
Urine with blood women: causes, when urinating clots channel, without pain, treatment of the urethra, in time, at the end, writing, marks, which means frequent allocation of why it happens to do, bladder, girls

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blood in the urine (hematuria) - is a pathological phenomenon, which testifies to damage of the mucosa of the urethra or the internal organs, which are responsible for the excretion of urine.

Blood in excreta

If the urine has gone with the blood of a woman, the cause of the symptoms can be both diseases of the genitourinary system, and physiological phenomena (eg, menstruation). Treatment of diseases that can lead to hematuria, may require the use of drugs (antibiotics, cytostatics, and others.) And surgical intervention.


Hematuria may be accompanied by pain during urination, fever, burning, aching pain in the lower back and other symptoms.

The most frequently observed painful urination that accompanies inflammation of the urinary tract in women's diseases. The high incidence of this pathology is caused by the anatomy of the female urogenital system (short and wide urethra through which easily penetrates infection).

Without pain

Selection painless blood during urination can occur at background edema, hypertension or hypotension, increased daily urine, weight loss, bleeding gums, frequent occurrence of marks on the skin, swelling of the lumbar area and other symptoms.

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The absence of pain and associated symptoms may indicate a false hematuria - urine staining when consuming products and medicines containing red pigments (beet, phenolphthalein compounds and et al.).

female urination

The clinical picture of hematuria, lab tests allow for differential diagnosis.

With pain

Painful urination, accompanied by hematuria is observed in inflammation or damage to the lower urinary tract. Pathological processes may be accompanied by an increase in the patient's body temperature, a burning sensation in the urethra, frequent urination, heaviness in the pelvic area and other symptoms.

Pain can occur not only during urination, but also out of the closet. The appearance of blood after urination in women with pain in the lower back or abdomen may indicate trauma, cancer, and inflammation of the glomerular renal system.

Why is the blood

The cause of blood in the urine of women can become infectious inflammation, stones out of the kidney, autoimmune processes, gynecological diseases, anticoagulation, and hormone therapy et al.

Infections of the genitourinary system

Discharge of blood in the urine is observed mainly in inflammation of the lower urinary system. It is caused by inflammation of the mucous microdamages bladder and urethra.

When a small amount of blood urine retains normal color, and hematuria is detected only by laboratory tests. This phenomenon is called microscopic haematuria.

Infections of the genitourinary system

In infectious inflammation of the end of urination in women observed cutting or aching pain. Frequent trips to the bathroom, and accompanied by a burning sensation in the urethra. The patient can see clouding of urine and small blotches of blood.

Inflammation of the urinary tract may be caused by chronic or acute infections, sexually transmitted diseases. In this case, hematuria may be accompanied by pain in the pelvic area and the abnormal discharge, color and consistency of which depend on the type of pathogen.


Cystitis - is an inflammatory process in the bladder, which is provoked predominantly bacterial flora. Due to the anatomical features of the urethra of women is characterized by a high risk of bacterial inflammation.

cystitis Women

However, infections are not the only causative factor in cystitis. It can provoke development of urinary tract abnormalities, chemotherapy, radiation, presence of a foreign body in the bladder tumor processes, reduction of body tone and other factors.

Cystitis, which is accompanied by a visible separation of blood during urination (gross hematuria), called hemorrhagic. It is characterized by a profound mucosal lesions and bladder wall, and damage of the receptacles.

The disease is manifested by fever, pain in the suprapubic area, frequent urination, and anemia. A woman can write small doses (up to a few drops). Urine has a fetid odor and abnormal color (pink, red or brown).

Urolithiasis disease

Urolithiasis is one of the most frequent causes of bloody urine. Solid calculi (stones) have sharp protrusions which damage the wall of the ureter and provoke bleeding. Isolation of blood is advantageously at admission calculus in the urinary bladder and urethra.

The process of passing through the channel stone pain accompanied by a sharp, the intensity of which increases during discharge of urine. Locating the source of pain depends on the stone position: at the beginning (in the upper ureter) pain is localized above the umbilicus, and the end - in the projection of the bladder. Hematuria may occur during or immediately after urination.


Inflammation of the urethra (urethritis) is triggered by genital infections, penetration of pathogens in damaged mucosal inflammation channel or other complications of the urinary organs (pyelonephritis cystitis).

urethritis female

Irritation of the urethra may occur after endoscopic and catheterization. With the penetration of the tool there is a mechanical damage to the channel walls, owing to which the patient is blood in the urine.

Symptoms are burning, cutting during discharge of urine, urethral discomfort of the friction of the laundry, flushing the urethra, and others.


Cause hematuria may become neoplastic processes. Malignant tumors grow into the wall of the kidney, bladder and ureter, damaging vasculature of these organs and causing bleeding.

Characteristic features of cancers are blood clots in the urine and painless hematuria.

The greatest risk of oncology patients are middle-aged. If the pain and the blood during urination in young girls most often indicative of cystitis and urethritis, the painless hematuria in patients 30-50 years old with a high probability of a symptom of Cancer disease.


Glomerulonephritis - is an inflammatory process in glomerular (filter) renal system, which has an autoimmune nature. This disease can develop after vaccination transferred viral and bacterial infections, rheumatic, alcohol abuse and subcooling loin.

Glomerulonephritis woman

The most characteristic features of pathology is the swelling, pressure and the presence of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in urine. drops of blood in the urine of women visible to the naked eye, and stained to highlight a dirty red color ( "meat slops").


For injuries renal vascular damage occurs urinary tract system. Released blood can come out in the urine in an unaltered state or form small clots. Urination is painful and takes place with blood.

Besides painful urination, in renal injuries observed edema (swelling) with a waist side of the damaged organ, pain in the back or abdomen, and symptoms of anemia (pallor, tachycardia, weakness).

Upon receipt of renal injury should immediately contact a physician, t. K. The accumulation of large amounts of blood clots may completely block the urinary canal. In this case the patient can not relieve yourself and feel a nagging pain in the abdomen.


The appearance of blood from the urethra in women during pregnancy can be caused by damage to the mucous urinary canal when the instrumental investigations, urinary tract inflammation and cancer processes.

Risk of infectious inflammation increases substantially during childbearing. This is due to the occurrence of stagnation of urine due to the compression of the ureter growing uterus and the physiological decrease in future mother immunity.

pregnant woman

The reason may be hematuria and bleeding from the uterus: In this part of the blood that falls into the vagina, it goes along with the urine. Isolation of blood in t. H. It is the act of urination means that the problem has a gynecological in nature.

Hormonal drugs

Improper selection or violation of dosage of hormonal drugs can provoke stagnation of urine. This significantly increases the risk of inflammation of the urogenital system, which lead to hematuria.

During habituation to oral contraceptives can be observed spotting which completely disappear after 1-2 months of taking the pills. Abundant abnormal discharge of blood, the intensity of which increases, may be mistaken for bleeding from the bladder. Their appearance is a cause for re-treatment to the gynecologist.


Contact with uterine endometrial cells microdamages in the walls of the urinary organs (endometriosis) provokes small ulcers and bleeding. Endometrial proliferation by the action of pituitary hormones causes profound damage vessels walls and bladder and other urinary organs.

endometriosis is a female

The first sign of the disease becomes a constant abdominal pain or discomfort at the time of allocation of urine that occurs during menstruation. Subsequently manifested hematuria, urinary incontinence, swelling and other symptoms. Urine sick woman may be cloudy, with whitish flakes, or bloody (sometimes - with blood clots).


Anticoagulants (warfarin, aspirin) improve blood rheology, inhibiting thrombosis and reducing platelet adhesion. On the background of prolonged use of these drugs can occur internal bleeding, which stained the intestinal and renal excretion.

A characteristic feature is receiving anticoagulant bleeding gums and frequent occurrence of bruises. The reason for reducing blood clotting can be not only reception of special products, but also diseases of the hematopoietic system (hemophilia, porphyria, bone marrow and oncology al.).

The presence of blood in the urine means that some of the internal organs bleeding occurred, provoked by insufficient speed healing of injuries.

What to do

Frequent urination with blood or hematuria, is not accompanied by other symptoms, is an important reason for seeking medical attention. The patient with symptomatic may need to consult a gynecologist, urologist, oncologist, endocrinologist and nephrologist.


The following methods are used to diagnose the causes of separation of blood from the urethra:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • analysis of daily urine;
  • ELISA and PCR test for genital infections;
  • cystoscopy;
  • cystography;
  • Ultrasound of the urinary system and pelvis;
  • Analysis of the concentration of sex hormones;
  • MRI and CT of the genitourinary system;
  • biopsy and histological analysis of tissue organs and urinary system.
Analysis of daily urine

Analyzes of urine is forbidden to take during menstruation, t. To. In this period, traces of blood in the urine of women may be due to the release of the endometrium of the uterus.


Treat bleeding during urination must be in accordance with the diagnosis. The following medicines may include the medical course:

  • antibiotics (fluoroquinolones, macrolides, penicillins);
  • glucocorticoids;
  • vegetable uroseptiki;
  • cytostatics;
  • hemostatics;
  • hormones;
  • vitamin-mineral complexes with iron and other.

If hematuria is accompanied by pain, medical course is complemented by antispasmodics (Spazmalgon, papaverine) and NSAIDs (Ketanov, Nimesil).


For the prevention of bleeding from the urethra in women is necessary to limit the intake of salt, spices, meat and offal, keep drinking regime and rules of personal hygiene, in a timely manner to eliminate hotbeds of infection in the body and avoid hypothermia lumbar zone.

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