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Recipe Castor Oil In Latin

Recipe Castor oil in Latin

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The name in Latin

Castor oil is known as "castor oil" names and the "castor oil". Castor oil is obtained by pressing wood castor seeds. Most useful for the organism is considered to be the oil obtained by cold pressing.

Latin castor oil (castor) is called in Latin "oleum ricini ». Castor oil may be administered for oral administration as a laxative, or topically, e.g., as a remedy for hair loss. The official statement includes these two uses.

Note! For external use of castor oil is allowed to mix with the other components in the composition of masks.

Latin Recipes

Latin castor oil is discharged based on how it will apply - externally or orally. Castor oil - a natural product, which is generally well tolerated and has a long list of contraindications. The exception for internal reception - idiosyncrasy and pregnancy.

Recipe for receiving inward castor oil

Recipe Latin castor oil may vary dosage. Castor oil is used orally as a laxative. Once in the blood, oil cleaved to release ritsinolovoy acid which effectively acts on the intestinal wall. The laxative effect occurs after about 5 hours after administration.

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Writing a prescription in Latin starts with a pharmacist "take" or "take", which is referred to as "Rp". After this comes the name of the drug and the container - 25 ml.

  • Rp.: Olei Ricini 25,0
  • D. S. On 1 reception.

The second line in the recipe is the appointment: «D. S. »by the words« Da. Signa. », Which translates as 'signified'. In this case, "1 On the reception."

Other variants of writing prescriptions. For example, as an emulsion:

  • Rp.: Emulsionis olei Ricini 180,0
  • D. S. 2 tablespoons per reception.

In such an embodiment, the prescription second part formed recipe from the Latin phrase:

  • «Misce. Da. Signa. », Which translates as" mixed. Give. Click the box. ";
  • «Misceatur. Detur. Signetur. »Translated as" mixed. To issue. Designate. ".

When castor oil is discharged in the form of capsules, the recipe for its purchase and use is as follows:

  • Rp.: 01. Ricini 1,0
  • t. d. N. 15 in caps, gelat.
  • Take for 30 minutes the capsule.

In this case, in the second line indicates the required number of: «D.t.d. N ». This reduction translates as "outstanding amount". It is formed from the phrase in Latin: «Da tales doses numero». After «D.t.d. N »indicates the number of capsules. For this recipe - 15.

The third line specifies the order of application: to "mark" the word Signa. For the above purpose is a recipe: "Take 30 minutes every capsule."

Recipe for external application

may write a prescription in one of the types for hair loss doctor-trichologist:

  • Rp.: Olei Ricini 10,0
  • Spiritus vini 100,0
  • D. S. Outside. (Hair tonic). Rub into the scalp for 1 hour before shampooing.


  • Rp.: 01. Ricini 10,0
  • 95 Spiritus aethylici% 100 ml
  • D. S. Outdoor (hair tonic). Rub into the scalp for 1 hour before shampooing.

In this case, the patient is prescribed a therapeutic mixture applied to the roots of the hair before washing the head. The mixture composition for external use - castor oil and alcohol. This composition enhances hair growth and prevents hair loss.

In spite of the natural structure and fairly simple application, the use of castor oil orally shall be performed by a doctor's appointment.

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