
Bleeding in the eye: Causes and treatment, what to do, subconjunctival, bleed, hemophthalmus, vitreous, eye drops, the retina, why is blood, sclera, partial

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Bleeding in the eyes is a collective diagnosis. This category includes diseases that are characterized by the presence of blood concentrations in the eyeball. Blood can be localized in one of the shells or between the shells. Patients with a diagnosis of the causes of bleeding in the eye and treatment can vary, so if symptoms should consult a doctor.

Blood in the eye

Why does and what happens

Eye - a body which is richly supplied with blood due to the extensive vascular network. Under the influence of adverse factors integrity of the vessel walls can be disturbed. From the capillaries in the eye cavity blood rushes. Visually, it looks like a bright red spot on the surface of the eyeball. Any subconjunctival hemorrhage requires careful diagnosis and compulsory medical supervision.

Causes of bleeding in the eye, there are several:

  • Blunt trauma or concussion. Damage to the blood vessels may be the result of an eye injury or other body parts (skull or rib cage). Injury is divided into three degrees. Mild tissue structure is not damaged, so vision is restored completely. If the second degree of tissue damage observed, and vision can be partially lost. If the damage happened on the third-degree injury, there is complete loss of vision.
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  • blood diseases. If you're bleeding from the eyes, it could be hypertension, diabetes and diseases of the retina.
  • Violations of the vascular system. In this case there is a long process of formation of atherosclerotic lesions vessel walls. Added to this increased blood pressure and reduced collagen. As a result, under strong pressure increase breaks are capillaries and bleeding ensues.
  • Inflammation. If the body of tissue inflammation occurs, it can cause bleeding.
  • Increased physical activity, including the long-strained coughing, excessive cardio, attempts during labor, prolonged retching.
  • Tumors. As a result of pressure on tumor vessels, capillaries burst, and bleeds.
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse. Alcohol and smoking cause a dramatic expansion and contraction of blood vessels. As a result, the walls may not withstand the load.
Smoking and alcohol abuse

Bleeding in the retina, in the sclera of the eye, the vitreous (hemophthalmus) - causes and manifestations of these pathologies are different.

Symptoms and species

Bleeding in the eye can be accompanied by various symptoms and signs. This largely depends on the location of the damaged blood vessel. In this regard, there are several types of pathology:

  • gifemu;
  • full and partial hemophthalmus eyes;
  • retinal hemorrhage;
  • giposfagmu.

Each of these types occurs due to various reasons, therefore, require a specialized approach to therapy.


The term hyphema means intraocular hemorrhage, localized in the anterior chamber of the eye (it is located between the cornea and iris). Symptoms can be detected with the naked eye - in the anterior chamber of the purple-red liquid forms a horizontal level.

hyphema eyes

The reason for this bleeding in the eyeball may be an inflammatory process which affects the ciliary body and the iris. When emerging from the eye, blood soaks the cornea, it can lead to a sharp deterioration of vision.


Bleeding in the vitreous body of the eye called hemophthalmus eyes. This pathology often occurs for the following reasons:

  • acute circulatory disorders;
  • tears and detachment of the retina;
  • damage to the central retinal artery (atherosclerosis, thrombosis, embolism);
  • diabetic retinopathy.

As is the case with retinal hemorrhage, hemophthalmus symptoms of disturbed patients. In the list of specific complaints:

  • decreased visual acuity;
  • appearance of blood eye;
  • red veil;
  • appearance in the field of view of the web, dark spots and floating yarns.

During diagnosis revealed the absence of the fundus reflex. We differentiate between full and partial hemophthalmus.


Retinal hemorrhage in the eye - those that are concentrated in the retina. They develop on the background:

  • hypertensive disease;
  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis.

The main symptoms of this disease:

  • impairment or complete loss of vision;
  • colored or black spots before the eyes;
  • the appearance of the shroud.
retinal hemorrhage

According to external signs of retinal hemorrhage is divided into several types:

  • Intraretinal. In such cases, the outpouring of blood occur in retinal thickness. Externally, the clinical picture is manifested in the form of small dots or purple lines.
  • Preretinal. Blood accumulates between the hyaloid membrane in the vitreous body of the eye and the retina. In appearance similar to a large puddle that exceeds the size of the optic disc.
  • Subretinal. In such cases, emerging from the eye, blood accumulates between the layer of nerve fiber and the epithelium of the retina. They appear as dark spots clearly delineated.


Giposfagma represents subconjunctival hemorrhage, in which blood comes from the eye and accumulates between the conjunctiva and sclera. This kind of disease is considered to be the most common. In 98% of patients with contusion detected just hemorrhage sclera.

In the list of the causes of this disease should be made:

  • injury and a concussion;
  • excessive exercise;
  • high blood pressure;
  • coughing, vomiting, pushing.
Giposfagma eyes

As a visible manifestation called the appearance of white of the eye red, irregularly shaped fields. Depending on the degree of damage depends on the size of bleeding in the eye.

At 1-2 the severity of the patient does not feel pain or discomfort. Vision quality is not reduced. At the third severity is often a sensation of a foreign body. During blinking a feeling enhanced. Visual acuity, this symptom is not affected. This clinical picture is rarely lasts longer than three weeks. If abnormality occurred due to violation of hemostasis, there may be frequent relapses.

How to treat

When out of the eye is the blood - a sign of a particular pathology. However, in each case requires individual approach in therapy, so patients need to pass the initial examination and diagnosis by the ophthalmologist. Giposfagma, hyphema and hemophthalmus eyes require different medications.

Hemorrhage in the conjunctiva of the first and second degree specialized measures required. After some time, bloody stain will disappear on their own. Doctors note: the absence of pain, foreign body sensation in the eye and reduce the quality of a person can not seek medical help.

When giposfagme third degree often prescribe medication through which the patient will be blocked discomfort and pain.

Treatment of bleeding in the retina or in another part requires an integrated approach. At the same time take into account not only the visible manifestations of disease, but its cause.

drip eye

In severe cases, restore partially or completely lost vision impossible.

When the characteristic symptoms (the appearance of blood spots in the eye, pain or visual impairment), the person should immediately go to the hospital. The primary task of the doctor - to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible. Blood clots do not touch - they dissolve on their own.

If there was a single case of hyphema or hemophthalmus eye treatment includes rest, relaxation and unloading the eye muscles.

When retinal bleeding patient requires hospitalization. If the symptoms persist for 10 days, surgery may be required.

pharmacy drugs

Self-therapy drugs is strictly forbidden. They must appoint a doctor. With such pathology most effective dosage form is an eye drop. They belong to the local drug action, so give a quick effect.

Use drops to properly:

  1. Before the procedure, it is necessary to wash your hands. It is best to use a bactericidal agent.
  2. For more convenient instillation should take supine position, but this is not always possible. Doctors emphasize that drip eye drops may be in a sitting position, his head thrown back need.
  3. In one hand to keep the vial, and with your free hand should pull the lower eyelid, and stick to the top.
  4. If you assign multiple types of drops, the interval between the application should be at least 20-30 minutes.

Selection of suitable medication carries the attending physician. It can be one or more of the drug.

eyes checked

When retinal hemorrhage treatment may require administration of drugs to the pressure inside the eye, in this case designate Atropine and Thymol.

Potassium iodide of 3%. This drug is prescribed, if revealed subconjunctival hemorrhage and other diseases. The means is characterized by having antiatherosclerotic and anti-microbial properties. Under the action of potassium iodide occurs accelerated resorption of blood clots. Glycerol has a similar effect.

Emoksipin. The medicament comprises a hydrochloride metiletilpiridinola. This substance helps to:

  • rapid resorption of hemorrhages;
  • increase blood clotting, thereby stopping the bleeding;
  • strengthen the vascular wall.

Emoksipin is often administered in combination with other medicines.

Emoproks 1%. This drug is an analogue emoksipin, has a similar composition and effect of the drug to him. It gives good results in different types of eye hemorrhage, treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.

Diclofenac. These eye drops contribute to rapid blocking of the symptoms:

  • have an anesthetic effect in pain;
  • reduce inflammation;
  • contribute to the rapid resorption of blood stains.

Duration of treatment depends on the severity of symptoms.

Taufon. The medicine contains the amino acid taurine. Thanks to this component in the damaged tissues of the eyeball accelerated regeneration. It gives the basis to assign drop Taufon with injuries of eye and contusions.

taufon drops

Vizin 0.05%. Such a drop is prescribed for many pathologies caused the hemorrhage. Visine is able to remove all irritants affecting the eye tissue. Under the action of the active substances dissolve bruises.

Sulfacetamide. If the abnormality was caused by inflammatory processes, are often prescribed sulfacetamide drops. They have an antibacterial effect and quickly eliminate pathogens.

Defislez. As used herein active substance hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. Its action is aimed at:

  • corneal protection against negative external influences;
  • hydration of the epithelium;
  • Removing unpleasant sensations associated with feelings of a foreign body in the eye.

home remedies

Doctors stress that the need to carefully apply home remedies to eliminate bleeding in the eye - causes and treatment of this disease are different. To refuse medical treatment is possible only if a person has no pain, and visual acuity is not impaired.

The first thing to give your eyes a rest and avoid strenuous exercise. Quickly get rid of red spots will help folk remedies. Especially effective in this case, the eye lotions. To prepare them liquid (decoction, infusion) and cooled. Thereafter, the liquid moistened cotton pads or pieces of cotton wool and placed in the eye. At this time, it is best to relax and lie down. Duration of treatment is about 15-20 minutes.

Lotions of tea. This method can be called the most simple and fast. This will require strong tea. It reduces swelling and discomfort, promotes rapid tissue regeneration.

Lotions from tea

A decoction of chamomile. 250 ml of water take 2 tbsp. l. dry chamomile flowers, bring to a boil and leave to cool under a cover.

Acetic water. should be careful with this agent. On 1 ct. l. 1 drop of water is required 9% vinegar. Dosage should not exceed, ie.. This may adversely affect the state of the mucous membrane.

Treat lung swelling and redness, you can use ice cubes. Water was poured into cups and sent to the freezer. These pieces can be cleaned with a space above the eyes and below them. Ice promotes vasoconstriction and tissue toning. Instead of water, you can take a decoction of chamomile or other medicinal herbs.

The good effect is obtained by using compresses.

Compress cheese. This will require the cooled curds (chilled). Spoon fermented milk product is wrapped with several layers of gauze or bandage applied to the eye. Within 10-15 minutes, the swelling subsides. With these packs can accelerate the tissue repair in the eyeball.

Compress of cabbage. Cabbage is often used to combat inflammation, swelling and pain in the soft tissues. To this chilled cabbage leaf must be lightly mash to extract the juice. In the eyes of a compress should be about 1-15 minutes.

You can use both home remedies and drops - the effect occurs faster in the complex therapy.

What not to do

If revealed subconjunctival hemorrhage, need to fully control the actions of:

  • If the eyes are bleeding, you can not do the following: rubbing and scratching them, trying to get rid of the feeling of a foreign body. In this case, you can carry infection, and bleeding symptoms be added symptoms of inflammation.
  • You can not pick their own drops for treatment. Each drug is aimed at solving one or more problems. By incorrectly selected drug will complication.
  • If the eyes of the bleeding, it is not recommended to strain, you need to get plenty of rest.
bleeding eyes


By subconjunctival hemorrhage, and other kinds of impossible to protect completely. This is due to a large number of predisposing factors. There are several ways to reduce the risk of this disease:

  • Should not be abused with cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.
  • Excessive loads should be avoided as far as possible.
  • Of great importance is the human immune system. To maintain it is recommended to take immune-boosting drugs and foods rich in vitamin C.
  • People suffering from diabetes, it is necessary to constantly monitor blood sugar levels.
  • For hypertension patients should be attentive to their pressure and at high rates in a timely manner to take medication.
  • Bleeding in the retina, you can avoid increased load reduction.

In addition to all the above methods of prevention, each person must regularly attend ophthalmic treatments.

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