Violation Of Speech

Pseudobulbar dysarthria: forms, causes, symptoms, treatment
Violation Of Speech

Pseudobulbar dysarthria: forms, causes, symptoms, treatment

Pathologies associated with complex speech disorders that arise as a result of damage to the nervous system in medicine are called dysarthria. W...

How to cure stammering in children: the causes, speech correction in a child
Violation Of Speech

How to cure stammering in children: the causes, speech correction in a child

Stammering is a severe psychiatric disorder with characteristic visible signs. Violation can be found in childhood or manifest already in adulth...

Causes and treatment of stuttering in adult patients
Violation Of Speech

Causes and treatment of stuttering in adult patients

Stammering is a disease that manifests itself as a violation of speech functions and has a neuropsychiatric origin. Most often, children suffer ...

Bradily: detection and correction of a disorder
Violation Of Speech

Bradily: detection and correction of a disorder

Braadylia is a violation of the rhythmic rhythm of speech, associated with persistent difficulties in the reproduction of dismembered sounds. Th...

Varieties and correction of dysgraphia: exercises and tips
Violation Of Speech

Varieties and correction of dysgraphia: exercises and tips

Dysgraphy is a complete or partial violation of written activity, which is connected with a deficit in the formation of those functions of the p...

Neurological and logopedic characteristics of children with anarthria
Violation Of Speech

Neurological and logopedic characteristics of children with anarthria

Anarthria is a disease associated with severe speech impairment. Unlike another speech disorder - alalia, the considered pathology affects only ...

Why does amnestic aphasia occur and how does it manifest itself?
Violation Of Speech

Why does amnestic aphasia occur and how does it manifest itself?

Speech is one of the forms of higher nervous activity of a person, through which people communicate with each other. Disorders of this brain fun...

Symptoms and modern methods of treating Landau-Kleffner syndrome
Violation Of Speech

Symptoms and modern methods of treating Landau-Kleffner syndrome

Some patients with neurological speech disorders are often diagnosed with autism. However, under obvious, at first glance, signs of autism, ofte...

Semantic aphasia: there is a word, but there is no sense
Violation Of Speech

Semantic aphasia: there is a word, but there is no sense

Aphasia is a systemic disease associated with speech impairment. There is a pathology in the organic trauma of the brain. There are various f...

Sensory motor aphasia is a severe lesion of speech centers
Violation Of Speech

Sensory motor aphasia is a severe lesion of speech centers

The loss of speech in whole or in part for a person is a difficult situation, which significantly violates the quality of life and leads to disa...

In what conditions is it possible to return speech with motor aphasia?
Violation Of Speech

In what conditions is it possible to return speech with motor aphasia?

As a result of head injuries, strokes, inflammatory processes and much more, speech centers and other zones that are responsible for speech func...

Sensory aphasia - learn to speak and understand anew
Violation Of Speech

Sensory aphasia - learn to speak and understand anew

Two human centers are responsible for a person's speech abilities, which are located in the cerebral cortex. If, for any reason, these center...