
Uric acid in urine: Causes of hypo- and hyperuricemia, rules urine collection
AssaysProcedures And Tests

Uric acid in urine: Causes of hypo- and hyperuricemia, rules urine collection

Synonyms: Uric acid in the urine, Uric acidOverviewThe content of uric acid in the urine - a component excreted in the urine uric acid, by which to...

Glucose tolerance test in pregnancy (GTT): how to pass, that shows
AssaysProcedures And Tests

Glucose tolerance test in pregnancy (GTT): how to pass, that shows

Scientific editor: M. Merkusheva, PSPbGMU them. Acad. Pavlov, general medicine.February, 2019.Synonyms: glucose tolerance test, OGTT, a test for gl...

Lactate (lactic acid) in the blood: the norms, reasons for deviations, decoding
AssaysProcedures And Tests

Lactate (lactic acid) in the blood: the norms, reasons for deviations, decoding

Synonyms: Lactate, Lactic Acid, LactateLactic acid (lactate) produced as a result of glucose metabolism (glycolysis). It is released from the eryth...

Carbohydrates in the feces of children and adults: transcript preparation
AssaysProcedures And Tests

Carbohydrates in the feces of children and adults: transcript preparation

Synonyms: carbohydrate content in feces, reducing agents in the feces; Stool sugars; Reducing substances, fecal.Carbohydrates - one of the most imp...

Fructosamine: indications, rules and transcript
AssaysProcedures And Tests

Fructosamine: indications, rules and transcript

Synonyms: Fructosamine (Fructosamine), Glycated Serum ProteinScientific editor: M. Merkusheva, PSPbGMU them. Acad. Pavlov, general medicine.Septem...

Glucose in urine: causes glycosuria as to pass urine for sugar
AssaysProcedures And Tests

Glucose in urine: causes glycosuria as to pass urine for sugar

Scientific editor: M. Merkusheva, PSPbGMU them. Acad. Pavlov, general medicine.November, 2018.Synonyms: glucose in the urine, Urine glucose, gluco...

Glucose tolerance test (OGTT): standards, deciphering how the
AssaysProcedures And Tests

Glucose tolerance test (OGTT): standards, deciphering how the

Scientific editor: M. Merkusheva, PSPbGMU them. Acad. Pavlov, general medicine.January, 2019.Synonyms: The oral glucose tolerance test, OGTT, gluc...

Coprogram: norms, decoding, rules of preparation
AssaysProcedures And Tests

Coprogram: norms, decoding, rules of preparation

Synonyms: Coprogram, Koprogramma, StoolLaboratory examination of faeces (coprogram) pozvolyaetizuchit their chemical composition, physical properti...

Fecal occult blood test: transcript, preparation for study
AssaysProcedures And Tests

Fecal occult blood test: transcript, preparation for study

Synonyms: benzidine test, stool occult blood.The normal feces is soft and homogeneous mass, colored brown. If excessive internal bleeding external ...

Pancreatic elastase in the stool: reading, decoding and preparation for analysis
AssaysProcedures And Tests

Pancreatic elastase in the stool: reading, decoding and preparation for analysis

Synonyms: 1 elastase, pancreatic elastase 1, elastase 1, E1, E1.Pancreatic elastase is a proteolytic enzyme present in the secretions of the pancre...

Assay for TNF (tumor necrosis factor) standards causes deviations
AssaysProcedures And Tests

Assay for TNF (tumor necrosis factor) standards causes deviations

Scientific editor: M. Merkusheva, PSPbGMU them. Acad. Pavlov, general medicine.September, 2018.Synonyms: Tumor necrosis factor, TNF, Tumor necrosi...

IgE general: indications, standards, decoding
AssaysProcedures And Tests

IgE general: indications, standards, decoding

Synonyms: Total IgE, total IgE, IgE total.Immunoglobulin IgE was discovered in 1960 during the examination of patients suffering from multiple myel...