Symptoms And Syndromes

Hyperpathy as a diagnostic criterion in neurological practice
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

Hyperpathy as a diagnostic criterion in neurological practice

Hyperpathy - a violation of sensitivity, in which the perception threshold does not correspond to the level of the stimulus. This condition is c...

Akinesia, hypokinesia and other disorders of motor activity
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

Akinesia, hypokinesia and other disorders of motor activity

When the movement is beyond the will. In neurological practice, under the notion of decreased motor activity( akinesia - hypokinesia ...

What is echopraxia and what are its causes?
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

What is echopraxia and what are its causes?

The symptom of echopraxia, which specialists also call echinasia, is associated with a strong overexcitation in the brain regions. A person ...

Coprolalia is a serious illness or a lack of education?
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

Coprolalia is a serious illness or a lack of education?

Coprolalia is an impulsive, and sometimes irresistible, desire to use obscene language in public places or being alone. The disorder is a kind o...

Dysphagia - a violation of swallowing, caused by neurogenic and physiological nature
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

Dysphagia - a violation of swallowing, caused by neurogenic and physiological nature

On a problem such as dysphagia( difficulty swallowing), speak in the case when the problem is swallowing not only solid food, but also liquid. ...

Heaviness, fog and cotton wool in the head - find out the reasons, take measures
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

Heaviness, fog and cotton wool in the head - find out the reasons, take measures

Not all diseases manifest themselves as a whole complex of symptoms. Many of them make themselves felt by violations, the nature of which confus...

Moro reflex - features of checking the fright reaction in newborns
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

Moro reflex - features of checking the fright reaction in newborns

Those who have not yet become parents can mistakenly perceive a newborn as a creature that is enough to feed, bathe and, lulling, put to sleep. ...

Hemiataxia - which causes unilateral disruption of coordination of movements
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

Hemiataxia - which causes unilateral disruption of coordination of movements

In our time, millions of people suffer from diseases that, by right, are called diseases of the 21st century. Among them, diabetes, AIDS and sim...

The head is numb for a reason - the causes of numbness, symptoms and treatment
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

The head is numb for a reason - the causes of numbness, symptoms and treatment

Short-term numbness of one or another part of the body is a familiar situation for many, and usually there is nothing terrible about it, but if ...

Symptom Lesage - a way to detect meningitis in infants
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

Symptom Lesage - a way to detect meningitis in infants

Meningitis is a complex infectious disease that causes damage to the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. This pathology ranks tenth among al...

Hemigipesthesia - which provokes a one-sided loss of sensitivity
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

Hemigipesthesia - which provokes a one-sided loss of sensitivity

Hemigipesthesia is considered one of the most common symptoms in neurology. It is observed in almost every patient who has suffered a stroke. ...

Parino syndrome - why there is paralysis of the vertical eye?
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

Parino syndrome - why there is paralysis of the vertical eye?

Parino syndrome( vertical paralysis, spinal midbrain syndrome) - the lack of the ability to look in the other direction, namely up or down. ...