Skin Diseases

Atopic dermatitis in adults. Treatment on the feet, hands, face, scalp, elbows, eyes folk remedies, ointments, antihistamines at home. Looks like, picture, diagnosis, blood tests
Skin Diseases

Atopic dermatitis in adults. Treatment on the feet, hands, face, scalp, elbows, eyes folk remedies, ointments, antihistamines at home. Looks like, picture, diagnosis, blood tests

According to WHO statistics, 35% of the world population suffers from allergic diseases. In recent years, noted that the overall incidence of adult...

Chromophytosis in humans. Symptoms, treatment, photo on the head, face, body. Causes, effective drugs, ointments, tablets
Skin Diseases

Chromophytosis in humans. Symptoms, treatment, photo on the head, face, body. Causes, effective drugs, ointments, tablets

On a human skin is home to thousands of microorganisms. Under normal conditions, their population is controlled, but the excessive reproduction of ...

Acne on the temples in women. Causes: Psychosomatics, as a sign of pregnancy, which body is not in order. Treatment is to get rid of, remove folk remedies at home
Skin Diseases

Acne on the temples in women. Causes: Psychosomatics, as a sign of pregnancy, which body is not in order. Treatment is to get rid of, remove folk remedies at home

The most common among the female half of humanity spots at the temples, in most cases they are ignored in vain. To determine the causes of their oc...

Ringworm. Symptoms and treatment of what it is, photos, signs, pathogens, disease diagnosis, ointment for skin
Skin Diseases

Ringworm. Symptoms and treatment of what it is, photos, signs, pathogens, disease diagnosis, ointment for skin

Skin lesions are often diagnosed by pathogenic fungi. The disease does not choose the type of gender, age features. An extensive group of fungi has...

Bedsores. Home Treatment by stage, treatment of folk remedies, medicines, drugs. An open wound on the buttocks, coccyx, heel. The treat in bedridden patients
Skin Diseases

Bedsores. Home Treatment by stage, treatment of folk remedies, medicines, drugs. An open wound on the buttocks, coccyx, heel. The treat in bedridden patients

Bedsores, occurring in patients with prolonged immobility may be a consequence of anemia, skin dryness, comorbidities and lack of patient care. In ...

Treatment of burn wounds, blisters, solar, thermal, oral mucosa, eyes, chemical, boiling water. First aid scheme, medications, procedures, folk remedies, skin care
Skin Diseases

Treatment of burn wounds, blisters, solar, thermal, oral mucosa, eyes, chemical, boiling water. First aid scheme, medications, procedures, folk remedies, skin care

burn wounds - thermal or chemical lesion organism varying degrees accompanied by characteristic symptomatology. Treatment is prescribed depending o...

Pink deprive a person: treatment, symptoms, photos
Skin DiseasesReference Book Of Diseases

Pink deprive a person: treatment, symptoms, photos

pink zoster - is an allergic disease of the skin caused by infection, is characterized by a variety of rashes on the body in multiple spots. Anothe...

Boil: treatment, symptoms, causes, prognosis, prevention
Skin DiseasesReference Book Of Diseases

Boil: treatment, symptoms, causes, prognosis, prevention

Furuncle (Lat. Furunculus the word furiare - «infuriating") - a disease caused by pyogenic bacteria, often - Staphylococcus aureus, affects the hai...

Keloids (keloid scar)
Skin DiseasesReference Book Of Diseases

Keloids (keloid scar)

Keloid (Keloid scar) - a tumor-like growth of coarse fibrous connective tissue of the skin. It appears in place of the burn, trauma, surgery, bite,...

Treatment of trophic ulcers: on foot, photos
Skin DiseasesReference Book Of Diseases

Treatment of trophic ulcers: on foot, photos

OverviewDisease trophic ulcer known to man since ancient times, and today has not lost its relevance. As a result of disturbances in the blood circ...

Whitlow finger on a hand treatment
Skin DiseasesReference Book Of Diseases

Whitlow finger on a hand treatment

Felon - is an inflammatory process, accompanied by the formation of pus flowing in the bones and soft tissues of the finger. The disease has severa...

Streptoderma children. Treatment, photos, medications, ointments, folk remedies, how many takes on the face, eyes age, the body
Skin Diseases

Streptoderma children. Treatment, photos, medications, ointments, folk remedies, how many takes on the face, eyes age, the body

Represents streptoderma fairly common dermatologic disease, diagnosed in children and adults. State is characterized by the development of skin inf...