Blood Type

Conflict of blood group in pregnancy: mother and child, the newborn, the table, the father, the probability, immunological, fetal effects

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For some women, there is a conflict of blood group during pregnancy, when the indicators in the mother and the embryo does not match. Such cases occur in medical practice, and women who bears a child, should be ready for them.

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The reason for the conflict

If human blood group 1, then there are no antigens A and B, but antibodies have α and β. In the other Group A or B is available. The immune system of the pregnant woman, in which one group reacts with antigens of other groups.

The immune system damages the mother's fetal red blood cells, eliminating the antigen in his blood, it can cause hemolytic abnormalities in the unborn baby. It creates a conflict of AB0 system.

From the table it is clear that at 4 in the pregnant group immunological conflict is impossible. In other cases, the conflict is possible. Incompatibility mom and baby is most pronounced when pregnant with one group bears fruit with 2 or 3.

Table probability of conflict of blood group AB0 system:

Mother Child
0 (I) A (II)
0 (I) B (III)
0 (I) AB (IV)
A (II) B (III)
A (II) AB (IV)
B (III) A (II)
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What threatens the discrepancy

There is a risk of degeneration of red blood cells, so that the child may die. Conflict of blood mother and child can cause tension-type headache (hemolytic disease of newborn). This pathology is interfere with the function of the circulatory system of the child. In the event of the disease can not be normal development of the embryo.

Hemolytic pathology is such types:

  • Anemic. Fetus lowered hemoglobin and elevated bilirubin. This condition does not cause serious complications and the baby bounces back.
  • Icteric. It develops when bilirubin toxicity.
  • Edematous. Is the most dangerous, causing fetal death. If the child is able to survive, then in his body there are a number of diseases, including CNS disorders.

Degeneration of blood cell damage their skin, and penetrates into the plasma hemoglobin. Such hemoglobin, once in the bloodstream, is toxic. It is going intoxication baby bilirubin, and he develops anemia. The liver can not neutralize the enzyme, it spreads through the body, it causes a disturbance of oxidative processes in the body.

This situation causes irreversible consequences and sometimes death of the fetus.

Therefore it is impossible to underestimate the possible danger of conflict. Incompatibility promotes proliferation of antibodies that would adversely affect the formation of fruit bodies. After the birth of a child appears jaundice of the skin, increases the concentration of bilirubin, there are leg swelling. This can cause premature birth, the child is observed HDN.

planning for pregnancy

Many people ask, how to prevent conflict of blood during pregnancy. For most people, the first group, those 50%. The second is found in 40% of the population. Third - 30% of the population. The fourth is the most rare, observed in 15% of the population.

planning for pregnancy

When planning the conception, many couples are asking whether it is possible to prevent complications in pregnancy conflict. Parents should be aware of existing risks, and in this situation the father and mother must be put on the account in the consultation under control specialist. It can help restore blood flow in women of hormones that affect the placenta formation, - lactogen and gonadotropin.

Placenta is a barrier to prevent contact with the blood of women bloodstream embryo. If the placenta is developing properly, observed delamination or other diseases, the possibility of conflict increases, and this can cause negative effects.

If doctors diagnosed the conflict, it is possible to take such measures as:

  • Assign phototherapy, which displays the body of the embryo toxins in t. H. bilirubin.
  • Assign vitamins B, C, E, cholagogue, sorbents, to slow down the uptake of bilirubin by the digestive system.
  • Appoint mother cleansing enemas, detoxification treatment is carried out.
  • Make intrauterine blood transfusion child if life allows, spend prematurity.

Abortion when incompatibility

People ask, is not dangerous if medical abortion for the interruption of the first pregnancy in women with Rh negative. The method of abortion is irrelevant. When mismatch blood group pregnant and the embryo fetal red blood cells into the blood of women and cause the appearance of antibodies.

If the first pregnancy ended in abortion, then for the subsequent risk of a conflict of mother and fetus is estimated at 10%. It should take into account the parents when planning a pregnancy, they need to consult in advance with the specialist. If the parents are at risk, then throughout the period of pregnancy, a woman should see your doctor regularly and undergo a medical examination.

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