The Cardiovascular System

The lower the pressure in the home quickly without pills, effective folk remedies for high blood pressure
The Cardiovascular System

The lower the pressure in the home quickly without pills, effective folk remedies for high blood pressure

High blood pressure need to be able to reduce at home with improvised means, since no one immune to the pressure jump at the wrong time, when the h...

PCI in cardiology. What is it, how to make a myocardial infarction, cardiogenic shock, acute coronary syndrome, BKAPS, CHD
The Cardiovascular System

PCI in cardiology. What is it, how to make a myocardial infarction, cardiogenic shock, acute coronary syndrome, BKAPS, CHD

Stenting coronary arteries or percutaneous coronary intervention (CDA) in cardiology practiced with XX in. This procedure helps to normalize the fu...

Dopegit. Instructions for use for pregnant women, the dosage, how to drink, contraindications. Price, reviews
The Cardiovascular System

Dopegit. Instructions for use for pregnant women, the dosage, how to drink, contraindications. Price, reviews

Antihypertensive drug dopegit normalizing operation mechanisms responsible for blood pressure regulation. The therapeutic effect is achieved by sti...

Magnelis B6. Instructions for use, indications, dosage. Price, analogues, reviews. Can I use during pregnancy
The Cardiovascular System

Magnelis B6. Instructions for use, indications, dosage. Price, analogues, reviews. Can I use during pregnancy

Magnelis B6 - popular medicine intended for partial or total lack of replenishment amount of magnesium in cells and tissue structures of the body. ...

The products are useful for heart and blood vessels, rich in potassium and magnesium, strengthening, improving performance. List, table of harmful products for the hearts of women and men
The Cardiovascular System

The products are useful for heart and blood vessels, rich in potassium and magnesium, strengthening, improving performance. List, table of harmful products for the hearts of women and men

Well-being often depends on how consistently and accurately operates the main "engine" of the body - the heart and blood vessels. Good "fuel" is no...

The tablets of the heart. The names, the list in alphabetical order in Russian. Prices, drugs without prescription, prescription
The Cardiovascular System

The tablets of the heart. The names, the list in alphabetical order in Russian. Prices, drugs without prescription, prescription

Heart diseases are the most common in the world. To prevent changes in myocardium, it is necessary to take pills from a pathological process which ...

Aktovegin. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues
The Cardiovascular System

Aktovegin. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

In medicine antihypoxants widely used, which contributes to the rapid regeneration of damaged tissue and improve cell nutrition. The most well-know...

Medicine for low blood pressure. Drugs in tablets, folk remedies, foods, herbs, tea, weak means drops. Species name, action, price
The Cardiovascular System

Medicine for low blood pressure. Drugs in tablets, folk remedies, foods, herbs, tea, weak means drops. Species name, action, price

High blood pressure - is a serious pathology, in which the blood pressure monitor can be seen in the figures above the established norm, more than ...

Atorvastatin. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analogues
The Cardiovascular System

Atorvastatin. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analogues

Atorvastatin - a pharmacological agent, intended to reduce the level of lipids in the blood plasma.This hypolipidemic drug generation III from the ...

Nitroglycerine. Indications for use, instructions, dosage. Price, reviews, analogues
The Cardiovascular System

Nitroglycerine. Indications for use, instructions, dosage. Price, reviews, analogues

Nitroglycerin is a synthetic drug. Its main action is aimed at the removal of pain symptoms in the heart. The drug is recommended to take only if t...

Taurine. Benefit and harm for human, what kind of amino acid, eye drops, tablets. Which contains, for what and how to make
The Cardiovascular System

Taurine. Benefit and harm for human, what kind of amino acid, eye drops, tablets. Which contains, for what and how to make

Taurine - is a sulfonic acid, which is capable of carrying a benefit and harm to the human body. For a healthy person is taurine essential amino ac...

Vestibo. Instructions for use, for what is necessary, price, reviews, analogues
The Cardiovascular System

Vestibo. Instructions for use, for what is necessary, price, reviews, analogues

Vestibo - drug used for various disorders andbattles in the vestibular apparatus. According to the official statement, he refers to a group of drug...