
Why is bleeding from the mouth (bleeding): causes, because of what can clot, how to stop flowing, the cavity

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Why is bleeding from the mouth after the dental visits or too vigorous dentifrice can understand their own. But unlikely to stay calm if you find out in the morning clumps of dark color on the cheek or a pillow, or the day you notice that the saliva red. Even if this was the first time and returned to normal on their own, seek medical advice. This symptom may be a sign of dangerous pathologies. Disease detected early, cure is much easier.

discharge of blood

Because of what can be a blood

Causes bleeding from the mouth sufficiently. The most common symptoms are accompanied by:

  • oncological processes throat, larynx, esophagus, and other organs of the digestive and respiratory systems;
  • Poisoning in t. h. and alcoholic, chronic intoxication, evolving due to work with chemicals or hot shop;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • pathology hematopoietic or vascular system accompanied by increased fragility of blood vessels and reduce blood clotting;
  • biting the cheek or tongue on the inside.

Unpleasant iron flavor in the mouth can be due to inflammatory processes tonsils - pharyngitis, tonsillitis. Occur on mucous bleeding erosion, due to which there is a blood clot in the mouth in the morning.

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It may be quite harmless cause of blood discharge from the mouth - too vigorous tooth brushing. But if pink saliva appears constantly, you should think, what nutrients are missing body.

bleeding gums

Loose teeth and bleeding gums - symptoms of scurvy. Once the diagnosis is often put. The illness develops with a deficiency of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). This problem in the past has not gone. In pursuit of a slender figure move on a strict diet so that the reserve is depleted of nutrients.

Problems with the digestive tract

The causes of bleeding can be determined by the color of body fluid, associated symptoms, duration of bleeding. When perforation of gastric ulcers and acute gastritis, causing erosion of the mucosa, the blood can be bright, and its separation abundant. Condition is especially dangerous for young strong men.

When the mouth is blood dark, often damaged esophageal veins. Such conditions can cause injury externally or internally. The vessels may be damaged by ingestion of solid food pieces, foreign object (e.g., a bone fragment or glass) or a blow to the throat. High risk of emesis with blood in chemical damage of mucous digestive tract or after drug / alcohol intoxication.

Brown vomit appear an exacerbation of colitis, liver cirrhosis, bleeding ulcers of the stomach or duodenum. In this case clots come with half-digested food. At the same time there are pains in the stomach and indigestion.

Diseases of the oral cavity

Bleeding from the mouth can occur with stomatitis, if damage erosion formed at the mucosa. In order not to compromise the integrity of the fibrin, which delays the wound, while the disease should go on a liquid soft food. Food should not be heated above 35 +... + 37 ° C.

Diseases of the oral cavity

Additional symptoms of gingivitis - gum disease where the morning bleeds mouth and feels unpleasant taste glandular - are tooth aches and pain when chewing. One of unpleasant signs mucosal pathology lining the inner surface of the cheeks or the gum, - stench during breathing and walking with pink mouth saliva.

After removal of the tooth

If the tooth is removed, and then suddenly started bleeding - then he popped a blood clot that has formed in the hole. This often occurs at night. Inadvertently fall on the "sick" side, damaging the wound and wake up from that blood flowing.

To reduce the risk of damage to vessels or breakthrough in place thrombus formation after tooth extraction for days should abstain from alcohol, hot and solid food and antiplatelet therapy anticoagulants. It is advisable to ask the surgeon to set the tampon with hemorrhagic sponge. Contraindication to minimally invasive surgery is the menstrual cycle.

It can be a mouth blood after a scheduled visit to the dentist. The reasons for this are many - have damaged the vessel during drilling, plasma stands out from the injection site.

lung disease

The first sign of tuberculosis - no bleeding from the mouth. Symptoms initially - weakness, fatigue, weight loss, increase of temperature to + 37... + 37,3 ° C in the evening, and cough that is not associated with character catarrhal disease. When to see a doctor after the malaise from which you can not get rid of for 7-10 days, hemoptysis will be able to prevent.

lung disease

With these same symptoms of proceeds and other dangerous diseases - lung cancer. If you bleed after coughing, so the cancer has damaged blood vessels.

How to stop

The easiest way to stop the bleeding in the mouth, which appeared at the damaged mucosa brushing or hard pieces of food. For this resolves some ice or cold water rinse is used.

Possible to assist in damage to a blood clot in the hole gums. To do this, offer a snack on their own folded cotton-gauze pad and hold for 15-20 minutes. If the bleeding does not stop, you have to go to the dentist on duty.

What to do in case of sudden bleeding depends on the cause of deterioration. If concomitant symptom is vomiting, until the ambulance coming, you need to make sure that the victim drowned. It necessarily laid on its side - moving and talking is prohibited. You can not leave the patient alone, it should reassure. Self-help is limited to a cold compress on the stomach and the proposal to swallow a few pieces of ice.

When breakage of the affected veins of the esophagus is also placed, but in this case the selected position with a raised rib cage. Recommendations from injuries - cold compress. Cough with red foam shows lung damage. While the patient is waiting for the ambulance, he is given to drink a few sips of cold water.

Do not risk the health and life of the victim, trying to cope with the problem. Excessive bleeding from the throat - a reason to seek help from official medicine. In most cases, it is impossible to stabilize the condition without surgery.

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