Skin Diseases

Itching in the elderly. Causes and treatment of folk remedies, ointments, vitamins
Skin Diseases

Itching in the elderly. Causes and treatment of folk remedies, ointments, vitamins

Older people in 60% of cases occur itchy skin, most often on the background of hormonal imbalance, stress, banal hypothermia or overheating. There ...

Angioma on the body. The causes of women, photo, treatment and removal laser
Skin Diseases

Angioma on the body. The causes of women, photo, treatment and removal laser

Angioma on the body may appear in an adult or a child, they are often invisible and do not cause discomfort. Their causes in women different, somet...

Molluscum contagiosum. Photos of women, causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention
Skin Diseases

Molluscum contagiosum. Photos of women, causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Molluscum contagiosum - a viral disease that develops at any age. It creates a feeling of discomfort in women, inner experience. Photos, which show...

Exudative erythema multiforme. Photo, treatment, what it is for children, adults, the diet is transmitted, causes, clinical guidelines
Skin Diseases

Exudative erythema multiforme. Photo, treatment, what it is for children, adults, the diet is transmitted, causes, clinical guidelines

The disease is more common in young people. The pathology is accompanied rashes that infect the mucosa and skin. Without timely treatment erythema ...

Remedy for seborrhea skin head in a drugstore, folk recipes for children and adults. Prices, reviews
Skin Diseases

Remedy for seborrhea skin head in a drugstore, folk recipes for children and adults. Prices, reviews

Any skin diseases indicate the underlying pathological processes that occur in the human body. Symptoms of seborrhea on the scalp are not an except...

Dermatosis. Photos, symptoms and treatment for adults, children, pregnancy, on the hands, feet, face, torso. Ointments, creams or folk remedies
Skin Diseases

Dermatosis. Photos, symptoms and treatment for adults, children, pregnancy, on the hands, feet, face, torso. Ointments, creams or folk remedies

External and internal adverse factors provoke various skin diseases, including dermatoses. The disease is accompanied by a set of clinical symptoms...

How does a chicken pox in adults. The first symptoms, photos of rash, extent, temperature number of days
Skin Diseases

How does a chicken pox in adults. The first symptoms, photos of rash, extent, temperature number of days

Chicken pox - an infectious disease caused by the herpes virus Varicella zoster. Despite the fact that chicken pox is usually considered a childhoo...

How to cure a boil at home quickly to the pope, leg, face, eyes, groin, under his arm. Folk remedies, pills, ointments
Skin Diseases

How to cure a boil at home quickly to the pope, leg, face, eyes, groin, under his arm. Folk remedies, pills, ointments

painful boil - a common problem among people of different sex and age. Education causes severe pain and can lead to blood poisoning. That is why pa...

Dry eczema on the hands. Treatment, photo, ointments, folk remedies, causes, disease stage
Skin Diseases

Dry eczema on the hands. Treatment, photo, ointments, folk remedies, causes, disease stage

Skin diseases are various etiologies, ranging from allergies and finishing with serious problems in internal organs function. Dry eczema - a skin d...

Shipitsa on foot. How to get rid of, photo, treatment in children, adults at home, laser removal, liquid nitrogen
Skin Diseases

Shipitsa on foot. How to get rid of, photo, treatment in children, adults at home, laser removal, liquid nitrogen

Shipitsa on foot - a benign tumor, which can get rid of with the help of cryodestruction, laser photocoagulation, or else by its excision surgical ...

Autoimmune disease of the skin. What is it a person, a photo of the face, head, causes, symptoms, treatment
Skin Diseases

Autoimmune disease of the skin. What is it a person, a photo of the face, head, causes, symptoms, treatment

An autoimmune disease that develops on the skin, is the result of aggressive action of immune system cells into cells without impaired morphology. ...

The solar dermatitis. How to treat adults and children. Medicines and traditional recipes
Skin Diseases

The solar dermatitis. How to treat adults and children. Medicines and traditional recipes

In recent years, many are faced with the unpleasant phenomenon - are allergic to ultraviolet light. This is especially true in the late spring, ear...