Symptoms And Syndromes

What is epileptiform syndrome and what is its difference from epilepsy
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

What is epileptiform syndrome and what is its difference from epilepsy

Epileptiform syndrome is a type of paroxysmal disorders of consciousness( seizures) that suddenly start and end unexpectedly, which are an organ...

Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and evaluation of the syndrome of Adi in neurology
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and evaluation of the syndrome of Adi in neurology

This syndrome was first described by a British physician, a neurologist named William John Adie, who observed that some people had very slow pup...

What is anisocoria, or why pupils of different sizes and than it threatens
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

What is anisocoria, or why pupils of different sizes and than it threatens

The main function of vision is to transmit visual information about the surrounding world in the form of electrical signals to the brain. The ey...

Astereognosis, as one of the forms of agnosia
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

Astereognosis, as one of the forms of agnosia

We learn about what asteroognosis is for the first time from fairy tales. This is exactly the same, incomprehensible mind of the situation: b...

Locked man's syndrome - isolation from the whole world in his own body
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

Locked man's syndrome - isolation from the whole world in his own body

A locked-in syndrome, or as it is often called, isolation syndrome is a particular disease in which a person is partially or completely unable t...

Symptoms of irritation of meninges: Kerniga, Brudzinsky, Gordon and others
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

Symptoms of irritation of meninges: Kerniga, Brudzinsky, Gordon and others

No matter what this phenomenon is called: symptoms of irritation of the meninges( meningeal symptom complex) or meningeal signs, it is always ab...

What is paresthesia or when creeps are creeping all over the body
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

What is paresthesia or when creeps are creeping all over the body

Paresthesia is a condition in which burning, tingling, and crawling of the goosebumps occur. This phenomenon is associated with loss of sensitiv...

Sensitive ataxia or when there is no truth in the legs of truth
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

Sensitive ataxia or when there is no truth in the legs of truth

Sensitive ataxia - a nervous disease comes from the Greek word "ataxia" - "disorder", because the balance of a person in a vertical position is ...

How to help those who suffer from Shay Dreiger syndrome?
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

How to help those who suffer from Shay Dreiger syndrome?

Shay-Drageer's syndrome is very similar to Parkinson's, otherwise called idiopathic orthostatic hypotension. It is a variant of multisystem a...

Adioadichokinesis - a specific disorder in the movements
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

Adioadichokinesis - a specific disorder in the movements

Adioadichokinesis is characterized by the disorder of motor acts, the inability to perform a series of successive movements, rapidly changing o...

Parkinsonism Syndrome as a symptom of diseases of the nervous system
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

Parkinsonism Syndrome as a symptom of diseases of the nervous system

Parkinsonism is a disorder in the brain, accompanied by trembling of the head, arms and legs, stiffness of movements and increased muscle tone. ...

What hide the alternating syndromes?
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

What hide the alternating syndromes?

The disease is characterized by the defeat of the cranial nerves, conductive disorders of motor and sensory functions. Multiple alternating s...