
Thrush in men: symptoms and treatment regimen photo

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Thrush in men - a very rare pathology. Its causative agents are fungi of the genus Candida - the components of the normal microflora of any person. That is why the medicine is the disease called candidiasis. The disease develops when the mushrooms begin to multiply and grow unstoppable.

Given the differences in the anatomy of the male and female reproductive system, the representatives of the stronger sex are much less likely the disease develops. A feature of these fungi can be considered the fact that they are on all the mucous membranes of the body (mouth, intestine) and not only on the genitals. Thrush can also occur in other areas of the body (on the nipple, in the language).

Despite the fact that women face this problem more often, the question of whether there is a thrush in men, has a simple answer - yes, it happens.

What it is?

Thrush - a fungal disease caused by the yeast fungus Candida albicans. These fungi are part of the natural microflora of the colon, vagina, and oral mucosa have many perfectly healthy people. Another name for this disease - candidiasis.

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First thrush most people faced in the first year of his life, when the characteristic rash appears on the mucous membrane of the gums, cheeks. While candidiasis can occur almost anywhere on the body in both sexes, it is assumed that the yeast infection in men - is the localization of candidiasis in the genital area.

Causes of Candida

From what appears thrush? This disease is caused by Candida fungal attack. They are in their origin families all known yeasts. These parasites are normally controlled by the human immune system and are not dangerous for the organism.

Infection can occur when the following factors:

  • dysbiosis - is one of the main reasons for the clinical manifestations of candidiasis .;
  • appearance endocrine disorders in humans;
  • stressful situations in life of men;
  • emotional turmoil;
  • immunodeficiency - both acquired and innate;
  • Drug overdose;
  • work related to the change of climate and time zones;
  • injuries of different nature;
  • diabetes;
  • viral penetration of infectious agents into the body;
  • violation or failure to comply with the rules of hygiene of the oral cavity, genitals and other parts of the male body.

In such cases there is activation of the fungus and the occurrence of thrush. This is manifested in the sexual act - single-celled organisms move on to the man's body

The first symptoms

Do not show symptoms of yeast infection in women in 10-15% of cases. Suspected carrier can be the frequent recurrence of vaginitis their partner. In such a situation, you should consult a doctor and receive treatment at the same time with a woman.

If fungal growth has led to an inflammatory process, its symptoms are quite obvious:

  • redness of the skin, especially in the folds of the groin;
  • occurrence of damage, erosion, scratching;
  • itching, and swelling of the penis, the anus;
  • cheesy plaque on the skin and mucous membranes.

How does thrush in men (see. photo), depends on the extent of damage from dryness, discomfort during or after sexual intercourse, small plaque in the form of small white pellets to a pronounced purulent inflammation secretions. Pain and burning may occur during erection, urination, and penile surface is covered with friable white mass odorous sour milk.

What is thrush, photos

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in men.

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It is held on the following system:

  • an external examination of the patient and detection of the visible signs of thrush;
  • Analysis scrapings from the penis of the patient or damaged skin area, oral mucosa for the detection of infection by a fungus;
  • studies with a microscope;
  • complete laboratory examination the patient.

Once installed the form of thrush, following treatment is not only the man but also his partner for sexual intercourse.

How to treat a yeast infection in men?

Is the treatment of yeast infections in women in the home. If there are no complications, candidiasis is not generalized, when the internal organs are affected, hold anti-mycotic therapy is sufficient.

Depending on the duration of symptoms and severity of a patient being prescribed certain regimen: local media and internal antifungal drugs alone or in combination. Also shown is the treatment of sexual partners, a thorough intimate hygiene, the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, the adjustment of the power.

1) The most basic antifungal agents for the treatment of yeast infection in men is the following drugs that are produced as tablets or in the form of creams and sprays:

  • Miconazole (price to 120 rubles.) - Mikozon cream, spray Daktarin;
  • Econazole - Ifenek cream (the price of 160 rubles.), Cream and Ekodas solution (price 160 rub.);
  • Ketoconazole - creams Nizoral (price 420 rubles). Dermazol, ointments Mikoket, Sebozol (price 120 rubles). Mikozoral (170 rubles). Oronazol tablets Fungavis (150 to 180 rubles). Fungistab;
  • Klortrimazol - imide creams Kandizol, Kanisten, Canison (the price of 60 rubles.), Amiklon, Kandibene, Candide (price from 190 and 120 rubles). Klortrimazol (30 to 90 rubles.) Funginal, Fungitsip, ointment Triderm, preparations solutions and Canison Candide.

These drugs should be used by a doctor. Creams and ointments should be applied 2 times a day after the intimate hygiene. The duration of treatment and the necessity of oral antifungal agents tablets (Fluconazole for thrush, Irunine, ketoconazole), their dosage and rate determined by the physician depending on the severity disease.

2) Normalization of the bowel:

  • intestinal dysbiosis - a factor that provokes intense development of thrush. Pathology of the digestive system occurs as a side effect after taking antibiotics, violations of diet, stress or the effects of poisoning. Constipation, flatulence, dyspepsia, diarrhea, combined with urinary infections - an occasion for laboratory stool studies to manifestations of dysbiosis. If the assumption is confirmed, gastroenterologist offer a policy receiving pro- and prebiotics (Hilak Forte, Lactulose, immuno RioFlora, Atsipol et al.).

3) Feeding and herbal medicine:

  • One of the important factors causing thrush, is a human food. If a significant part of the daily diet consists of fast carbohydrates such as - sweets, cakes, bakery products, confectionery, candy, chocolate - this is the main, the best breeding ground for fungi. Fight with thrush will be greatly simplified if these products will be eliminated or reduced, and the vegetables - carrots, cabbage, beets, dairy products, will prevail. You should also limit the pickled, smoked, pickled foods, alcoholic beverages. The most effective plant herbs against yeasts are carnation, calendula, chamomile, barberry. Decoctions, infusions, prepared with the collection of these herbs or individually, is treated with external genitalia, do the bath or herbal wraps. Especially useful chamomile, it can also be taken orally in the form of herbal tea, it has anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

4) Personal Care:

  • Another important factor speedy cure - following hygiene rules and respect for the intimate hygiene. It is important to wear cotton underwear, wipe dry after washing the genitals, not to create favorable conditions for the breeding of fungus. It is best to replace the underwear new or boil it in the wash. It is advisable during treatment refrain from sex, instead of a bath to take a shower, use for washing genitals doctor recommended hygiene products, rather than cosmetic products.

5) In addition to all of the above excellent support to the immune system are herbal extracts of chamomile, sage, plantain, calendula, eucalyptus, which can be from time to time guzzle courses.

In the absence of a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits in the stores lack of vitamins and minerals to compensate pharmacy multivitamin complexes.

Human Nutrition and diet during treatment

For faster and more successful treatment of thrush following products should be excluded from the daily diet:

  • Blue cheese".
  • Chocolate, ice cream and all sweet products.
  • Alcoholic drinks, kvass, sweet drinks with gas, coffee and tea promotes the growth of Candida.
  • Smoked, fried, fatty and pickled dishes, sweet fruits, canned food, semi-processed and fast foods containing "hidden" sugars.
  • Mayonnaise, ketchup, vinegar, soy sauce, which increase the acidity of the body and contributing to disease progression.

The diet of the patient's diet during and after the treatment of thrush should be sure to include:

  • Various spice (cinnamon, bay leaves, garlic cloves).
  • Lemons and cranberries having antifungal activity.
  • Beets, cucumbers, carrots, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, parsley, dill - the most unpleasant for the fungus vegetables.
  • Natural yogurt, boiled liver, eggs, seafood, olive oil and flaxseed oil, wholemeal bread, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds.
  • Chamomile, plantain, alfalfa, leaves striped, clover, black currant and mountain ash - brewed and consumed as teas.
  • Carrot juice and seaweed, creating an unfavorable environment for the reproduction of fungi.
  • Vegetables (fresh and steamed), legumes and grains, fish and poultry, fruits (not too sweet - green apples, plums and so on.).

Adhere to these principles of nutrition should be like a yeast infection during treatment, and for at least 2-3 weeks after the event.

What happens if not treated?

Distinguish between close and long-term consequences of candidiasis in men. For relatives who are already manifested during the acute course of the disease include:

  • susceptibility to sexually transmitted diseases due to mucosal lesions (erosion, cracks) genital organs through which easily penetrates the infection;
  • erosion on mucous genitals, accompanied by pain and causing problems in intimate life.

For long-term effects of thrush include:

  • prostatitis - an inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • cystitis - inflammation of the bladder;
  • nephritis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis - kidney tissue inflammation;
  • ovarian disease, ducts, problems with reproduction (infertility in both men and women);
  • urethral syndrome (urethritis) - pathological inflammatory process, in the urethra.

How to prevent the disease?

Prevention of yeast infection in men is as follows:

  1. Wear underwear made of natural fabrics.
  2. Expose the body to regular physical activity.
  3. Get rid of bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse).
  4. Take care of personal hygiene. Regularly wash your penis, and then wipe it dry. It is not recommended to use soap or gel with fruity or floral aromas.
  5. Keep track of food intake. Avoid spicy food, baking, sweets. Eat more dairy products, cereals, fresh vegetables, fruits and berries.
  6. Strengthens the immune system. Spend hardening procedures, take vitamin complexes.
  7. If your partner is sick thrush, it is desirable to completely eliminate sex with her or in the process of intimacy necessary to use a condom.

And another important aspect, which involves carrying out the prevention of yeast infection in men, is a timely reference to the doctor when the first symptoms of candidiasis.

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