
Low pain sensitivity threshold is what it means in psychology

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  1. What is low sensitivity threshold and how does it manifest?
  2. What does the pain threshold depend on?
  3. Floor
  4. Age
  5. Heredity
  6. Stress
  7. Social isolation
  8. Past experience
  9. Expectations
  10. How is a person's pain measured?
  11. Factors affecting sensitivity, reasons for lowering the pain threshold
  12. Types of pain threshold reduction
  13. How to determine the level of pain threshold when diagnostics are assigned
  14. Algesimetry
  15. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
  16. Check-up (comprehensive examination of the body)
  17. Computerized electroencephalography
  18. Duplex scanning
  19. Ultrasound (ultrasound)
  20. How to increase the pain threshold?
  21. Manual therapy
  22. Physiotherapy
  23. Massotherapy
  24. Reflexology
  25. Ozone therapy
  26. Plasma therapy
  27. Pharmacopuncture
  28. Psychological advice
  29. Scream or swear
  30. Do aerobic sports
  31. To do yoga
  32. Connect imagination
  33. Consequences of a low pain threshold, possible complications
  34. Pain threshold video

Low threshold of sensitivity is a physiological feature of the human body, which concerns the functionality of its central and peripheral nervous system. In fact, this is the degree of saturation of pain sensations that arise at the time of interaction of the skin, muscle tissues with unpleasant environmental factors.

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What is low sensitivity threshold and how does it manifest?

A low indicator of the threshold of sensitivity is the intolerance of the body to any pain sensations. In people with similar features in the work of the central nervous system and peripheral nerve endings, a sharply negative reaction of the body is observed even to minor stimuli of the outside world.Low pain sensitivity threshold. What does this mean in psychologyLow pain sensitivity threshold. What does this mean in psychology

For example, in a person with a low sensitivity threshold, an injection made with the thinnest needle causes very severe pain that persists for a long period of time. More severe injuries associated with vascular damage, fracture of the upper or lower extremities, can provoke loss of consciousness and a state of deep shock.

What does the pain threshold depend on?

A low threshold of sensitivity is a congenital or acquired feature of the functional activity of the central nervous system. A large number of external and internal factors affect the decrease or increase in the level of pain perception.


It is believed that women have a much higher pain sensitivity threshold than most men. The presence of this physiological difference is due to the fact that initially the female body is subjected to great physical exertion associated with the implementation of the reproductive function.

During the birth of the child, as well as during the postpartum recovery period, the woman experiences severe pain. In the process of evolution, receptors of the female nervous system have adapted to such loads, which has made it possible to significantly increase the threshold of their sensitivity.


A low threshold of sensitivity is the result of a very intense reaction of the body to external stimuli. The level of pain perception by people of different age groups is the object of research by scientists who study the functions of the central and peripheral nervous system.Low pain sensitivity threshold. What does this mean in psychology

There is a direct pattern that as the human body ages, there is a gradual increase in the pain sensitivity threshold. This is due to natural changes in the functioning of the nervous system. According to scientific statistics, in people over 65 years old, cases of myocardial infarction or the opening of ulcerative bleeding are quite common, which occur without the manifestation of acute pain.


The pain perception threshold is a property of the nervous system that is passed on to descendants along with genetic information. There is a high likelihood that people with low levels of pain sensitivity will have children with similar perception of external stimuli in the body.


The psychoemotional component has a tremendous impact on the threshold of pain sensitivity in a particular person. People who are constantly in a state of stress, show asthenic emotions, irritability, perceive pain much more intensely. In conditions with a favorable psychoemotional environment, the functions of the nervous system stabilize, which becomes less susceptible to external stimuli.

Social isolation

A low threshold of sensitivity is a response of peripheral nerves to skin contact with sharp objects, a source of heat or cold. Social isolation is one of the negative factors that suppress a person's personal qualities, make him more withdrawn, prone to depression and asthenia. Such psychoemotional states lead to a decrease in the threshold of sensitivity.

Past experience

It is believed that 50% of people with a low threshold for pain perception have an unpleasant life experience, or have received psychological trauma.Low pain sensitivity threshold. What does this mean in psychologyFor example, an increased sensitivity of the nervous system can be a protective reaction to injections, therapeutic manipulations by a surgeon or other specialist. Previous physical or sexual abuse, road traffic accidents with bodily injuries, severe injuries affect the further acuteness of pain perception.


A person who is in constant expectation of unpleasant sensations, experiencing a feeling of fear of impending pain, acquires a lower threshold of sensitivity. A positive attitude, a rise in morale, the presence of psychological motivation can significantly increase the level of protection of the central nervous system from the influence of external stimuli.

How is a person's pain measured?

A low threshold of sensitivity is an indicator of the functional activity of receptors in the peripheral nervous system. The severity of pain is recorded using a special mechanical device called an "algesimeter". The unit of measurement for the physical sensitivity threshold is "dolor". Translated from Latin, this word means "pain".

Factors affecting sensitivity, reasons for lowering the pain threshold

A person with a high threshold of sensitivity may experience a gradual decrease in this indicator.

Receptors of the nervous system begin to perceive pain sensations more sharply under the influence of the following external and internal factors:

  • living under constant stress;
  • an individual feature of the body, when initially a person has a too sensitive nervous system;
  • psychological trauma, the receipt of which was accompanied by sensations of severe and excruciating pain;
  • imbalance of female and male sex hormones;
  • the consequences of craniocerebral trauma and infectious diseases, as a result of which there was damage to the centers of the brain responsible for the perception of pain impulses;
  • inflammatory processes in peripheral nerves;
  • the presence of a weak and melancholic type of character;
  • obtaining a low threshold of sensitivity together with genetic information from one of the parents.

A sharp decrease in the level of pain perception can be a sign of a disease of the central nervous system or receptors of the peripheral nervous system. Therefore, it is very important to seek medical help from a neuropathologist in a timely manner.

Types of pain threshold reduction

The decrease in the sensitivity threshold occurs gradually. The table below details the main types of pain intensity in the human body.Low pain sensitivity threshold. What does this mean in psychologyLow pain sensitivity threshold. What does this mean in psychology

Sensitivity threshold types Characterization of the level of pain perception
Low threshold of sensitivity with a very low time interval of pain tolerance In people with this type of susceptibility of the nervous system, there is a pronounced sensitivity to pain. Even a simple injection or a shallow cut is accompanied by a storm of emotions and intense physical suffering.
Low threshold of sensitivity with a very long time interval of pain tolerance In this case, a person has an increased sensitivity to pain, but he is able to tune in psychologically, to gather strength to cope with unpleasant sensations.
High threshold of sensitivity with a very low time interval of pain tolerance In a person with similar reactions of the nervous system, the immunity of peripheral receptors to pain is constantly maintained. Injections, cuts, bruises do not cause severe discomfort.
High sensitivity threshold with a very long time interval of pain tolerance In people with this level of sensitivity to pain, there is no negative reaction of the nervous system to the effects of environmental factors. Acute pain syndrome caused by a strong blow, deep cut, laceration of soft tissues is felt less pronounced, and the feeling of discomfort in the area of ​​injury quickly subsides.

It is believed that too high a threshold of sensitivity, accompanied by a long time interval of pain tolerance, may be one of the signs of a serious neuropsychiatric illness. For example, schizophrenia, or manic-depressive syndrome.

How to determine the level of pain threshold when diagnostics are assigned

Diagnostics of the pain threshold level begins with the main research in the form of algesimetry. After that, the patient is assigned to undergo additional examination methods using the latest medical equipment.


Algesimetry is a modern method for determining the threshold of pain sensitivity. The principle of the examination is that the patient's skin is exposed to current pulses. Low pain sensitivity threshold. What does this mean in psychologyIn the process of diagnosis, the doctor gradually increases the strength of the electric discharge, observing the reaction of the person. Based on the results of the examination, an appropriate medical report is drawn up, which indicates the patient's pain sensitivity threshold.

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)

MRI diagnostics is performed if a person has a too high or low pain threshold. In this case, magnetic resonance imaging of only individual internal organs is performed, or the entire body is examined completely. In this situation, the doctor's task is to determine possible diseases that affect the sensitivity threshold.

Check-up (comprehensive examination of the body)

A comprehensive examination of the body is also necessary for people with an abnormally low or high pain perception threshold. The doctor establishes the nature of the origin of internal factors that disrupt the stable functioning of the nervous system.

Computerized electroencephalography

Computed electroencephalography is necessary if the sensitivity threshold is too low or high, due to pathological changes in the work of the centers of the brain.

The use of this diagnostic method makes it possible to timely detect:

  • tumor neoplasms;
  • foci of organic lesions of the central nervous system;
  • the initial stages of neuropsychiatric diseases.

Duplex scanning

Duplex scanning is the diagnosis of large blood vessels that feed the brain tissue. This type of study is prescribed for patients with suspected central nervous system dysfunction caused by pathologies of arteries and arterioles.

Ultrasound (ultrasound)

To determine the threshold of pain sensitivity, ultrasound is not the most informative diagnostic method. An ultrasound examination may be ordered if the doctor has a reasonable suspicion that a violation the functions of the patient's nervous system is associated with a disease of an internal organ or the presence of an extraneous neoplasms.

How to increase the pain threshold?

There are several effective ways to raise pain thresholds that are too low. Low pain sensitivity threshold. What does this mean in psychologyAt the same time, in order to achieve a positive result, it is necessary to observe the principle of an integrated approach, strengthening the nervous system and volitional qualities of character.

Manual therapy

The use of the method of manual therapy is advisable in cases where the low threshold of sensitivity applies only to a certain part of the body. For example, if acute pain is present in the lumbar, thoracic, cervical spine or in the joints of the limbs.

In this situation, the chiropractor diagnoses and treats these elements of the musculoskeletal system. The technique of restoring the symmetry of the skeleton is used, the tension of the muscle tissues is relieved. Manual therapy is based on therapeutic massage techniques and repositioning of dislocations.


To increase the sensitivity threshold that is too low, a large number of physiotherapy techniques are used. In this case, the most effective way would be to use an electric current. The principle of treatment using this method is that a person visits the physiotherapy room 2-3 times a week, where electrodes are connected to his body.

The doctor turns on medical equipment that generates weak electric shocks. As the pain threshold rises, the strength of the tension increases. A positive therapeutic result is the adaptation of the patient's nervous system to the effects of external stimuli.


Therapeutic massage is an auxiliary method of increasing the pain threshold. The implementation of this method of therapy is that the specialist, using massage techniques, alternately works through all areas of the body, where the largest number of nerve endings of the peripheral system is concentrated.

All parts of the spine, forearm, hand and phalanges of the upper extremities, ankle and plantar part of the legs are subject to therapeutic massage.


Reflexology is a direction of oriental medicine, which provides for a physical effect on biologically active points of the human body. The acupuncture system is used as an external stimulus. The reflexologist alternately fixes the needles in the patient's body, facilitating adaptation and increasing the sensitivity threshold of the nervous system.

In the early stages of treatment, external anesthetics may be used to relieve acute pain. As the threshold for sensitivity increases, pain relievers are not used. The number of sessions that a particular patient needs to undergo depends on the dynamics of adaptation of the peripheral nervous system.

Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy is a medical method of healing the whole organism, which is based on its saturation with an additional amount of oxygen.

In this case, an infusion solution enriched with ozone can be used to stabilize the functions of the patient's nervous system. A person who has a too low pain threshold is given an intravenous drip with a drug that has undergone triatomic oxygen ozonation. Ozone therapy can be used as an adjunct to the overall course of treatment.

Plasma therapy

Plasma therapy is a modern method of treatment, which is based on the subcutaneous injection of the patient's own plasma, enriched with additional platelets. The advantage of using this method is the ability to strengthen the functions of the peripheral nervous system, reduce pain sensitivity of tissues, relieve muscle spasm.

After 1 course of plasma therapy, the positive result of treatment lasts for 6-8 months. The average duration of 1 session is from 20 to 30 minutes, and the total number of procedures required to increase the pain threshold is determined by a specialist.


By the principle of its conduct, pharmacopuncture resembles the technique of acupuncture. In this case, injectable drugs are injected into the biologically active points of the patient, which improve tissue trophism and normalize the functioning of the receptors of the peripheral nervous system.

The type of medicinal product indicated for use in a particular case is determined individually by the attending physician. This takes into account the general condition of the patient, his age, the possible presence or absence of concomitant diseases of the body.

Psychological advice

Psychologists and psychotherapists recommend overcoming your inner fears of pain, turning off consciousness and abstracting from unpleasant sensations.Low pain sensitivity threshold. What does this mean in psychology

Scream or swear

A loud scream at the moment of physical pain really helps to relieve suffering and cope with psychological stress.

Do aerobic sports

To increase the threshold of sensitivity of peripheral receptors, it is recommended to engage in the following aerobic sports:

  • bicycle riding;
  • easy running;
  • swimming;
  • basketball;
  • skiing.

In this case, the main task is to saturate the blood with an additional amount of oxygen, as well as the development of all body systems.

To do yoga

Regular yoga practice allows you to normalize the functions of the nervous system, to achieve a stable psychoemotional state. To use this method of increasing the threshold of pain sensitivity, you must seek the help of an instructor. A yoga specialist will select the types of exercises that need to be worked out by a person with certain disorders of the nervous system.

Connect imagination

One of the best psychotherapeutic ways to increase the low threshold of sensitivity is abstraction. At the moment of the onset of unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to imagine that pain does not exist, and the person himself located in a pleasant environment, somewhere on the sunny coast of the Pacific Ocean, enjoying the sound of the surf and warm by the wind.

Consequences of a low pain threshold, possible complications

The presence of a low pain threshold can lead to the following undesirable consequences:

  • fear of visiting a medical institution;
  • isolation and social isolation caused by unwillingness to contact the outside world;
  • traumatic shock;
  • the development of a neuropsychiatric disease provoked by attacks of acute and prolonged pain.

Most people with a low threshold of sensitivity avoid all therapeutic manipulations that involve the presence of even minimal pain. In the future, this negatively affects the general state of their health.

A low threshold for pain sensitivity is the result of a more acute reaction of the nervous system in response to internal and external stimuli. People who are physically too susceptible to pain syndrome suffer after receiving shallow scratches, cuts, intramuscular and subcutaneous injections.

A low threshold of sensitivity can be inherited from one of the parents, or it is an acquired feature of the nervous system. Heightened perception of pain occurs in people who experience asthenic emotions, have previously suffered physical, sexual abuse or severe mental shock.

So that the pain syndrome is not perceived so sharply, it is necessary to strengthen the nervous system, avoid the manifestation of negative emotions, develop volitional qualities of character, and engage in physiotherapy.

Pain threshold video

What determines the pain threshold:

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