
Opisthorchiasis - symptoms and treatment in adults, signs + photos

Opisthorchiasis - symptoms and treatment in adults, signs + photos

In a population living in the basins of large rivers( the Urals, the Volga, the Irtysh and others), a particular type of helminthiosis, opisthorch...

Scabies in adults: symptoms, photos first signs, treatment

Scabies in adults: symptoms, photos first signs, treatment

Disease refers to the most common skin parasitic diseases and is easily transmitted from the patient to the healthy. The first signs of scabies...

Miasis in humans - an agent, types, treatment

Miasis in humans - an agent, types, treatment

Miases are parasitic diseases caused by dipterous insects, and there are several species. Distributed in tropical countries, they are also found i...

Toxoplasmosis, what is it?- Symptoms and treatment in humans

Toxoplasmosis, what is it?- Symptoms and treatment in humans

( Toxoplasmosis) What is it? Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease from the "kingdom" of infections, a class of zoonoses. It is caused by a toxoplas...

Echinococcosis, what is it? Symptoms and treatment, complications

Echinococcosis, what is it? Symptoms and treatment, complications

What is it? Echinococcosis is an infectious disease that occurs when the larvae of the ribbon echinococcus worm are parasitized in humans. The ...

Malaria: clinic, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Malaria: clinic, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

What is this disease? Malaria is a group of diseases caused by a simple parasite( malarial plasmodium) and transmitted through the blood( transmis...

Parasites in the human body - infection, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment |Med. Consultant - Health On-Line

Parasites in the human body - infection, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment |Med. Consultant - Health On-Line

The unconscious problem of mankind is the parasites living in it. Statistical studies show that the highest mortality rate among patients with ...

Giardiasis: symptoms and treatment in adults and children, photo

Giardiasis: symptoms and treatment in adults and children, photo

Giardiasis is a disease caused by the simplest flagellates( lamblias) that parasitize in the small intestine. The causative agent was first isolat...

Helminthiasis: symptoms and treatment in children and adults, prevention

Helminthiasis: symptoms and treatment in children and adults, prevention

A helminth is a whole group of parasitic worms that settle and multiply in the human body."Helminthos" in Greek means "worm".Symptoms, causes, met...

Pinworm: symptoms and treatment in adults and children, drugs

Pinworm: symptoms and treatment in adults and children, drugs

Many diseases in humans are provoked by various kinds of parasites penetrating the body. The most frequent are our "guests", worms( worms) of the ...