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From what helps Ranitidine? Indications

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Ranitidine. These pills stomach ulcers and duodenum favorably with those of their peers, not only because affordable price, but persistent level of popularity, is not declining for several decades. And even though most of the applications of their strong negative impact on the organs that contain histamine receptors, it is still considered the best option in choosing a treatment.

As the drug works?

Receiving the drug leads to blocking of histamine receptors in the gastric mucosa thicker, which prevents excessive release of hydrochloric acid parietal cells. This implies that the main indications for the administration of ranitidine are all conditions characterized by increased secretory activity of the stomach.

See also: Full instructions on the administration of ranitidine


In therapy these pills used in the treatment and prophylaxis of ulcerative lesions of the upper gastrointestinal tract, treatment of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ulcer in combination with a tumor pancreas), reflux esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus associated with periodic ejection of gastric contents into the esophagus) and erosive inflammation esophagus.

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In surgical practice Ranitidine is indicated for the prevention of respiratory tract burns due to accidental release of gastric juice during general anesthesia or the occurrence of gastric ulcers in postoperative period.

Even part of the population, far from medicine, it is known that Ranitidine helps with a sudden attack of heartburn. However, here it is used only in cases when the hand for some reason was not an ordinary baking soda.

In oncology practice due to the use of toxic drugs quite often there are situations in which the work is broken almost all GI with a mandatory increase in the secretion of hydrochloric acid, from which rescues and Ranitidine this category patients.

In some cases, Ranitidine is used to stop the stomach bleeding, but only in those cases where it is due to additional organ damage HCl wall.

Negative qualities

Even when the drug is administered by the above diseases in the doctor recommended dosage, there is a fairly a high probability of occurrence of side effects associated mainly with the activities of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. But this drawback is easily corrected by subtraction of the dose or administration of ranitidine with a lower content of mg of active ingredients.

In addition, the drug, despite the complete absence of a teratogenic and carcinogenic actions confirmed with numerous experiments on animals, the drug should not be taken during pregnancy (He freely crosses the placenta) and in children under 12 years (the body is in the process of formation of the final).

In conclusion it should be noted that as long as something from which helps Ranitidine will affect people older or has not yet corrected the financial situation of residents our country, the drug does not subside in popularity, even with the windows of drugstores-the-art tools with a complete absence of contraindications or similar negative.

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