
Preparations for improving sperm (spermogram). Tablets, vitamins

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  1. How the quality of semen is determined
  2. Why sperm quality decreases
  3. Names of drugs to improve spermogram, recommendations for use
  4. Antioxidants
  5. Enzymes
  6. Means for improving metabolism
  7. Emoxipin
  8. Biologically active additives
  9. Vitamins
  10. How to enhance the effectiveness of drugs?
  11. Semen Improvement Videos

Many married couples who do not have any clinical symptoms of abnormalities face the problem of male infertility. To improve the quality of semen (sperm), as well as to increase the likelihood of conceiving naturally, men use special drugs. To select the most effective remedy, first carry out a diagnostic examination, allowing to determine the cause of dysfunction.

How the quality of semen is determined

Clinics conduct research to determine the quality of semen in men. To do this, study the sex cells in the laboratory, determine their shape, size in accordance with a certain scale.

Only semen obtained by masturbation, freshly collected in a sterile container, is suitable for research. It is allowed to take fluid at home, but experts strongly recommend doing this in the clinic. The research result may be distorted during transportation of biological material and non-compliance with some recommendations.

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If the patient carries out a fence at home, it is necessary to deliver the material to the laboratory within 60 minutes, and the temperature in the container should not exceed 370WITH. After receiving the material in the laboratory, the main indicators are determined.Preparations for improving sperm (spermogram). Pills

Evaluation criterion The result is normal
Total amount of liquid Normally, the amount of fluid ranges from 2-6 ml.
The number of germ cells per 1 ml of semen 1 ml accounts for at least 20 million. germ cells.
The number of cells of the correct shape In the study, each cell is studied and evaluated according to certain criteria. The correct sperm count should be at least 14%.
The number of active cells in relation to their total number Not all cells in semen are equally active, but the number of active cells should be at least 50% of their total volume.
Color and scent The liquid has a characteristic aroma, white color with a gray or yellowish tinge.
Viscosity and acidity The biological material is moderately viscous, its acidity is 7.2-8.0.
Liquefaction time Normally, the liquefaction of the material occurs within 60 minutes. An increase in this period is considered a deviation.

Erythrocytes, pathogenic cells are normally absent in the material. The number of leukocytes does not exceed 1 million. for 1 ml of liquid.Preparations for improving sperm (spermogram). Pills

After assessing the quality of the fluid and determining the deviations, you can clarify the cause of infertility. The result can be distorted due to various factors. Doctors recommend that men give up alcoholic beverages and avoid stressful conditions in 4 days for the study.

Sexual abstinence is recommended for 3-6 days before the study. If a man had an infectious or viral disease 1-2 weeks before the study, it is worth informing the doctor about it. The result may be distorted due to fever and some other factors.

With an increase in body temperature, you should not conduct a study, as in the acute period of any chronic disease. Compliance with the recommendations allows you to get the most accurate result, as well as prescribe the correct treatment.

Why sperm quality decreases

Sperm enhancers are used when there are signs of deterioration in sperm quality.

There are many factors that affect the composition of the semen and specifically the sex cells:

  • Frequent stressful conditions that lead to disruption of various processes in the body and disruption of the formation of germ cells.
  • Inadequate nutrition, in which there is not enough food in a man's diet with a high content of minerals and vitamins. Vitamin deficiency is considered a common cause of deterioration in semen quality.
  • Regular and heavy physical activity associated with professional activities. Physical overwork on an ongoing basis negatively affects the functioning of the reproductive system.
  • Patient contact with harmful substances, toxins. For example, a patient's professional activity may be associated with such contacts.
  • The use of any medication on an ongoing basis. For example, a patient may have chronic medical conditions. Abuse of certain medications, taking without a doctor's prescription also provokes negative symptoms from the reproductive system.
  • Bad habits. Experts have found that in male smokers and alcohol-consuming patients, the quality of germ cells is significantly lower.
  • Obesity also affects the functioning of the reproductive system.
  • Increased levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • Chronic vascular pathology.Preparations for improving sperm (spermogram). Pills
  • Acute and chronic diseases of the urinary system, prostate gland.
  • Groin injuries, surgical interventions on the testicles, muscles of the groin area.
  • Wearing uncomfortable underwear and clothing.
  • Sexually transmitted infections. Even after treatment in a man for a certain period, the quality of the germ cells may deteriorate.
  • Transfer of a severe viral or infectious disease.
  • The presence in the body of chronic foci of infection.
  • Disorders of the digestive tract, in which the absorption of components in the intestines and stomach is impaired.

These and some other factors can provoke a deterioration in the quality of seminal fluid and a decrease in the likelihood of conception.

Names of drugs to improve spermogram, recommendations for use

The drugs used to improve sperm may contain different active ingredients and belong to different groups. Some stimulate cell regeneration, others make up for the deficiency of important components, and affect biological processes. Depending on the reason for the deviation, the specialist selects a medication from any group


Medicines with antioxidant properties improve metabolic processes, stimulate cell regeneration and prevent cell destruction under the influence of various factors. Most drugs additionally have antihypoxic properties, that is, they prevent oxygen starvation of tissues.

The following medications are considered the most effective:

  • Acrimex possesses antioxidant and antihypoxic properties, which makes it possible to use it to improve the quality of semen in combination with other drugs. The drug in tablet form is taken orally in courses of 2-4 weeks, depending on the general condition. The initial daily dosage can be 3 tablets, it is divided into 3 doses during the day. If the patient has concomitant neurological diseases, the dose per day can be increased to 6 tablets.Preparations for improving sperm (spermogram). Pills
  • Mexidol in the form of tablets has an antioxidant effect, improves oxygen supply to tissues, stimulates metabolic processes. It is prescribed not only to improve the quality of germ cells, but also to treat pathologies of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels. The tablets can be taken for a long time if necessary. The average course duration is 3 weeks. The initial dosage for therapy is 3 tablets, if necessary, it can be increased to 6 tablets. It is imperative to divide the daily dose into 3 doses during the day with approximately equal time intervals.
  • Mexiprim - an effective antioxidant agent that can be used in tablet form or administered intramuscularly as a solution. In the first case, the patient takes 3 tablets per day, in the second, injections are made in a hospital or clinic, 2 ml once a day. Treatment with tablets can be carried out for 2-3 weeks, the solution is usually administered on 10 consecutive days. The parenteral dosage form is chosen when the patient's digestive organs are disrupted, which impairs the absorption of the components from the tablets.

Antioxidant medications are usually used in combination with other medications to increase the effectiveness of treatment.


A decrease in the quality of semen against the background of vitamin deficiency develops often. In this case, a deficiency can occur not only in the case of improper nutrition, but also as a result of a violation of the assimilation of substances from food against the background of enzyme deficiency. Preparations based on pancreatic enzymes help to normalize digestion and improve the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Pancreatin is considered the most affordable and effective medication for improving digestion. Contains pancreatic enzymes that normalize digestion by properly breaking down food ingredients. The tool is used in courses of 2 weeks with a daily intake of 1-2 tablets with meals. It is allowed to repeat the intake 2-3 times a day, depending on the work of the digestive tract.

Festal is also taken with meals 2-3 times a day. A single dosage is 1 tablet, but sometimes it can be increased to 2 pieces if the desired therapeutic effect is not achieved. The medicine is considered effective, not only stimulates digestion, but also facilitates the work of the pancreas, which positively affects the work of the entire digestive tract, promotes better absorption of ingredients from food into blood.

Sperm enhancing drugs can belong to a group of metabolites. This means that their use contributes to the normalization of many processes in the body. Experts draw attention to the fact that there are no funds that would have an effect on all metabolic processes. That is, it is necessary to use drugs from different groups. Some affect lipid metabolism, others affect liver function.

Most often, in case of metabolic disorders, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Essentiale - a drug based on phospholipids, which stimulates the liver, helps to restore damaged cells and has a positive effect on metabolic processes. The drug in the form of capsules is taken in courses of 2-3 weeks, a single dosage is 1-2 capsules. Take the remedy 3 times a day.Preparations for improving sperm (spermogram). Pills
  • Atorvastatin affects the metabolism of lipids in the body, prevents an increase in the level of harmful cholesterol in the body. With an increase in indicators, the quality of the semen deteriorates. Take 1 tablet a day. The duration of the course is 2-4 weeks. If the patient has atherosclerotic vascular changes, therapy may be prolonged.
  • Fish fat has a positive effect on metabolism, helps to improve the general condition and has a beneficial effect on the formation of germ cells. Capsules are consumed 3 pieces 3 times a day with meals. The duration of the course does not usually exceed 20 days.

Drugs with similar properties should be prescribed by a specialist, since many of them have a pronounced effect on the body and can provoke complications from the internal organs.


A remedy from the group of antioxidants, which can be prescribed as part of a complex treatment of male infertility. The drug helps to improve the condition of cells, prevents their destruction and decreased mobility.

The medicine is available in the form of a solution for intramuscular administration, which is prescribed in courses of 10-14 days. The medicine is administered in 1 ml daily at about the same time. The drug further reduces capillary permeability, improves blood circulation, stimulates tissue saturation with oxygen and nutrients. Usually the drug is prescribed in combination with other agents to provide a complex effect on the tissues.

Biologically active additives

Sperm enhancing drugs from the group of dietary supplements are prescribed to increase the effectiveness of other drugs. They contain ingredients of natural origin, vitamins and mineral components that have a positive effect on the formation of germ cells.

Most often, special means for men are used:

  • Speroton - a dietary supplement that contains zinc, folic acid and some other components that ensure the correct functioning of the reproductive system and the whole body of a man. The drug saturates the body with valuable components, has a positive effect on the process of cell regeneration, stimulates an increase in the activity of germ cells. The drug is available in the form of a powder, packaged in disposable sachets. The product is taken after preliminary dissolution in 200 ml of water. The daily rate does not exceed 1 sachet, the duration of use is 1 month.
    Preparations for improving sperm (spermogram). Pills
    Speroton - a drug for improving sperm
  • Speman influences not only the quality of the seminal fluid, but also the potency, the state of the prostate gland. The additive helps to normalize the process of cell formation, stimulates microcirculation in the prostate gland and nearby organs. Take 2 tablets 3 times a day. The minimum course duration is 4 months, but if necessary, the drug can be taken up to 6 months.

Dietary supplements are used for a long period, they are often used in combination with other medicines to increase the effectiveness of treatment.


Semen enhancer drugs are not always necessary for patients. Sometimes it is enough to prescribe vitamin complexes to improve the condition. Experts recommend using complexes designed specifically for men, which will allow you to achieve a more pronounced result.

The most effective remedies:

  • Alphabet for men it is produced in tablet form and is recommended for use in order to compensate for the deficiency of important components. The complex contains all the most important vitamins and minerals, prevents the development of vitamin deficiency. With a decrease in the quality of semen, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive system. Take 1 pill for 1-2 months, depending on the initial condition of the patient.Preparations for improving sperm (spermogram). Pills
  • Effex in the form of capsules, it is also intended specifically for men in order to compensate for the deficiency of important components and prevent the development of vitamin deficiency. The drug has a complex effect, has a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive system, stimulates the formation of germ cells. Take capsules 1 piece per day with meals, the duration of the course is usually 1 month.

The most effective vitamin complex is selected depending on the organism of a particular patient.

How to enhance the effectiveness of drugs?

In some cases, the patient is prescribed special means or only vitamin complexes, biologically active additives.

Some recommendations allow you to enhance the effectiveness of pharmaceuticals:

  • It is necessary to diversify the diet and include more fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts in it. Experts recommend using greens and dairy products.
  • It is recommended to limit the amount of confectionery in the diet, exclude the intake of carbonated drinks and semi-finished products.
  • It is worth giving up alcohol and smoking, taking any medications without a doctor's prescription.
  • Doctors pay special attention to patients on the need to avoid stressful situations that adversely affect the work of all systems in the body.
  • For a while, it is worth reducing physical activity and the likelihood of overwork. If this is not possible, it is recommended to devote enough time to rest, to normalize sleep.
  • If a man is overweight, it is recommended to contact a nutritionist who, according to individual indications, will develop a nutrition plan that will normalize metabolic processes. You should not adhere to any diet on your own or refuse food for several days. Such changes can only exacerbate existing problems.

Sometimes the lack of normal physical activity also negatively affects the functioning of the reproductive system. In this case, it is recommended to adjust the daily routine, perform simple exercises, or engage in a gym with a professional trainer who will select the load, taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Compliance with these rules will significantly improve the quality of semen and reduce the likelihood of developing infertility.

Drugs used to improve the quality of semen (sperm) can be used in case of a decrease in the activity of germ cells and the development of infertility against the background of this deviation. To select the optimal therapy regimen, agents with different compositions and properties are chosen, but only on an individual basis. Self-medication in this case does not work, but it can aggravate the problem.

Semen Improvement Videos

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