
Vomiting blood during pregnancy: at the time the cause, treatment, bile

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Women sometimes observed vomiting blood during pregnancy. This may be a symptom of serious illness or disorder, a danger not only for the future health of the mother, but also the formation of the fetus in utero.

Nausea during pregnancy


Pregnant causes vomiting with blood can be different. From this will depend on the selection of the regimen your doctor.


Consuming large quantities of food can cause vomiting with blood during pregnancy. When child-bearing is a disorder most often noted in the last 5-6 weeks of the term.

During this period, the uterus of the future mother begins to grow and put pressure on the stomach, so that its capacity is reduced.

In addition, the risk of vomiting increases the consumption of fried, fatty and richly flavored dishes.

Overeating during pregnancy

Blood clots can also occur due to prolonged vomiting. Chronic intestinal smooth muscle spasms promote irritation of the stomach and esophageal mucosa, which explains the brown or reddish hue allocated vomitus. In this constant vomiting accompanied by nausea, heartburn and painful sensations in the peritoneum.

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Food poisoning

low quality food can cause severe intestinal infections and toxemia, which would entail the occurrence of emesis. If the stomach mucosa is damaged, then vomit blood particles fall. Symptoms of food poisoning:

  • vomiting appear 1-3 hours after ingestion;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • the presence of food residues in the vomit;
  • fever.
Food poisoning

Stool irregularities and vomiting often lead to dehydration, convulsions and fainting. In more severe cases, the patient is not only vomiting bloodBut also increases the risk of miscarriage. If you suspect a poisoning it is necessary as soon as possible to ask for help to the medical institution.

Diseases of the stomach and intestines

Gastric ulcer can cause vomiting of blood. In addition, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract organs have such features:

  • heartburn;
  • nausea after eating;
  • pain in the epigastric area.

Sometimes blood in the vomit goes from ulcers. In this case, the color becomes darker, the patient pressure is increased, quickens the heartbeat, shortness of breath. If blood enters the gastrointestinal tract, the stool turns black.

Furthermore, sometimes bloody vomit a symptom of esophagitis in which the inflamed mucosa of the esophagus.


Sometimes blood in the vomit is the result of cancerous lesions of the stomach. The pathology is manifested by symptoms:

  • deterioration of the general condition;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • constant nausea;
  • intolerance to a number of foods.
pain in the stomach

Establish an accurate diagnosis can only be in the hospital at the time of complex diagnostics. To do this, go EGD and biopsy of stomach tissue.

What to do

First aid

If vomiting does not stop while there are secondary symptoms as fever and general malaise, the woman is required to administer first aid. To do this:

  • turn patient on side;
  • placed next to a bowl;
  • regularly measure the pulse, blood pressure and breathing rate monitor;
  • ensure patient and abundant warm drink to prevent dehydration.


If during pregnancy the woman appeared blood in vomit allocated, then you first need to call an ambulance and call the medics. In severe cases, treatment of disease is carried out in a hospital. Further treatment regimen selected several experts - a gynecologist, gastroenterologist, internist.

In the course of treatment using the safest drugs:

  • chelators - Smecta, activated charcoal or Polisorb;
  • antiemetics - pipolfen;
  • preparations for stabilizing the liver - Hofitol or lecithin;
  • enzyme medicines - Mezim or Festal.

Medication should be prescribed only by the attending physician. To self-medicate prohibited during pregnancy.

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