Ent Diseases

Kalina with cold and flu: cough treatment, cooking recipes with honey for adults and children, as well as other aspects
Ent Diseases

Kalina with cold and flu: cough treatment, cooking recipes with honey for adults and children, as well as other aspects

Sometimes, traditional medicine is not inferior to modern medicines in its efficiency, and it is used in the complex therapy all over the place. A...

Frontitis - symptoms and treatment in adults, prognosis
Ent Diseases

Frontitis - symptoms and treatment in adults, prognosis

What is it? Frontite is one of the varieties of inflammatory disease of the paranasal sinuses, i.e.sinusitis, and develops in one or more f...

Laryngitis in adults: symptoms and treatment, drugs + photos
Ent Diseases

Laryngitis in adults: symptoms and treatment, drugs + photos

What is it? Laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract in the larynx region. The disease can occur in acute and...

Paratonzillar abscess: treatment, photos, symptoms
Ent Diseases

Paratonzillar abscess: treatment, photos, symptoms

What is it? Paratonzillar abscess is the most severe stage of paratonzillitis, which is an inflammation of the cellulose surrounding the palatine ...

Sinusitis - symptoms and treatment in adults, antibiotics
Ent Diseases

Sinusitis - symptoms and treatment in adults, antibiotics

Everyone knows sinusitis, but more often doctors initially diagnose sinusitis in patients. It is necessary to distinguish between these two medica...

Has laid down an ear - what to do? - Help at home
Ent Diseases

Has laid down an ear - what to do? - Help at home

An eustachian tube approaches the ear inside the skull, which equalizes the pressure on the tympanic membrane. If the external force of influence ...

The ear hurts, what to do and how to treat?
Ent Diseases

The ear hurts, what to do and how to treat?

If you delve into the anatomical structure of the ear, you can find out that the ear is divided into three parts: the external ear canal( outer ea...

Otitis in adults: symptoms and treatment, antibiotics
Ent Diseases

Otitis in adults: symptoms and treatment, antibiotics

What is it? Otitis is an inflammation of various tissues that form the ear - depending on the localization of the inflammatory process, the forms ...

Otitis of the middle ear - symptoms and treatment, photo
Ent Diseases

Otitis of the middle ear - symptoms and treatment, photo

The human ear is a complex organ, the work of which is provided by many natural mechanisms. Most of them are hidden in the area of ​​the temporal ...

Eustachite, what is this? Symptoms and treatment, forms of the disease
Ent Diseases

Eustachite, what is this? Symptoms and treatment, forms of the disease

For perception of sound vibrations, air should approach the eardrum from the outer and inner sides. In this way, there is a balancing of the press...

Laryngitis in children: symptoms and treatment, inhalation, help
Ent Diseases

Laryngitis in children: symptoms and treatment, inhalation, help

In the ENT pathology, the leading place among pediatric diseases is laryngitis in children. It is caused by inflammatory reactions in the mucous l...

Causes of nasal congestion without a cold, methods of treatment
Ent Diseases

Causes of nasal congestion without a cold, methods of treatment

الجميع تقريبا على دراية الدولة, عندما الأنف توقف التنفس.على الفور تقريبا, وهناك حالة مزاجية سيئة, والصداع وغضب كل التفاصيل.عندما يرافقه احتقان الأ...