Emergency States

Analysis( scraping, smear) on enterobiasis in adults, children: what is it.how to take
Emergency StatesEmergency States

Analysis( scraping, smear) on enterobiasis in adults, children: what is it.how to take

1 What is enterobiosis? Who does not know what is enterobiosis? This disease is very many years. The prevalence of it is such that it...

Increased gassing in the intestines after eating: causes, treatment, what to do
Emergency StatesEmergency States

Increased gassing in the intestines after eating: causes, treatment, what to do

1 General information on the violation of Flatulence inevitably occurs in a healthy person, if during the meal, the air is swallowed....

Why and how does the spleen hurt women, men: symptoms, what to do
Emergency StatesEmergency States

Why and how does the spleen hurt women, men: symptoms, what to do

1 Features of the structure of the body Not every person can immediately indicate where the spleen is located, because this body worr...

Strongly the stomach or belly at monthly causes - what to do or make?
Emergency StatesEmergency States

Strongly the stomach or belly at monthly causes - what to do or make?

1 Misfortunes for ailment The abdomen is painful during menstruation almost every woman. However, the overwhelming majority of malais...

Peritonitis of the intestine( inflammation of the peritoneum) purulent, fecal, serous: what is it, the symptoms
Emergency StatesEmergency States

Peritonitis of the intestine( inflammation of the peritoneum) purulent, fecal, serous: what is it, the symptoms

1 Clinical picture Peritonitis is an inflammatory process in the peritoneum. Peritoneum called the inner membrane of the abdominal ca...

Diet with gastroduodenitis in the acute phase: a weekly diet menu
Emergency StatesEmergency States

Diet with gastroduodenitis in the acute phase: a weekly diet menu

1 Causes of the disease In connection with the etiological and pathological factors that affect the gastrointestinal tract, and there...

Flatulence( expressed, elevated, strong): causes, treatment
Emergency StatesEmergency States

Flatulence( expressed, elevated, strong): causes, treatment

1 What is flatulence Increased formation of gases in the stomach, large intestine or inadequate excretion from the body is called met...

Stool with blood for defecation in men, women without pain: what can it be, treatment
Emergency StatesEmergency States

Stool with blood for defecation in men, women without pain: what can it be, treatment

1 What leads to this? The causes of the appearance of blood clots during a stool can be associated with a large number of factors. Mo...

Rotavirus infection in adults: symptoms, causes, treatment
Emergency StatesEmergency States

Rotavirus infection in adults: symptoms, causes, treatment

1 Pathogens of the disease Rotavirus in an adult was first discovered and studied in 1973.If you carefully examine the virus under a ...

Ascites( accumulation of free fluid in the abdominal cavity): causes, treatment
Emergency StatesEmergency States

Ascites( accumulation of free fluid in the abdominal cavity): causes, treatment

1 Forms of the disease and causes of Ascites of the abdominal cavity are classified according to various criteria: By the amou...

It hurts, colitis right side in the lower abdomen in women, men: causes
Emergency StatesEmergency States

It hurts, colitis right side in the lower abdomen in women, men: causes

1 What a person experiences with appendicitis Pain in the right side of the abdomen is a clear sign of appendicitis. Appendicitis...

The analysis of a feces on a dysbacteriosis of an intestine: how to hand over, what shows?
Emergency StatesEmergency States

The analysis of a feces on a dysbacteriosis of an intestine: how to hand over, what shows?

1 Medical indications Dysbacteriosis of the intestine occurs in humans due to imbalance of microflora in the intestine. Under certain...