
Whitehead on your face to get rid at home (photos and testimonials)

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Whitehead are inside the dense skin formation in the form of nodules having a white or light yellow and clear boundaries. The size of the data structures vary from one-half to three millimeters. They are slightly raised above the skin surface, which makes them quite noticeable, especially owners of dark skin.

If miliums many and they are next to each other, then at this point the skin becomes rough and acquires grooves that divide the group entities. These blemishes may disappear by themselves within a few months, and may remain for years. In the latter case, they are likely to need to be removed in a beauty parlor.

What it is?

Whitehead (retention cyst) - is one form of skin rash. In people it is called "Corn Bunting" because of the appearance of rash elements really resemble millet grain. They do not bring any harm to the skin, but at the same time, is a serious cosmetic defect.

Causes of

An unpleasant rash on the face, for various reasons, internal and external. Whitehead formed at any age, even in very tiny babies, so there are various methods of getting rid of the problem.

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Identify the following causes of miliums on his face:

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland.
  2. Wrong skin care, especially if it is prone to fat.
  3. Hormonal changes. During pregnancy and puberty in the body occur global restructuring. This may contribute to the appearance of miliary rash.
  4. Prolonged skin exposure to direct sunlight. Dermatologists have proven that ultraviolet contributes significantly to the formation of hyperkeratosis.
  5. Hereditary predisposition. Sometimes the cause of white spots under the eyes can be passed from one generation to another.
  6. Carrying out cosmetic procedures. It would seem that all treatments at the beauty salon need to clean the pores and promote deep cleansing facial from dead cells. However, this is not always the case.
  7. Improper diet, which is dominated by smoked products, confectionery and bakery products, as well as foods high in animal fat. This food slows down the excretion of toxic substances from the body, including the skin.

Looks like whitehead, photos

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in humans.

The wall formation is represented by the epidermis, and its contents - dense masses of horn with a piece of fat. Whiteheads are the years not to cause any trouble, except for cosmetic defect. In many cases, whitehead themselves opened and disappear. In some cases, acne can become inflamed, releasing pus.

hardware cosmetology

There are several ways of dealing with hardware Corn Bunting - some of them will decide to give preference cosmetologist after reviewing the patient's medical history.

The specialist must take into account:

  • Number miliums;
  • The area of ​​destruction;
  • Health of the patient;
  • The presence / absence of contraindications.

How to get rid of the whitehead on your face? Here is a list of popular procedures:

  1. Electrocoagulation. A popular way to deal with whitehead. Instead of using a laser beam of high frequency alternating current. The effectiveness of the method is confirmed by positive feedback from physicians and patients. After the procedure, the crust falls away fast enough, no traces.
  2. Laser coagulation. Proven method is suitable for most patients with white pimples on the face. Cauterizing laser gives good results, is often used to get rid of the Corn Bunting. After treatment beam location whitehead coated crust. A few weeks later she disappears, the treated areas heal. Home patient should lubricate the crust disinfectant.
  3. Koretazh. This method is obsolete, is rarely used. After treatment, whiteheads scraping special device, reminiscent of a spoon. The method is quite traumatic. After the session, the scars remain on the skin, it is difficult to treat.

The choice of method to treat whitehead should exercise specialist, because the skin - it is a living organ that requires a very careful and, preferably, professional treatment.

Moreover, there are specific contraindications for use of a method such as increased oiliness, dryness, the nature of the vessels location, the identification of which is possible only after special research.

Folk remedies

List of folk remedies that can help with this ailment:

  1. Potato mask. Boil one potato "in uniform" hot mash with a fork together with the skin. The resulting mass is mixed with honey and sour cream (these components should take 1 tablespoon), triturated until smooth (small lumps allowed therein). Obtained is applied to a means previously cleaned face, left as such for 10-15 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
  2. The cleaning mixture with fresh cranberries. Ripe berry mash, squeeze the juice. Pour a little oatmeal to the mass does not spread. Rasparte, clean epidermis, snowball, apply the mixture on a place, the affected Corn Bunting. Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Very useful for facial cucumber, which in addition to the therapeutic effect of the skin significantly lightens and refreshes, saturating vitamins. With the use of cucumber can be useful to prepare a mask for brushing of cucumber, removing the skin with seeds. The resulting pulp finely chop or grate. Then pour hot water, it can also be a mixture of milk and water. The resulting mass is to insist not less than four hours in a carefully wrapped up the dishes. To use a mask to prepare natural tissue (linen or cotton), pre-cut out therein openings for the eyes and mouth. Her moisten in the infusion and apply on face. Compress hold to 20 minutes. In order to prevent it enough to use it once a week, and for the treatment of - every day.
  4. To prepare the masks from gourds take a small piece of this vegetable, rubbed on a fine grater, then add a teaspoon of sour cream thoroughly mixed and applied to a pre-steamed face. The consistency of the mask must not allow it to flow. Keep the mask to 15 minutes. This mask is one of the best means for the normalization of metabolism.
  5. Recipe scrub. First, wash your face with warm water and soap. Take a handful of fine salt (soda can) and wipe the face with circular movements not strong, not giving flake salt. You can also wipe through a cloth. You do not need to rub the skin to redness. Immediately after peeling again wash with warm water and apply the mask on the quarter hour from the salt and sour cream in equal proportions. Then rinse with warm water. If you have dry skin better fit the mask of olive oil with baking soda.

should not by removing whiteheads, since the probability of entry is very high in the wound pathogenic microflora. If you try to manually remove such education, it can only worsen their condition, to obtain additional inflammation. Such inflammation is not only require long-term treatment, but may well leave with the healing of scars, which are even more difficult to remove than any type of acne.


If from time to time face formed white spots, then use the following guidelines to warn them from occurring again:

  1. Exfoliation. We are talking about the use of scrubs, which help strengthen skin regeneration processes, open clogged pores. It is not recommended to use scrub more often than 2 times a week for people with oily and normal skin types. If dry skin type, it has high sensitivity - exfoliation enough to spend 1 day a week.
  2. Proper nutrition. It is not necessary to torture yourself diets, but you need to revise your own menu. The diet should be present cereals, vegetables, fruits and herbs - these foods contain large amounts of fiber, which has beneficial effects on intestinal function. We need to limit consumption of carbohydrate foods - cakes, sweets and fatty foods too.
  3. Using creams. Here you have to be extremely careful - the choice is really suitable cream beauticians called science. We need to navigate to the following indicators: the cream does not leave a greasy film on the face, cause irritation and build on the skin surface of the impermeable film.
  4. The use of tonics. It is not forbidden, and even recommended - tonics moisturize skin, promote the closure of pores, nourish the epidermis.
  5. Regular cleansing. It is impossible to ignore the recommendation of cosmetologists and dermatologists about cleansing the face - it should be done 2 times a day, using specific means. Various gels, lotions, soaps and lotions should be chosen only on an individual basis and taking into account the skin type.
  6. Increased immunity. It is worth thinking about the lifestyle of correction and reception of immunomodulators. When strong immunity pathogenic microflora is simply unable to multiply and spread - Corn Bunting precisely on the face will not be.

Before settling on a particular method of removing miliums, try to find out the true cause of their appearance. It is possible that in this way the organism signals the beginning of a serious disease.

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