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Castor oil to remove warts: how to apply, can help or not

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The occurrence of papillomas

Papillomatosis and papilloma - a disease which is caused by HPV (papilloma virus is human). HPV - a collective concept, which includes about 27 species and more than 170 different types of viruses, the combined total lesion area - skin and mucous membranes. Once in the human body papilloma virus infects primarily in the basal cell layers.

This disease has a fairly long incubation period ranging from two weeks to several years, and has a typical latency period of flow. Under the influence of various negative factors, there is a stimulation of the virus activity and in this point there are clinical manifestations of the disease.

It is worth noting that a large number of cases of infection with papilloma virus, in the period from six months to one year, may be self-healing, in other situations, perhaps a chronic course of the disease, with the possible formation of malignant tumor.


Primarily for the treatment of papilloma virus to prescribe medication, has a bracing and immunostimulatory effects.

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To remove the formation of the following methods are used:

  • chemical (moxibustion trichloroacetic acid and Solkoderm ferezolom);
  • cytotoxic (use of podophyllin, podophyllotoxin);
  • surgery (an operation to remove);
  • cryotherapy (freezing destruction papillomas);
  • Electrotherapy (moxibustion elektrokautorom);
  • laser (a laser beam).

However, popular ways to remove the papillomas were and remain the most safe and effective enough. It thus serves as a method of Castor oil from papillomas. This product gently on the skin, is hypoallergenic and completely safe.

A bit of castor oil

Oil is produced in the processing of castor bean seeds.

The structure of this unique product includes acid:

  • ricinoleic;
  • linoleic;
  • oleic.

ricinoleic acid in castor oil more than 80%, namely it determines its basic properties.

In cosmetology castor oil is used for the following tasks:

  • to protect the skin against adverse environmental factors (sharp temperature changes, excessive dryness);
  • to restore skin elasticity;
  • to reduce and smooth out wrinkles;
  • to relieve swelling, including insect bites;
  • to destroy the warts;
  • for removal of skin flaking and therapy hyperkeratosis;
  • for the treatment of dermatoses with concomitant skin dryness;
  • for the prevention of fungal infections;
  • for the treatment of dandruff.

According to numerous positive feedback, Castor Oil in the treatment of papillomas gives a very a good result, but in this case, we must first make sure that there are no allergies castor oil. To this slightly heated oil is applied to the inside of the elbow. If within 10-15 minutes no redness or other allergic manifestations (eg: itching, swelling or rash), it can be used without fear of Castor Oil.

How to apply

Before you begin to use Castor oil to destroy the wart should pay attention to the nuances of the following:

  • Castor oil before use should always be a little bit to warm up;
  • skin before applying oil or mixture should be thoroughly washed with soap and water and dry;
  • rub the product in the tissue should be careful not to injure the papilloma;
  • in therapy is very important regularity;
  • destruction of warts does not mean a complete cure of the human papilloma virus;
  • if the formation is damaged, bleeding or bring discomfort, you should consult a dermatologist.
There are several ways to remove warts with castor oil. The easiest - to apply castor oil on your skin 3-5 times a day and gently rub it around education for 5-10 minutes. The duration of this treatment from one to three months. As a result of papilloma shrinks and disappears itself.

Another recipe removing warts - a mixture of soda and castor oil in a ratio of 1: 3. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the papilloma a patch for 10 - 30 minutes, 1 time per day. However, the appearance of itching, redness or rash such agent use is contraindicated.

Of papillomas on neck Castor oil can be used in combination with a variety of medicinal plants: with dandelion, chamomile, burdock and other.

2 tablespoons dried chamomile to pour hot castor oil (half cup) and let stand for a day - two. Then ready means can strain and with a cotton swab applied to papilloma area at least twice a day. Treatment of castor oil is conducted to the complete destruction of the warts.

Fresh color dandelion (half a glass) is mixed with hot oil and castor infused 2-3 hours. After that, the mixture should be cool and put on papilloma and its surrounding skin twice a day. The duration of this treatment from one to three months.

Burdock leaves should be thoroughly washed, slightly dry and grind in a blender. Chopped fresh herbs mixed with half a glass of castor oil and put in a water bath for 20-25 minutes. Further, means should cool and filter. The mixture is applied to the papilloma twice daily until complete disappearance of warts.

All of the above mixture should be stored no longer than one month in the refrigerator.

Good help in the treatment of warts with castor oil mixed with essential oils. To do this in a warm Castor oil is added a few drops of tea tree oil or lemon or eucalyptus. And further funds are used as described above, two - four times a day until complete disappearance of warts. Note, however, that essential oils can cause allergies, so before you begin to use them, you must make sure that no hypersensitivity to it.

Sometimes the treatment of papillomas Castor oil mixed with fresh juice medicinal plants, should be noted. That this mixture is rapidly deteriorate. Therefore, it is necessary to do in the amount used for a few days.

Aloe leaves thoroughly wash, dry and chop. Green mass recline on a cheesecloth and squeeze. The resulting juice is mixed with 2 tablespoons of castor oil and applied to a papilloma twice daily.

The juice of half a lemon mixed with castor oil (2 tablespoons) and applied to the wart twice a day.

Ash juice similar recipe described above is mixed with warm castor oil and applied at papilloma zone.


It is important to know that the castor oil to treat the eyelids papilloma be very careful. Getting on the mucous eye, castor oil may cause irritation. Treatment of warts in this zone the product is best done in a pure form, without essential oils of herbs and juice, to avoid the development of allergic reactions.

If papilloma injured or does not look as usual, it is better not to self-medicate, and seek to skilled dermatologist for consultation, since these structures have the ability to regenerate into malignant tumor.

If you experience itching, rash, or redness of the skin during the use of castor oil, is necessary to stop the procedure.


There are many recipes that allow to get rid of warts using castor oil. According to numerous positive reviews these tools perfectly destroy warts. However, it should be noted that there are messages that describe the failure of the use of Castor oil against the warts. But this is not surprising, because the success of any treatment depends primarily on the individual characteristics of the human body. And one and the same drug can not cure absolutely everyone.


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