
Burst vessel in the eye: what to do, which drops drip, causes capillary whole red than cure, why it happens, burst

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When the burst vessel in the eye that can be done to prevent a recurrence of the problem, the power to determine a doctor. Capillary gap indicates negative processes in the body, especially if it is not an isolated incident, and the oft-repeated incident. Man must pass a comprehensive examination and a designated therapeutic course. Only a responsible attitude towards their health condition will prevent re-bleeding.

Hemorrhage in the eye

Why can burst

Provoke a rupture may different factors. This means that there is a high likelihood of re-bleeding. This problem occurs because people do not try to find out what led to the development gap. If you burst blood vessels in the eye that causes it is necessary to install.

Causes of an internal nature

When a burst blood vessels, most often the cause of this phenomenon are the internal factors. These include:

  • Hypertension. When the increase in blood pressure all the blood vessels to be highly stressed. Some capillaries do not stand up, burst blood vessels, not only in the eyes, but also in other parts of the body.
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  • Diabetes. Endocrine disease associated with the development of angiopathy. From high blood sugar human vascular walls become less strong, lose their tone and elasticity. Perhaps the thickening or thinning of the individual sections of the capillaries. The vessel may burst as a result of obstructed blood flow.
  • Increased sensitivity to changing weather conditions. When the difference of atmospheric pressure at the rise in the mountains or at the diving changing pressure vessels.
  • Inflammation of mucosa or cornea. The inflammatory process is a viral, bacterial or fungal etiology has an adverse impact on the capillaries. They greatly expanded in diameter, they can break.
  • Neoplasm. As a result, the growth of benign or malignant tumors character occurs squeezing and deformation of the capillary.
  • Avitaminosis. At deficiency in humans rutin (vitamin E) and ascorbic acid increases the permeability of blood vessels, they become more brittle and fragile.
  • The influence of some medical preparations. It is common cause that the capillaries in the eye burst. They become weak and tender.
  • Traumatic head injury. Even in the absence of visible deterioration it is not excluded poor circulation in the brain. In the initial stages it often does not manifest itself, and only with time, by the presence of burst capillaries, may be suspected of a problem.
Inflammation of the eye mucosa

External factors

The eye can burst the vessel and under the influence of external factors. These include:

  • Excessive exercise. Occurs when weight lifting, training in protracted, requiring strength exercises. Broken capillaries in his eyes common in women after childbirth. This provoked a strong straining during attempts.
  • Strain on the eyes. Burst capillaries in humans during prolonged work at a computer, microscope, as a result of watching TV shows, and even reading books. The likelihood of problems increases if there was insufficient lighting.
  • Eye injury or head. Due to mechanical impact or sudden shock ocular capillary easily breaks.
  • Surgical intervention on the organs of vision. Burst blood vessels under the eyes are often observed after surgery.

In addition, the development gap can provoke a prolonged exposure to the outdoors in windy conditions or in bright sunlight. It increases the risk of smoke, dust in the room, excessive dryness of the air. It is dangerous for a long stay in the sauna bath.

classification krovoizleyany

Depending on in which part of an eye burst a vessel, there are several types of hemorrhage:

  • Giposfagma. The bursting of the vessel in the eye is localized beneath the conjunctiva. It leads to visual defects (full or partial red eye redness). According to the structure resembles a bruise, as time changes color gradually brightens and fades. State does not lead to a breach of human performance, possible a little discomfort in the form of burning and foreign body sensation.
  • Hyphema. Located in the anterior chamber. Given that, as far as the chamber is filled with blood, are 4 degree: bleeding by a third to a half, more than half full and filling. As a result, occurrence of hyphema may result in partial or complete visual impairment. Diagnosis presents no difficulties.
  • Hemophthalmus. It affected the vitreous. Since there are no nerve endings, a person does not feel any discomfort. Blood in the vitreous at break falls vessels located in the retina. As a result of the outpouring of blood rapidly deteriorating eyesight up to a total loss. Hemophthalmus characterized by unilateral localization.
  • Bleeding in the retina. Maybe shtrihoobraznym, rounded, preretinal, subretinal. Accompanied by a sharp decline in vision, sometimes marked local disappearance of fields of view. If you experience no pain hemorrhage. To establish a diagnosis, you must pass a comprehensive examination: visometry, perimetry, ophthalmoscopy, computerized tomography, angiography.
hemophthalmus eyes

How to burst a vessel in the eye

Burst blood vessels - a common problem in people engaged in heavy physical labor. In addition, if you accidentally get a finger in the eye can damage the capillaries and cause its rupture.

What to do

If the burst vessel under the eye, in any case can not rub it. This can further aggravate the problem. In most cases, special treatment is not required, especially if the bleeding is insignificant. After some time it will resolve on their own. If the cause of steel underlying disease (diabetes mellitus, hypertension), adverse effects of environmental conditions and other factors, it is necessary to eliminate them. This will help avoid re-rupture.

drugstore drops

If burst capillaries in the eye, what to do to accelerate the resorption of hemorrhages, of interest to many, as it not only leads to an aesthetic problem, but also to a violation of visual acuity. Choose effective drops can only be a doctor after examination of the patient. To decide on the need for medication is strictly prohibited, as incorrectly selected drugs may even do more harm.

If there was a slight hemorrhage, can be used:

  • Visine eye drops. Relieve irritation and swelling. Reduce discomfort - pain and burning. Promote the resorption of hemorrhages. Moisturize the mucous membrane of the eye. Administer the drug must be 2-3 times a day for 2 drops.
  • Emoksipin. It refers to kapillyarostabiliziruyuschim means. Promotes early regression of hematoma. Apply the medication needed 2-3 drops several times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the size of the hemorrhage, ranging from a few days to 2-3 weeks.
  • Defislez. Eye drops that provide efficient humidification conjunctiva. This is necessary in order to prevent drying of the mucous membranes, vessels may burst under dry eye syndrome.
  • Taufon. The main active ingredient of the drug - taurine, referring to amino acids. Provides regeneration and repair of damaged tissues. It promotes rapid healing of microcracks exhibits trophic properties. Normalizes metabolism. Drip drug may even people suffering from glaucoma.
Visine drops

Drops from folk remedies

About what to do if an eye burst a vessel, can be found in the popular recipes. These funds are recommended for use only with small hemorrhages when not violated major organ function and the problem is purely cosmetic.

Immediately after the capillary break is recommended to apply cold. This will narrow the blood vessels and prevent further leakage of blood. For this purpose, the eyelids should apply an ice cube. As an alternative, you can use a slice of cucumber, avocado, raw potatoes. They will help to remove the redness and inflammation. The eyes can be instilled fresh cabbage juice (1 drop 2-3 times a day).

The most common method that is used when the burst capillaries in the eye - a strong welding. The heat means you need to wet a cotton pad and apply to eyelids for 5-10 minutes. Then the tea leaves should be washed with cool water. Treat your eyes needed several times a day.

Welding on eyes

From burst blood vessels can use compresses on the basis of medicinal plants. Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, wound healing, absorbable properties are chamomile, linden flowers and mint. To do this infusion on the basis of Article 2. l. dry particulate collection and 1 cup of hot water. It is necessary to apply compresses 1-2 times a day.

preventive measures

To prevent rupture of blood vessels in the eyes, should be attentive to the state of his health. If there is such a problem in history need to see a doctor to determine the cause, provoking the capillary gap.

In chronic diseases (hypertension, diabetes, and others.) Need to take a maintenance therapy to prevent the deterioration of the blood vessels.

It is necessary to avoid staying in areas with unfavorable climate (increased dryness of the air, high temperature, etc..). When you exit to the street wear sunglasses.

Provide good nutrition. Particular attention should be paid to the presence in the diet foods containing large amounts of vitamins C and E, positively affecting the condition of the capillaries.

When working at a computer regularly take breaks to give your eyes a rest. Minimize physical activity, in order to avoid excessive stress.

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