Blood Type

Rh-conflict pregnancy: a table and a blood type, positive mother from his father negative consequences, parents, when there is, the symptoms, men, treatment for what term begins, how to determine what threatens child is dangerous, can be excellent, the show happens, women, signs, Rh factor

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Different Rh - factors in the parents increases the risk of various pathologies of the hematopoietic system and other internal organs of the fetus. Rhesus - the factor of parents during pregnancy is recommended to determine in advance - this will minimize negative impact antibodies present on the surface of "female" of erythrocytes, the emerging fetus. Rhesus - conflict during pregnancy to treat.

About "Rh-conflict"

the probability table

Geneticists claim that the analysis of the probable genetic characteristics of the child's blood group of blood during pregnancy both sexes (husband and wife) is estimated to be on the same criteria. (50%/50%). Specialists have compiled a few tables to assess in advance the degree of risk.

probability table separated:

  • of Rp (+) or (-);
  • to 1 of 4 groups.

Material taken at the same time my mom and dad, it detects the presence of specific protein markers. They are on the surface of red blood cells. Immunological properties of blood does not affect the health of the husband and wife are often found various monkeys. Conflict is formed at conception, if people have different Rp ((+) red cells fuse with the (-)). Rhesus - conflict during pregnancy (Table) allows doctors to minimize the risk of disease in the fetus.

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Rh - factor

The concepts of "Rh - factor and pregnancy" are closely related to each other. The conflict is possible in that case, if the mother has Rh positive, and his father - a negative. These people are born, children with a variety of factors. If you factor in women and men is negative, with a 100% chance the child will be born with Rp (-). Cases where the parents is positive, the child - Rhesus negative, are not registered.

Rh disease for conception

Rhesus - conflict (Table):

Rp (father) Rp (mother) Rp (child) Conflict Prediction (in%)
floor. (+) floor. (+) floor. (+) 0%
floor. (+) Neg. (-) 50% (+) or 50% (-) 50%
Neg. (-) floor. (+) 50% (+) or 50% (-) 50%
Neg. (-) Neg. (-) Neg. (-) 0%

The probability of Rh disease is increasing at the confluence of protein markers that are in the red blood cells. Parental Rp (factor) may be different, but the child factor - different.

Blood group

blood during pregnancy determines the likelihood of incompatibilities. Letter code groups:

  • I - 0;
  • II - A;
  • III - V;
  • IV - AB.

Table of compatibility of blood groups:

father's blood the mother's blood baby's blood conflict forecasting
0 0 0 expelled
0 BUT 0 or A expelled
0 AT 0 or B expelled
0 AB A or B expelled
BUT 0 0 or A 50%
BUT BUT A or 0 expelled
BUT AT any group 25%
BUT AB A, 0, or AB expelled
AT 0 0 or B 50%
AT BUT any group 50%
AT AT Or 0 expelled
AT AB AB or 0 expelled
AB 0 A or B 100%
AB BUT A, AB or 0 66%
AB AT AB or 0 66%
AB AB AB or A expelled

Merging erythrocytes occurs as the formation of the fruit.

Causes of conflict

A woman with Rh negative and a man - with a positive, can conceive to conceive. If Rh - the mother factor is positive, the father - is negative, the risk of conflict is 50%. Parent group of blood during pregnancy affects the extent and rate of formation of possible pathologies. During the first pregnancy, blood transfusion if not carried out, the chances of avoiding conflict increase sharply. This means that a child may be born with Rp (+) with a negative Rh mother.

It so happens that the female body is not capable of roughly produced enough antibodies. The main causes of incompatibilities - fertilization of the egg after abortions or miscarriages. In this case, the risk of conflict increases several times. The woman factor during pregnancy and up to the end of her life does not change, only in the blood may increase the number of antibodies produced by the body.

A conflict may occur in women whose first pregnancy ended in cesarean section. If in the process of childbirth, doctors separated the placenta manually, the patient has a history of uterine bleeding, the risk of incompatibility between Rp 50-60%. Women with negative Rp-factor should be particularly attentive to their own health - a mother are at risk who have had these diseases, being pregnant:

  • acute respiratory viral infections;
  • preeclampsia;
  • cold.
Preeclampsia during pregnancy

Antibodies produced by the body, will not disappear. Their number increases with each subsequent pregnancy. If you violate the structural construction of chorionic villi mother's immune system starts to produce antibodies at high speed.

At what period begins

When you start a pregnancy, Rh - factor of a woman does not change. In the first pregnancy conflict can arise. With the development and formation of the fetus in the child's bloodstream are antibodies raised mother's body. The first 2-3 weeks, during the period of gestation, the mother's blood and baby mixed. For female body's antibodies are not dangerous, but the body of the child, they can cause harm.

According to statistics, there Rh - incompatibility of the second and subsequent pregnancy.. The analysis results indicate the possible deviations. In rare cases, a mother, a father or a child may become carriers of chimerism. From the point of view of genetics is a little studied phenomenon, people-chimeras in the genetic code spelled out on two groups of information simultaneously.


Influence of Rh - factor during pregnancy does not occur in the form of specific symptoms. The spectrum of symptoms and signs Rh - minimal conflict. Often the woman is unaware of the possible dangers - it feels good, no sickness. According to some experts, during the second and subsequent pregnancy may cause "mirror syndrome."

Symptoms of blood conflict

At regular Pumping antibodies appear characteristic symptoms of preeclampsia. Adapting a woman's body for pregnancy manifested in the appearance of edema, blood pressure jumps, slight dizziness at sharp movements. The hypothesis was not confirmed by scientific studies, so these symptoms of Rh - incompatibility can not be fully relied upon.

what threatens

Many parents are interested in answer to the question, what is dangerous Rh - incompatibility for the unborn child. Consequences for the child could be dire. antibodies sprawl affects the formation of the internal organs of the child, after the birth of the baby is suffering from jaundice of the skin. A newborn elevated bilirubin levels in the blood, his swollen limbs. The emergence of Rhesus - conflict during pregnancy, the effects of which are also expressed in preterm labor, it accelerates the decomposition of blood cells in the baby.

HDN (hemolytic disease of the newborn) - a dangerous pathology that appears as a result of the conflict. It is 3 types:

  • edematous;
  • icteric;
  • nuclear.

From edematous form babies often die. This is due to swelling of internal organs - increases liver, intestine. Child with edematous form of HDN is born dead or die within a few hours after birth. Icteric form is considered the most favorable cases of fatal outcome have been identified. After 2-3 days after the birth of the baby's skin turns yellow. Pathology is often confused with neonatal jaundice.

hemolytic disease of the newborn

Icteric form accompanied by slight swelling of the liver and spleen. A child diagnosed with anemia (iron deficiency in the blood). Bilirubin is overvalued. When icteric form should immediately begin treatment - this will minimize the risk of nuclear HDN.

Kernicterus affects the nervous system of the child. It is accompanied by cramps, erratic eye movements. Decreased muscle tone, weak baby. The risk of heart attack increased bilirubin. Liver increases in size, the body can not function properly and can not cope with the assigned duties.

What to do

Pregnant women are wondering what to do if Rh was detected - a conflict. Experts advise in a timely manner to pass all the tests and for tests. Isoserological incompatibility to treat her with timely diagnosis. The most dangerous is the period from 21 to 31 weeks - this time a pregnant woman regularly take a blood test. Allocate several major methods of diagnosis.


Rhesus conflict - factor can be determined by laboratory tests. Determination of pathology occurs on the basis of test results, handed over a woman. Material taken from a vein, helps determine the group and Rp-affiliation. After the woman was registered, it must give blood three times in the group definition:

  • first appearance;
  • at 30 weeks' gestation;
  • before the birth of the child.

If antibodies were detected in the blood of a pregnant woman, she should donate blood every month. Dynamic titer is determined in the first place. The specialists identify the growth rate and the formation of antibodies.

analysis pregnant

Also diagnostic measures include:

  • ultrasound;
  • invasive method of diagnosis;
  • a non-invasive method of diagnosis.

Through ultrasound, you can monitor the status of the child. HDD on primary signs can be detected in the 19-20 week (second screening). If there is no suspicion of a conflict, the following procedure is conducted on 33-34 week. If the fetus is satisfactory and sensitization was identified earlier, the ultrasound screening is carried out every 14 days. If a child was confirmed by the MLP - ultrasound done every 2-4 days.

Symptoms, which can be seen on ultrasound pathology:

  • increased placenta (0.5-1 cm);
  • enlarged spleen and liver;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • expansion of veins in the connecting hole (umbilical cord).
The placenta is increased

Ultrasound examination reveals edematous form of the MLP. Fetus enlarged liver, spleen, clearly visible swelling of the abdomen. Swollen limbs, the heart is also increased in size. Invasive methods of determining abnormalities include:

  • amniocentesis;
  • cordocentesis.

Amniocentesis is performed at week 16, amniotic fluid analysis reveals the deviations. Cordocentesis considered the most accurate method of determining the degree of severity of the MLP. Blood from the umbilical cord taken at 18 weeks. By means of the procedure can be a blood transfusion in utero. Material obtained by sampling, to determine the level of bilirubin and hemoglobin.

For non-invasive methods include a modern procedure that allows for the mother's blood to determine Rh unborn child. The material contains fetal red blood cells responsible for the formation of Rp-conflict.


Conflict of blood group in pregnancy not amenable to specific treatment due to lack of drugs that can change the composition of blood. Get rid of antibodies in blood by administering medicaments impossible. Rhesus - conflict, which treatment should be carried out in a timely manner, requires monitoring the well-being and way of life of the pregnant. Minimize the risk of developing abnormalities in the fetus will individually tailored therapy.

Vitamin-mineral complexes

During the first 9 months of pregnancy a woman should guzzle three drugs course. The dosage regimen and dosing schedule determined by the expert. These include:

  • vitamins and minerals;
  • calcium-containing medications;
  • iron supplements;
  • drugs that improve metabolism.

If the child in the womb is serious, produce intrauterine transfusion. This procedure allows you to save the life of the baby and gives time to develop fully. At high concentration of antibodies in the blood delivery is carried out prematurely by cesarean section. In the early stages of pregnancy the woman sewed fragment of skin cover the child's father. This measure reduces the risk of conflict of blood groups.

One of the methods of treatment of the conflict on blood groups consider plasmapheresis. The procedure has virtually no contraindications. Pregnant women should take about 20 sessions - one procedure to clean 3 liters of plasma. Simultaneously, plasma donation in a woman's body receives protein medicines, necessary for the normal development of the fetus in the womb.

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