
Bleeding gums: what to do at home, why greatly halitosis when brushing your teeth, remedy, treatment, causes, than to rinse, causing hurt and was bleeding constantly in one place, how to stop (to strengthen), lower blood began smell

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Not everyone knows why the gums bleed, do in this case, a picture of the jaw or not. This symptom may indicate dental pathology or blood disease. Some of them are dangerous to humans, so treatment and diagnosis should be timely. Bleeding observed in children and adults. Along with dental pain is the most common cause of treatment to the dentist.

Bleeding from the gums

Why bleeding gums when brushing teeth

The cause of bleeding of the gums may lie in the wrong oral care. This symptom occurs when Mismatched toothbrush. The rigid bristles may injure the mucous membrane damage and small blood vessels. Those at risk include people with increased sensitivity of tissues.

Risk factors for bleeding include:

  • too frequent tooth brushing with a stiff brush;
  • Incorrect cleaning techniques;
  • irregular tooth brushing.

Bleeding tooth should be handled with care. If you are sensitive it is recommended to use brushes of medium hardness.

Wrong oral care

Why is the blood of the tooth, not everyone knows. If strong bleeding gums, the reason could be incorrect oral hygiene. Mucous often injured toothpicks and foreign objects.

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Possible damage to the soft tissues of tartar. First, they are soft and are easily removed with a brush, but over time the stones are hard and injure the gums.

The use of medicines

Blood from a tooth can go because of the uncontrolled medication. It can be antiplatelets, anticoagulants, fibrinolytics and some NSAIDs. This symptom is a side effect of the following medicines:

  • Clopidogrel.
  • Warfarin.
  • Varfareksa.
  • Aspirin.
  • Atsekardola.
  • Thrombotic Ass.
  • Trombopola.
  • Heparin.
  • Upsarin Uppsala.

This is due to liquefaction of the blood. These drugs inhibit blood clotting factors. At their prolonged use and possible non-compliance with dosing bleeding of gums.

Lack of vitamins

Bleeding gums - a sign of hypovitaminosis. This condition is caused by lack of vitamins in the body. Hemorrhagic syndrome (bleeding, bleeding) occurs with a deficiency of vitamins K and E, rutin, and ascorbic acid. Vitamin K is involved in the coagulation and ascorbic acid, and rutin (vitamin P) strengthens blood vessels, making them more elastic and resilient.

Why bleeding tooth, everyone knows an experienced dentist. The reason may be a lack in the diet citrus fruits, cabbage, greens, fresh fruits and vegetables, meat and liver. In a healthy person the lack of vitamins is rare. Contributing factors are malabsorption syndrome, helminthic infections, chronic bowel disease, antacids (they impair the absorption of vitamins), goiter and intoxication.

Sometimes gums bleed very strongly in scurvy (severe shortage of ascorbic acid).

At present, this pathology is rarely diagnosed.

Hypovitaminosis reason may be the lack in the diet of citrus, sweet pepper, berries, cabbage, and other sources of ascorbic acid. When scurvy Bleeding gums is combined with the loss of teeth and the appearance of bruises on the body, and rash.

Carrying out dental procedures

The reasons for the permanent separation of blood from the gums are:

  • improper installation of implants and dentures;
  • wrong selection of orthopedic aids;
  • tooth extraction;
  • improper professional cleaning of the teeth.

diseases of the blood

Why do gums bleed, everyone should know. Blood from the teeth and bleeding other sites - a sign of blood disorders. The most common causes are:

Hemophilia. In this pathology there is a shortage of clotting factors (antihemophilic globulin, factor Christmas and Rosenthal) that manifests human tendency to bleeding. More common congenital form of the disease. Bleeding may occur as early as infancy. They provoke minor injuries and medical interventions.

Bleeding in hemophilia

Acute leukemia. When it breaks down the ripening process of blood cells, including platelets. Blast (immature) cells are present in large quantities. The total number of full platelet decreases (developing thrombocytopenia). The causes of leukemia are gene mutations reception toxic compounds, irradiation body, and a family history of chromosomal abnormalities.

Chronic leukemia. The reasons for its development is a viral infection, professional harm, contact with chemicals and radiation. In chronic leukemia bleeding disturb long (years) and are expressed not as much as in the acute form of the disease. Blood from the teeth combined with other symptoms.

Thrombocytopenia. This pathology is characterized by a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood (white blood platelets). It is kind of hemorrhagic diathesis. Thrombocytopenia is congenital and acquired. The reasons are hereditary syndromes, autoimmune processes (production of antibodies to platelets), stem cell deficiency (leads to disruption of hematopoiesis), thrombosis and DIC.


If there is blood around the tooth can be the reason inflammation (gingivitis). The disease occurs in acute and chronic forms. Inflammation and bleeding of the gums caused by the following pathological processes:

  • formation of ulcers and erosions;
  • formation of dental plaque;
  • microbial growth;
  • microcirculation infringement;
  • increased vascular permeability;
  • fragile capillaries.

Risk factors include damage to the gums while brushing the teeth wearing braces, the presence of plaque, lack of hygiene of the oral cavity, herpes, diabetes, SARS and intoxication. When catarrh bleeding occurs after brushing. Especially severe necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis.


If the gums began to bleed, then the cause may be an inflammation of the connective tissue in the area of ​​the tooth near its roots. Causes and treatment of periodontal disease is known to every experienced dentist.

May be affected upper and lower half jaws.

Bleeding occurs due to expansion of capillaries, entering the periodontal space of dental plaque, bacterial growth and impaired tissue trophism. Bleeding tooth if proper treatment can lead to the formation of abscess, bone destruction and tooth loss.


When this disease is caused by bleeding from tooth no inflammation and atrophy of the tissues surrounding the tooth and helps hold it in the alveoli.

Causes include dental plaque, malocclusion, metabolic disorders and abnormal dentition. Often bleeds from the gums in people with atherosclerosis and endocrine diseases.


If the gums are sore and bleeding, there may be other symptoms. The most common signs are:

  • Halitosis. Observed in chronic periodontitis and the presence of purulent processes. From these patients, unpleasant smells due to the growth of bacteria and tissue necrosis.
  • The presence of plaque between teeth.
  • Swelling and redness of the gums. Gums swollen with gingivitis.
  • The presence of ulcers or erosions.
  • Increasing the local temperature.
  • Rash (possibly in herpetic nature of the disease).
  • Bad taste. Most often it occurs after a meal.
  • The increased tooth sensitivity to low or high temperature.
  • Fever and general malaise.
  • Pain. Toothache in many inflammatory diseases and injuries.
  • Other sites of bleeding (nose, gastrointestinal, uterine).
  • impurity blood in the urine. A sign of a hemorrhagic syndrome. Observed in diseases of the blood.
  • The presence of bruising, bleeding and hemarthrosis. It is characteristic for hemophilia.
  • Soreness of the teeth and gums on palpation.
  • Swollen lymph nodes.
  • tooth loss.
  • Itching.
  • Decreased appetite.

If brushing your teeth is bleeding and no other symptoms, it can indicate their mechanical damage.

What to do

If the gums are sore and bleeding, you should consult your dentist. Treatment is carried out after the diagnosis. Wanted oral examination, and blood coagulation analysis (for exclusion of hemophilia and leukemia). Self-medication is not allowed. To stop the bleeding from the gums helps to comprehensive treatment. Its objectives are:

  • removing the cause of bleeding (treatment of underlying disease);
  • elimination of the risk factors;
  • thorough oral care (application specific toothpastes of gums to reduce sensitivity rinses);
  • elimination of symptoms;
  • prevention of complications.

To stop the bleeding from the gums to help:

  • The use of topical and systemic drugs.
  • Adherence to a strict diet.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Surgery. In identifying a human periodontitis may require scrappy operations (allow to eliminate pockets in periodontal and normalize growth bone), excision of the gingiva with subsequent processing scraping pocket contents (curettage), followed by dissection of gums and curettage plastic. If the gums bleed on against leukemia, you may need a bone marrow transplant. When periodontal disease is conducted by splinting fixation and implantation.
  • Teeth cleaning. When periodontal disease is often carried out ultrasonic cleaning, which allows you to get rid of the stone.
  • Massage.
  • The use of orthopedic aids. When bleeding occurs in the background of low-quality prosthetics may require new prostheses.

If the tooth has gone blood on the background of leukemia, the main methods of treatment are chemotherapy, radiotherapy, bone marrow transplantation and transfusion therapy.

diet therapy

Strengthen the gums if they are bleeding, helps proper nutrition. Patients should:

  • Limit the consumption of foods, blood thinners and promote bleeding (cucumber, zucchini, eggplant, garlic, onions).
  • Abandon the roughage, as it may injure your gums.
  • Excluded from the menu alcoholic beverages.
  • Cook for a couple or a boil.
  • Eat food warm.
  • There is food in the semi-liquid, soft and liquid form (mashed potatoes, steam cutlets, soup, stew, porridge).
  • Included in the diet foods rich rutin, vitamin C, vitamins of group B, tocopherol and vitamin K. They are found in greens, berries, citrus fruits, cabbage, red pepper, currants, meat, eggs, grains, legumes, and dairy products.
  • Enable the menu beet and carrot juices.

To avoid bleeding gums, such a diet should be followed consistently. Some products (lettuce, spinach, green tea, cookies) to help stop the bleeding quickly.


The following drugs can be administered:

  • Antihemorrhagic means (Vikasol, aminocaproic acid). Vikasol appointed with bleeding on the background of hypovitaminosis K, operations on the teeth and gums injuries. These drugs can stop the bleeding from the gums.
  • Immunostimulants.
  • Antiseptics (Chlorhexidine Miramistin, Furatsilinom). They can rinse your mouth with gingivitis.
  • Affecting skin preparations. These include Solkoseril and Aktovegin. They contribute to the healing of gum tissue in the case of damage.
  • Antiinflammatory agents with antibacterial activity (Holisal, Metrogil Dent). They are used in the form of a gel.
  • Herbal preparations (Rotokan, Salvini-Vif).
  • Systemic antibiotics. Are appointed in periodontitis. Used penicillins, fluoroquinolones and lincosamides.
  • Antiallergics (Clemastine, Tavegil).
  • NSAIDs (ibuprofen, indomethacin, Phenylbutazone).
  • Drugs improving microcirculation (Pentoxifylline).

In hemophilia may bleed for a long time does not stop. The disease is incurable. Patients are assigned the missing clotting factors. When leukemia commonly used corticosteroids (prednisolone Nycomed) and iron supplements. Medications against bleeding gums are appointed based on their human tolerance (allergic history) and contraindications.


If the gums bleed, following physiotherapy treatments can be carried out:

  • Laser therapy;
  • electrophoresis (using calcium supplements and fluorine);
  • the impact of ultrasonic waves;
  • hyperbaric oxygen therapy;
  • ozone therapy.

If the teeth are bleeding on the background of periodontal disease, the effective vacuum or massage. Physiotherapy improves metabolic processes and destroy microbes (ozone), strengthen and improve the microcirculation of blood vessels.

If blood from the gums does not stop, then such combined therapy with hemostatics.


Cure gum disease and tooth help folk remedies. If the sore and bleeding gums, do at home can decoctions and infusions on basis of medicinal herbs. The most effective bark oak, mountain arnica, plantain, chamomile and aloe. In the treatment of the following tools can be used in the home:

  • Sea buckthorn oil. They lubricate the damaged gums.
  • A decoction of chamomile.
  • Decoction and infusion-based sage. They can gargle 3-4 times a day.
  • Infusion of plantain leaves.

If the gums are sore, you can do compresses and lotions.


Because tooth bleeds for various reasons, prevention should be comprehensive. recommended:

  • Rinse your mouth with special antiseptics.
  • Only use toothpaste, strengthens the gums (Parodontax, Biomed, Lakalyut).
  • In a timely manner to eliminate inflammation (if the blood from the gums caused by gingivitis).
  • Do not pull out their own teeth.
  • Exclude from the diet of solid food.
  • Prevent damage to the oral mucosa.
  • Brushing your teeth 2 times a day.
  • Rinse your mouth after every meal.
  • Live a healthy life.
  • Use home medium hardness brush. The most common bleeding tooth with wrong selection of brushes.
  • Fully fed.
  • Take vitamins.
  • Refuse prolonged use of antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants.
  • Time to treat periodontal disease, periodontitis and other diseases.

If the sore and inflamed gums in one place or several, you should immediately consult your doctor. Specific preventive maintenance is not developed.

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