Female Diseases

Premenopause. Signs and symptoms of bleeding in women, causes, than to treat
Female Diseases

Premenopause. Signs and symptoms of bleeding in women, causes, than to treat

The completion of the reproductive function is the onset of menopause. This process is natural. Climax is divided into several stages. The first is...

Monthly came before reasons when taking birth control pills, OK
Female Diseases

Monthly came before reasons when taking birth control pills, OK

Most women have a well-established continuous cycle. Deviations from the usual schedule is often a concern. If monthly arrived ahead of schedule, t...

Violations menstruatsionnogo cycle: classification, causes and treatment in gynecology
Female Diseases

Violations menstruatsionnogo cycle: classification, causes and treatment in gynecology

Menstruatsionnym cycle is a period of hormonal and physiological changes that result in the preparation of the woman's body to conceive. His countd...

Do not go monthly. The reasons besides pregnancy, white / brown / yellow discharge
Female Diseases

Do not go monthly. The reasons besides pregnancy, white / brown / yellow discharge

Regular menstrual cycle means that the reproductive system of women is normal. There are times when the monthly do not go. Besides pregnancy, a wom...

Muddy / dark urine in women. Reasons to odor treatment, to what doctor to address
Female Diseases

Muddy / dark urine in women. Reasons to odor treatment, to what doctor to address

The urine is an indicator of the health of people, women in particular. The biological fluid produced by the kidneys, sometimes dark color and the ...

Fibro-glandular endometrial polyp. What is it, the treatment after the removal of
Female Diseases

Fibro-glandular endometrial polyp. What is it, the treatment after the removal of

Fibro-glandular endometrial polyp is a disease in which on the inner layer uterine tumor formation appears, composed of glandular cells and connect...

Breast. Treatment of folk breast funds quickly herbs. Symptoms, signs, recipes
Female Diseases

Breast. Treatment of folk breast funds quickly herbs. Symptoms, signs, recipes

Breast - a common name of a group of benign breast diseases with non-inflammatory nature. Pathology often grouped under the single term - fibrocyst...

Mastitis in women. Symptoms and treatment quickly at home: medicines, folk remedies, antibiotics
Female Diseases

Mastitis in women. Symptoms and treatment quickly at home: medicines, folk remedies, antibiotics

The disease is called mastitis - an inflammation of the mammary glands. The causative state often becomes Staphylococcus aureus, which enters the b...

Causes of hormonal failure in women 30 years old, after 40, when menopause. What are the symptoms, treatment of folk remedies, drugs
Female Diseases

Causes of hormonal failure in women 30 years old, after 40, when menopause. What are the symptoms, treatment of folk remedies, drugs

The imbalance of the endocrine system associated with the disruption of the pituitary and hypothalamus, called hormonal failure. The causes of dise...

Ovarian apoplexy. What is it, symptoms, pictures, how to treat, the effects of burn surgery, clinical guidelines for disease in gynecology
Female Diseases

Ovarian apoplexy. What is it, symptoms, pictures, how to treat, the effects of burn surgery, clinical guidelines for disease in gynecology

Ovarian apoplexy relate to dangerous states for the life of the woman, because it is such a pathology which is accompanied by a large blood loss an...

Genital warts in women. Photo on the neck, mouth, inside. Reasons stage, testing and treatment
Female Diseases

Genital warts in women. Photo on the neck, mouth, inside. Reasons stage, testing and treatment

Women who are trying to monitor the status of their health, the sudden appearance of growths on the skin in the crotch area or the mouth can cause ...