Reference Book Of Diseases

Exercise for prostate adenoma

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What kind of swelling of this?

Adenoma - a benign tumor, which is expanding, compresses the urinary canal. This brings unbearable suffering men. Pain occur both during urination, and the period of calm, and when walking. Doctors examined BPH versatile and argue that the development of the disease depends on the patient's lifestyle, physical activity, dietary patterns. It has been found that useful exercises in this case, but not exercise any future use. There are exercises that can do much harm. Independently develop for themselves a set of exercises pointless. If the course is made wrong, it often leads to irreversible processes in the prostate.

Designed to improve the condition of the patient therapy. Treat prostate adenoma a must. Running condition of the prostate gland is fraught with complications that can lead a man on the operating table. In addition to the drugs there are a lot of diets to maintain a healthy prostate condition. It is important to remember and physiotherapists. It can help to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, establishing circulation, restoring function of the gland and the body as a whole.

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Modern scholars tend to believe that prostate adenoma - a consequence of natural processes occurring in the body of a man, resulting from aging. The disease is caused by a dysfunction of the hormonal system, which leads to the growth of the tumor. Foreign tissue creates a burden on the prostate, bringing unbearable pain and problems with urination.

There is also an opinion, and that the adenoma arises from a genetic predisposition to the disease. Only in some representatives of the strong half of BPH appears to 50 years, and others, and all is good in 70 years. Some doctors say that it is a mobile way of life, sports and regular exercise, even just a walk in the fresh air, help support men's health. If the time to begin to engage, preferably under the supervision of a physician, you can prevent the development of disease in men prone to prostate adenoma.

Treatment of this disease often comes to the appointment of drugs. How to help a companion - folk remedies based on herbal, roots and berries. In severe cases, surgical intervention. In this case, the adenoma is removed and conducted post-operative therapy. During rehabilitation, doctors often recommend moderate exercise and a number of specialized exercises, which are used only after complete healing of the tissues.

Where should I start?

BPH disease difficult. It should give serious consideration to the choice of treatment and rehabilitation. Exercise for prostate adenoma should choose under supervision. You should begin with small loads, which will not only help you avoid all sorts of injuries, but also will not bring harm to the prostate.

recommended use:

  • Walking.
  • Swimming.
  • Easy run.

Later, you can start a complex of physical therapy which is indicated for prostate adenoma. In no case can not use the exercises, the basis of which the sharp movements: jumping, somersaults. You can not deal with those kinds of sports that involve compression of the pelvic organs (canoeing in the sitting position, hockey, weightlifting). If there was surgery, and adenoma removed, exercise shown only under medical supervision and is not earlier than 2-3 months after the removal of sutures. After the surgery, the prostate is located in a very a vulnerable condition, but exercise can establish blood flow, eliminating the accumulation of blood in the prostate. You can not lead a sedentary lifestyle, both during treatment and after the removal of adenomas.

What will help?

The exercises should be done daily so that the exercises become a habit. It is better to carry out a complex of physical activity in the morning.

Effective exercise with prostate adenoma are:

  • Bicycle rides.
  • Exercise simulating cycling.
  • Push ups. Start standing with the push of a wall or sofa. This is a lightweight type of exercise, but you can go with the time on regular pushups.

Adenoma involves physiotherapy and static exercises. You need to sit down on the mat. Be sure to close his legs and draw the belly well. Sit still as long as the abdominal muscles and legs begin to shake. Exercise strengthens the muscles of the thighs, abdomen. This load refers to the number of more complex than just swimming or walking, so before starting an exercise plan static is better to consult with your doctor.

Very well strengthen the muscles not only push-ups, but also to raise the legs, lying on his back. I need to lie down more convenient, preferably on a soft flat surface and lift the outstretched legs, lifting them off the floor and driving smoothly and slowly. After the above delay limb and gently lowered onto the floor. No sudden movements. To begin with recommended to do and scissors, alternately lifting his feet, and then to combine the above exercises, lying on the floor. They can repeat up to 3 times a day.

A set of exercises for prostate adenoma includes walking on the buttocks. You must sit on the floor, it is advisable to lay carpet on it, and stretch my legs. You can start to move while sitting. Hands to help in the process can not be. You should start with a few movements, but with the passage of time and as natrenirovannosti allowed to do a large amount of up to 10 minutes a day of continuous walk on the buttocks. Perform the exercises at an adenoma is necessary only in the period of remission. If started worsening, any load should be stopped immediately and see a doctor.

What exercises are shown after the operation?

Immediately after surgery and within a couple of months, no physical exertion is not necessary, but when the doctor allowed to train, you should start with light loads. But in this case should be judged only on the condition of the patient, not using standard techniques that are typical of a post-operative period. You should begin with a swim and a half-hour walks in the park. The load increases only gradually.

If the age of the patient allows, you can increase your workouts cycling and jogging. This will give the vivacity and help disperse the blood in the prostate. After the operation, one can only hope to improve the state, so no pessimism. But most importantly, do not overdo it with exercise and stress. Perform necessary training in the morning, with the first 10 minutes, and then you can do and for half an hour.

yoga and other techniques

Treatment of adenoma exercise involves yoga and gymnastics. The most effective exercise - smooth squat on the breath, tilting the head and lifting when you exhale. Another manipulation - lifting legs lying on the mat, which should be kept for a few minutes in the straightened position until muscles do not get tired. According to the advice of a doctor to do the exercises can be not only in the morning on an empty stomach, but also during the day to 3 sets. It is not necessary to do the exercises at night.

Kegel exercises. It is an American gynecologist, but his method recognized by urologists and specialists in male disease, widely applying in practice. When prostate cancer Kegel exercises helps to control urination process and makes it painless. It is known that in the later stages of BPH, men have trouble going to the toilet in a little.

Gymnastics involves several steps:

  • Tension pelvic floor muscles and hold them in this state for 5-7 seconds. After that relax muscles. This exercise must be repeated up to 10 times.
  • Next pelvic muscles just quickly contracting and relaxing.
  • The third phase involves muscle strain during urination.

Classes begin with small loads. As with any physical activity at an adenoma, Kegel technique involves the gradual build-up of stress. C 5 exercise a day to smoothly reach 50-70, and increasing the number of sets from 2-3 to 5.

So, prostate adenoma - a serious disease, which in severe cases require surgery. At any stage of the disease, and even after the operation shown exercise and perform a set of exercises. This will help in the treatment, becoming the accompanying help. Eliminate completely adenoma not get through regular training. The exercises are designed to strengthen the pelvic muscles, to establish a process of circulation.

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