
Green tea protects male potency and not only

Green tea protects male potency and not only

Contents Composition and useful properties of green tea Green medicine for men Contraindications Hearing the phrase "g...

What kind of bread can you eat with pancreatitis?

What kind of bread can you eat with pancreatitis?

With pancreatic inflammation - pancreatitis, in addition to drug treatment, a special diet is prescribed, excluding a lot of the usual foods in th...

Omelet with pancreatitis

Omelet with pancreatitis

This dish, like an omelet, is a favorite food for both adults and children. Whipped egg mass with the addition of bits of bacon, vegetables and gr...

Is it possible to eat corn in pancreatitis?

Is it possible to eat corn in pancreatitis?

Corn is an ancient culture, known for its useful properties. It is especially important to distinguish the properties of products for patients wit...

What should I eat with pancreatitis?

What should I eat with pancreatitis?

For a disease like pancreatitis, there is a strong inflammation in the pancreas. This disease usually passes extremely hard. Usually, in addition ...

Soups with pancreatitis

Soups with pancreatitis

Compliance with a strict diet is an important condition for diagnosing a disease such as pancreatitis. Due to the fact that such a disease is asso...

Oat porridge with pancreatitis

Oat porridge with pancreatitis

Patients with pancreatitis must be prescribed a strict diet. You can not eat spicy, fried, fatty and so on. In some cases, fasting is recommended ...

Is it possible to eat cottage cheese with pancreatitis

Is it possible to eat cottage cheese with pancreatitis

People suffering from pancreatitis should take care of the correctness of their diet. Compliance with diet reduces the likelihood of exacerbation ...

Can I eat bananas for diabetics?

Can I eat bananas for diabetics?

Bananas cause a lot of controversy about what they are - fruits, berries or grass. Either way, the fruits contain: is one of the main neurot...

Melon in pancreatitis

Melon in pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is a disease associated with inflammation of the pancreas. Treatment at the same time requires compliance with certain dietary rules ...

Vinaigrette with pancreatitis

Vinaigrette with pancreatitis

Vinaigrette is one of the most popular salads in Russia, as well as in all countries of the former Soviet Union. Patients with pancreatitis are sh...

Chocolate in pancreatitis

Chocolate in pancreatitis

It's no secret that sweet tooth is most difficult to tolerate strict diets, including pancreatitis. If everything is clear with different cakes, s...