than 0.39%;
  • for people older than 75 years - more than 0.31%;
  • for children from birth to 12 months - more than 0.41%;
  • for children older than 1 year - more than 0.31%.

The reasons for the increase of this indicator may be the initial stages of serious diseases in both children and adults.

Age of the patient Potential dysfunction body, triggering an increase in platelet level
Children (from birth to 15 years) Pathological changes of the bone marrow structure and disruption of its normal operation; initial stage of tuberculosis; Iron deficiency in the body; blood loss during surgery.
Adults (from 16 to 75 years old) Corollary removal of one of the bodies (generally spleen); diabetes initial stage; ulcer; gastritis; benign or malignant tumor; pyo-inflammatory processes in the skeletal system; atherosclerosis; consequence of prolonged use of steroids.

To adjust the composition of the blood, doctors recommend patients to eat as much as possible:

  • fresh berries (cranberries, cranberries, blackberries);
  • white fish;
  • dark chocolate.

With continued high level of platelets after adjusting diet, hematologist or physician typically prescribed to patients' Angioks ". PCT in a blood test. What is it, deciphering the norm. Which means increased, reduced rateIt is used to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular and circulatory system. No less effective in restoring normal indicator ACT are considered drugs, the composition of which includes argotroban.

Despite the fact that the rate of PCT in the results of the analysis may not always reflect the accurate blood platelet concentration, control the level necessary.

This is due to the ability of the test signal an existing pathological processes in the body. Trombokrita time normalizing parameter, a person can avoid not only the future of medical treatment, but in some cases, surgery.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of the PLT blood test

Pro PLT Analysis:

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