Ear, Nose, Throat

Chronic tonsillitis in adults: Symptoms, Treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseEar, Nose, Throat

Chronic tonsillitis in adults: Symptoms, Treatment

The author - Chuklin Olga, general practitioner, internist. Work experience since 2003.Chronic tonsillitis manifested prolonged inflammation in the...

Acute pharyngitis: symptoms, treatment, complications
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseEar, Nose, Throat

Acute pharyngitis: symptoms, treatment, complications

The author - Chuklin Olga, general practitioner, internist. Work experience since 2003.Pharyngitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pha...

SARS: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseEar, Nose, Throat

SARS: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Acute respiratory infections (ARI) - this is the most extensive group of transmitted infections airborne droplets and cause respiratory manifestati...

Ear tube: causes, symptoms, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseEar, Nose, Throat

Ear tube: causes, symptoms, treatment

Medical Editor: Strokina OA, therapist, doctor of functional diagnostics.September 2019.The ear plug or sulfuric called a state in which congestion...

Rhinitis: Types, Symptoms, Treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseEar, Nose, Throat

Rhinitis: Types, Symptoms, Treatment

Rhinitis - the most common disease of the upper respiratory tract.The main factor predisposing to the development of rhinitis can be considered as...

Purulent tonsillitis in adults: types, features in the photo, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseEar, Nose, Throat

Purulent tonsillitis in adults: types, features in the photo, treatment

When the tonsils (or simply - the tonsils) are infected with various pathogens, talk about angina (acute tonsillitis). Her purulent form occurs mos...

Meniere's disease: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseEar, Nose, Throat

Meniere's disease: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Meniere's Disease - purulent inner ear disease characterized by an increase in volume and increasing fluid maze vnutrilabirintnogo pressure in thus...

Sensorineural hearing loss: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseEar, Nose, Throat

Sensorineural hearing loss: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Sensorineural hearing loss develops in damaged sensory nerve cells of the inner ear, auditory nerve and central auditory system formations.CausesIn...

Acute tonsillitis (angina): symptoms, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseEar, Nose, Throat

Acute tonsillitis (angina): symptoms, treatment

The author - Chuklin Olga, general practitioner, internist. Work experience since 2003.Acute tonsillitis (angina) called an infectious disease in w...

Özen: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseEar, Nose, Throat

Özen: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Özen - a disease of the nasal mucosa. Women suffer more often than men.Predisposing factors for development ozeny are poor living conditions (poor ...

Chronic pharyngitis: symptoms, treatment, complications
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseEar, Nose, Throat

Chronic pharyngitis: symptoms, treatment, complications

The author - Chuklin Olga, general practitioner, internist. Work experience since 2003.Chronic Pharyngitis is a disease wherein inflammation develo...

Pharyngitis in adults: acute and chronic
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseEar, Nose, Throat

Pharyngitis in adults: acute and chronic

When inflamed mucous membrane of the pharynx and its associated lymphoid tissue, then one speaks of pharyngitis. The name of the disease was from t...