
Viral hepatitis: Types, Symptoms, Treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseDigestive Tract

Viral hepatitis: Types, Symptoms, Treatment

Hepatitis is a generic name of acute and chronic inflammatory liver diseases, diffuse bearing (commonly, but not focal) character.Different types o...

Infective endocarditis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseHeart And Blood Vessels

Infective endocarditis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Scientific editor: Strokina OA, therapist, doctor of functional diagnostics. Practical experience since 2015.October, 2018.Infective endocarditis -...

Cirrhosis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Cirrhosis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Cirrhosis - a disease characterized by abnormal liver structure due to proliferation of connective tissue; manifested functional liver failure.Caus...

Secondary amenorrhea: expert articles on the causes and treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseFemale DiseasesEndocrinology In Gynecology

Secondary amenorrhea: expert articles on the causes and treatment

Authors:Volkov AA, endocrinologist, practical experience since 2015.Tselmer NE, obstetrician-gynecologist, the first qualification category.June 20...

Hyperkeratosis of the skin: types, symptoms, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseSkin, Hair, Nails

Hyperkeratosis of the skin: types, symptoms, treatment

When there is excessive growth of the horny layer of the epidermis, hyperkeratosis say. Hyperkeratosis can occur in both sexes, but often (especial...

Steatosis: diet, treatment, symptoms
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseDigestive Tract

Steatosis: diet, treatment, symptoms

Steatosis or fatty liver, steatosis, chronic reversible process called hepatic dystrophy, which occurs as a result of excessive accumulation of lip...

Cervical migraine: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseJoints And Bones

Cervical migraine: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Cervical migraine called one of the typical manifestations of vertebral artery syndrome, which manifests itself in painful, migraine pain.Cervical ...

Food allergy: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseDigestive Tract

Food allergy: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Food allergies are characterized by hypersensitivity to food products and the development of food intolerance symptoms caused by the reaction of th...

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS): causes, step treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseFemale Diseases

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS): causes, step treatment

The author - Sozinova AV practicing obstetrician-gynecologist. Experience in the specialty since 2001.Premenstrual syndrome called symptom, which i...

Rozsa: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseSkin, Hair, Nails

Rozsa: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Erysipelas - a skin infection.Patients mug malozarazny. Women suffer more often than men. More than 60% of the face tolerate people aged 40 years a...

Parainfluenza: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseInfectious Diseases

Parainfluenza: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Parainfluenza - acute respiratory infection of viral origin that affects the upper respiratory tract, mainly the nose, oropharynx and larynx.When p...

Molar pregnancy: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Molar pregnancy: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Hydatidiform mole - a condition accompanied by proliferation of trophoblast (outer layer embryo cells) filling the uterine cavity. It may be comple...