
Gastritis with high acidity: treatment, diet, symptoms

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One of the most severe and painful form of gastritis - gastritis hyperacid. This disease is characterized by increased secretion of the stomach, which leads to increased acidity in the stomach. The disease is accompanied by acute inflammation of the mucous membrane. As a rule, gastritis with high acidity is more common in men.

The symptomatology of this disease is very specific, it is hard not to notice. It came up with a caring nature to make people pay attention to them, starting treatment, because the continued existence of increased amounts inevitably leads to damage of its cells in the stomach hydrochloric acid, due to which erosion and develop ulcers.

Causes of

Allocate internal and external development of the cause. External factors include:

  • excessive use of alcohol and tobacco use;
  • abuse of food, leading to irritation of the gastric mucosa (bold, sharp, spicy or too hot food);
  • work in manufacturing or other chemicals harmful to health products;
  • uncontrolled taking certain drugs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, salicylates, antibiotics).
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The internal factors include:

  • deficiency of vitamins, amino acids, trace elements in the body;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • parasitic diseases and chronic infections;
  • prolonged hypoxia of organs and tissues, which leads to disruption of their operations.

It is important to establish the cause, since it will directly influence the choice of treatment method.

Also in modern medicine known classification with high acidity disease, gastritis where divided into three sub-groups - A, B and C.

  • Gastritis type A: In the body of the patient begins the formation of antibodies to the organ mucosa. This is due to genetics.
  • Gastritis type B: Defeat affects the antrum. The most common cause of Helicobacter. Another reason - reflux.
  • Gastritis Type C: For this type include gastritis, arising from alcohol poisoning, drugs or chemicals.

Any type of the disease is dangerous to humans and can trigger the development of complications such as erosive gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. Treatment under such circumstances shall be appointed immediately.

Symptoms of gastritis with high acidity

Most types of disease have similar symptoms:

  • pain in the stomach in the morning and at night;
  • heartburn; nausea;
  • burning;
  • vomiting (sometimes with blood);
  • regurgitation;
  • bloating;
  • diarrhea; constipation.

In the chronic form the symptoms are mild. Aggravation of gastritis with high acidity in the spring and autumn period accompanied by unpleasant symptoms if there precipitating factors.

Symptoms for gastritis type A

The disease is asymptomatic until the development of intestinal megaloblastic anemia. In some cases, it is characterized by:

  • dull pain;
  • severity of postprandial;
  • bad taste in the mouth;
  • nausea, belching;
  • flatulence, diarrhea.

In the future, there is a burning sensation tongue, drowsiness, fatigue, numbness of extremities. Objectively characterized by pallor of the skin, tongue lacquered surface, loss of vibration sensation, gait disorder and t. D.

Symptoms of type B gastritis

Chronic gastritis with high acidity such as in the developing symptoms suggestive of peptic ulcer:

  • hungry and night pain in the stomach;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • heartburn, acid regurgitation;
  • tendency to constipation.

Perhaps asymptomatic disease. Diagnosis is based on clinical observations, endoscopy.

Gastritis Type C

Reflux gastritis, chemical gastritis type C with high acidity is characterized by focal lesions of the fundamental contents of the stomach 12 duodenum. When GJ reflux (backward movement) C gastritis develops after gastrectomy.

This type of gastritis with acidity can also be caused by medication, chemical or alcoholic poisoning. It is also possible for without pronounced symptoms, either of the following symptoms are observed:

  • a feeling of heaviness and pain immediately after a meal or at bedtime;
  • nausea, heartburn, vomiting.

What are the complications?

Long term increase in the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach can lead to complications:

  • development of ulcers - a defect of the stomach wall in the form of non-healing wounds;
  • duodenitis - inflammation of the duodenum, as a result of penetrating into the hydrochloric acid;
  • transition gastritis in neoplastic disease - constant irritation of gastric hydrochloric acid can cause uncontrolled growth of its tumor and appearance.


Used for the diagnosis of such laboratory and instrumental methods of research:

  • pH-metry - determining acidity directly into the stomach cavity;
  • gastric intubation with sampling of gastric juice - is introduced into the stomach tube through which a portion of the gastric juice is taken further in the laboratory to determine the concentration of hydrochloric acid therein;
  • fibroezofagogastroduodenoskopiya (FEGDS) - via a fiber optic tube lighting and camera can directly see the state of its mucosa.

When the first symptoms of gastritis should consult a gastroenterologist doctor for further examination and appropriate treatment.

How to treat gastritis with high acidity

Knowing the exact clinical picture of the patient's stomach, species, stage form of gastritis, treatment will be determined by the physician on the basis of these detailed data for each patient:

  1. Before treatment, the doctor should carefully examine the history of the patient, his general state of health related diseases, including the gastrointestinal tract, to clarify the possible contraindications for taking certain medicines means
  2. According FGSD physician determines the type, stage and form of gastritis, gastric acidity and ascertain the causes of the disease.
  3. The effectiveness of the treatment of gastritis with high acidity depends on the neglect of the inflammatory process, and its kind of discipline and responsibility the patient, as with any treatment, drug, folk remedies - without dieting and eliminate bad habits, cure gastritis impossible.

Today, in the selection of therapy gastroenterologists do not rely on the acidity of the stomach, and the condition of the mucosa according to EGD. In acute gastritis, first appointed by symptomatic therapy, since the beginning should relieve pain and reduce inflammation, and this is possible with by reducing the production of hydrochloric acid, i.e. using the medicaments neutralizing acidity, and of course the dietary compliance power.


Drug treatment slows down the spread of inflammation, normalizes the activity of the glands. Doctors prescribe:

  1. Antacids. Reduce levels of gastric acidity: Rutatsid, Fosfalyugel, Almagel, Maalox.
  2. Antibacterial agents (indication): Metronidazole, amoxicillin, clarithromycin.
  3. Blockers produce hydrochloric acid: lansoprazole, omeprazole, ranitidine.
  4. When expressed pain syndrome needed injections and antispasmodic medications that reduce gastric secretion.
  5. Can not do without Smecta, enveloping the stomach wall. To improve the process of digestion enzymes needed. They contain drugs: Mezim, Creon, Digestal.

The above list of tablets with gastritis and gastric ulcers should only be used after consulting a doctor. It is important to remember, because different forms of gastritis requires an individual approach. Otherwise you run the risk of making it worse by wrong treatment.

Diet and Nutrition rules

Gastritis with high acidity patients need to follow certain rules of supply:

  1. Preparation: cooking (preferably - a pair) baking without crust.
  2. Food should be warm. Hot and cold meals are prohibited.
  3. You should not overeat. Portia should be small.
  4. There is a need 5-6 times a day at regular intervals.
  5. Should be excluded from the diet: salty, spicy, fatty food, sour fruits, rich broth.
  6. Food use in powdered form or mashed. Boiled fish or lean meat can be submitted piece.

Tip: an exacerbation of the disease have to eat porridge on the water and rice water. While improving the condition gradually introduce the remaining dishes.

You can have:

  • vegetable soups and cream soups;
  • boiled or roasted lean meats and fish;
  • porridges: buckwheat, semolina, oats;
  • milk soups;
  • noodles, pasta;
  • jelly, fruit jelly and sweet fruit sugar;
  • sour kefir and yogurt;
  • steam omelettes, boiled eggs;
  • vegetable oils;
  • grass;
  • mild cheese;
  • milk;
  • cream.

We exclude:

  • fresh (especially acidic) fruits and berries;
  • acidic juices;
  • spicy dishes;
  • meat and mushroom broth;
  • beans;
  • cereals: maize, millet, barley;
  • borscht;
  • hodgepodge;
  • products of pastry;
  • sausages;
  • varieties of fish and meat greasy;
  • canned food;
  • cabbage;
  • radish;
  • fermented and pickled vegetables;
  • Fresh bread.

It is worth noting that the diet with erosive gastritis, with reflux gastritis or gastroduodenitis (as well as in other types of gastrointestinal disorders associated with hyperacidity) excludes eating any fast food. For this group of foods are and muesli, which is often mistakenly considered to healthy eating and loved by many hot dogs, pizza and burgers, even cooked at home.

Traditional recipes

In the treatment of gastritis with high acidity in addition to diet and drugs are often used traditional herbal decoctions and infusions, which are perfectly proven.

  • Honey to reduce stomach acidity. Honey dissolved in warm water - we know that the warm honey solution perfectly reduces the acidity of the stomach, rapidly absorbed in the stomach and does not irritate the stomach lining. Within a day is necessary to drink approximately 150 g of a honey solution. Take a half or two months.
  • Fresh juice from raw potatoes. In the treatment of gastritis with high acidity are very well proved the fresh juice of raw potato. If the doctor did not give any other recommendations, it should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach ¾ cup of fresh juice of raw potato. Upon receiving the juice should lie about an hour. Breakfast can be taken in an hour. Duration of treatment is ten days. The course can be repeated up to three times, making a break between courses, too, for ten days.
  • Carrot juice. To reduce the acidity of the stomach has been successfully used carrot juice. For juicing should be chosen only fully ripened roots are rich in carotene and sugars. Fresh carrot juice should take half a cup an hour before a meal (one portion per day). Ten days later the reception to make a ten-day break and then repeat the course.

Complex herbal to reduce stomach acidity. You will need:

  • Vegetable raw plantain leaves - 8 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable raw herbs cudweed - 8 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable raw herb St. John's wort - 8 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable raw herbs centaury - 4 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable materials mint leaves - 2 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable materials knotweed grass - 4 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable materials calamus rhizome - 2 tablespoons;
  • Fruits cumin - 3 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable raw herb yarrow - 1 tablespoon;
  • Boiling water - 1000

All plant material thoroughly. The enamel or glass dish two tablespoons prepared collection pour boiling water and infuse for 12 hours. Strain. Taken after meals four times a day for half a cup.


The main preventive measure gastritis with high acidity are the events for the normalization of gastric acid secretion.

  1. Rejection of hot, cold, acute fatty, heavy, fried foods.
  2. Avoiding overeating, starvation, eating dry rations, "on the fly".
  3. Avoiding alcohol, smoking.
  4. Nutrition - a sufficient amount of protein, carbohydrates and vitamins.
  5. Compliance with the terms and conditions of storage products - the majority of the digestive tract diseases begin with the words "they shall be in the fridge."
  6. Compliance eating regime - dinner no later than 4 hours before bedtime.
  7. Observance of cooking technology.
  8. Medication only under medical supervision.
  9. Control your psycho-emotional state.
  10. Observance of personal hygiene and sanitation requirements - washing hands before eating, using the toilet, regular wet cleaning.
  11. Timely dental health, diagnosis and treatment of other body systems.

These rules are very important, they need to adhere to, not only at the peak of acute disease, but also in everyday life. This will save not only the health of the stomach, but also all of the digestive tract.

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