Blood Type

As inherited Rh factor: what should be the parents of children (child) person table, which determines, inherited, formed

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Parents expecting a baby, want to know how to inherit the Rh factor. By studying the properties of red blood cells, the researchers came to the conclusion that different people have their own set of antibodies and proteins. As blood and factor transmitted from mother to child or father.

Check for Rh factor

From that figure depends

This figure is dependent on the presence of specific compounds in the blood. Protein formation in the inner membrane of red blood cells indicates a positive blood factor. Protein molecules are not present in a person with a negative Rhesus factor.

Blood in children is formed in the womb. Rhesus factor is inherited from parents, and remains constant throughout life. This figure is studied by geneticists. They believe that the succession takes place according to the principles of Mendel's law. This law explains how a negative or positive Rh.

What should be the parents

If the Rh factor in parents the same, the child gets his chance to 100%. Indicators baby analyzes born in people with a positive factor should be the same. In the case where the parameters are different from their parents, the blood in the offspring is formed with a dominant figure. The probability of getting Rh labeled "+" or "-" is 50%.

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The factor is determined simultaneously with the blood group of ABO system. The gene responsible for the trait, is located on chromosome number 9. The indicator is influenced by the chromosome responsible for other hereditary characteristics. The genetic code is transmitted from the parents, and they get it from grandparents.

What is Rhesus conflict

The conflict is manifested in the rejection of the fetus during the gestation of his mother with another Rh blood indicators. This means that the mother's immune system takes the child by the foreign body, life-threatening. The body tries to get rid of it, which increases the risk of miscarriage. There is such an incompatibility are rare, but can lead to several complications.

Fetal red blood cells under the influence of maternal antibodies are killed, which adversely affects the health of the child, increases the risk of jaundice in the newborn. Also increases the likelihood of developing the following diseases:

  • pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • brain damage and other internal organs - liver, spleen.

This can be avoided by controlling the amount of antibodies in the body. Determine the risk of conflict will help regular analyzes of a future mother. If necessary, experts make it the vaccine is administered intravenously preparation containing protivorezusny immunoglobulin.

blood group

This can be done in the early stages, when the blood cells in the fetus are not yet formed. The presence of antibodies is checked with 8 weeks of pregnancy. Each Rh-negative woman in labor needs constant medical supervision. In some cases, in the later stages to save the life of the mother and baby doctors can spend early labor.

How is Rh baby

There are the following table inheritance:

Mother (Rh +) Father (Rh +) Child (+) 100%
Mother (Rh +) Father (Rh-) Child (+) 50% (-) 50%
Mother (Rh-) Father (Rh +) Child (-) 50% (+) 50%
Mother (Rh-) Father (Rh-) Child (-) 100%

But these figures do not always allow us to understand how genes will be passed. Sometimes the child genotype is not transmitted directly from parents, and from the grandparents. If the latter will be negative values, they can be transferred and grandchildren if the parents - a positive factor. Possibility of inheriting the Rh factor by grandparents is relatively low, but it exists. This genetic code exists in the blood of the child and the parents, it can manifest itself in several generations.

More accurately identify the presence of major and minor characters in different generations helps deeper research conducted in specialized clinics or research institutes engaged in research in the field of Genetics. Holders of negative status in the genome is not a positive factor. But the positive factor of a parent is dominant, and in most cases, is transmitted to the next generation. Negative blood who either parent has a recessive genotype.

However, these features are inherited in the family differently. They may differ from the siblings. Rh negative is transferred to the children always have Rh-negative parents can not appear the children with positive blood factor.

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