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Castor oil inside: why take and how to drink to cleanse

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Description of the preparation

Castor oil (abbreviated popular name of the drug) to treat laxative of plant origin. The active substance acts oil pressed from the seeds of castor common. The resulting liquid is slightly unpleasant smell, pale yellow or colorless and transparent. Latin medicine sign «Ricini communis semenis oleum», «Castor oil» or «Ricini oleum».

Castor oil for oral administration is produced in the form:

  • soft capsules, dosing 500 mg or 1 g;
  • oily liquid in vials of 15 ml.

Attention! There are cosmetic products with castor oil for hair, massage or other purpose outdoor applications. They were forbidden to drink: castor refers to poisonous plants, and poor cleaning of raw materials cause poisoning. For the treatment of pharmaceutical drugs need to buy a stamp on the label of "oral".

All indications for oral administration of the drug

According to the instructions inside the application Castor oil is shown in two cases. This purgation before treatment and diagnostic procedures or constipation. Doctors prescribe it further during antiparasitic treatment and in case of poisoning, food poisoning.
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When you can use castor oil:

  • for bowel cleansing for weight loss;
  • for purgation in the first phase of healing;
  • Cleaning liver toxins;
  • to cleanse the body during the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases.

In folk medicine, laxative drink it in case of delay in the body fluid, increase the lymph nodes, liver diseases. In combination with pumpkin seeds is used as an anthelmintic.

The action and properties of the drug

Castor oil lipase cleaved and begins to irritate the nerve endings inside the intestine. It increases peristalsis. Liquid castor seeds also lubricates and softens the fecal lump feces, facilitating bowel movement.

Laxative effect of castor oil after consumption inside observed after 2-6 hours. The rate of onset of the effect depends on the magnitude of the dose: less than drunk means, the later come defecation.

Properties Castor oil when applied externally:

  • antimicrobial broad-spectrum;
  • antifungal, including candidiasis and fungal infections of nails;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antipruritic.

Sometimes it means causing the allergy. By the side of the active substance from the seeds of the castor bean include intestinal, deficiency of vitamins D and / or A. They develop when the inside to drink castor oil continues for more than 3 days or take it more often than in the course of a month.

Dosage and duration of reception

A single dose of laxative is calculated in accordance with the patient's age category, time and degree of lack of defecation substance tolerability. Castor oil for constipation into adult at a time you need to drink not less than 15 g and not more than '30 Children under 10 years old are allowed to take a maximum of 5 g and adolescents younger than 18 years - the dose within 10-15 g Means use at night, after a minimum of 90 minutes after dinner. The course of treatment is 1-3 days.

Properties receiving liquid preparation

For many, the taste of castor oil is unpleasant or causes the urge to vomit. 1 is allowed to use diluting fluid dose of 5-30 ml of an orange juice or grapefruit. Often, the smell starts vomiting. Initially, therefore, it is recommended to breathe or hold his nose with your fingers, quick drink and a bite to eat means a slice of lemon.

On a note! If the taste or smell of castor oil is not well tolerated, it is necessary to buy a means of capsules. This form of laxative does not cause disgust, nausea or vomiting due to its characteristics.

Features of reception of the encapsulated drug

Capsules are available with different numbers of castor oil. Therefore, they should drink at bedtime with the daily dose of age (within 5-30 g / 1 time).

Usually the instructions of this form Castor oil should dosing:

  • is briefly constipation - 1 capsule into the evening for 3 days;
  • chronic constipation neatonicheskom - 2 capsules at night for 3 days;
  • for rapid cleansing of the intestinal tract - a time capsule 10-20.

Often castor oil required to drink simultaneously capsules 30-60 (30 g / 1 time). They were allowed to take all at once or divided into equal parts and use within 20-30 minutes.

cleansing the body

Castor oil drink inside at the first stage of purification of the body - for withdrawal from the bowel of fecal stones, deposits on the walls of the toxins. Applied with excess weight, abdominal discomfort, bad breath, acne.

bowel cleansing algorithm using castor oil:

  • Comply with the diet for 1-2 weeks. Consume easily digestible foods, fruits and juices with laxative properties. The diet must be complete and meet the healthy eating.
  • 7-14 days of the diet for the night is taken orally 30 g of warm castor oil. To enhance the cleaning action of a laxative may be mixed with lemon juice or drink low-fat yogurt and bran.
  • The next morning, do a cleansing enema. In the solution procedure can be added 1 tbsp. l. soda without slides and 10ml of castor oil.
  • Consumed within the castor oil is not more than 3 days in a row. Enemas are not allowed to do more than a week.

Bowel cleansing and algorithm used to lose weight. Only further from the first day of the diet begin to perform aerobic intensive loads. Training should last at least 30 minutes.

If desired, clear the small intestine and / or liver, observe 3-7-day diet. Then warmed 30 g Castor oil were mixed with 30 ml of grapefruit juice drink on an empty stomach. There are recommended after 6-12 hours.

antiparasitic treatment

Immediately inside take antiparasitic agent (except for drugs with ferns). The next day, in the evening for 2-3 days in a row drinking 5-30 grams of castor oil. After 14 days, the procedure is repeated.

In folk medicine on an empty stomach worms eat gruel raw pumpkin seeds. On the same day in the evening take into castor oil. The course of treatment lasts for 3 days.

overdose substance

It is forbidden to drink castor oil over the age dose. Change daily amount of consumption can only be a doctor, if the patient is taking medications that affect the action of castor pomace.

Symptoms of an overdose of castor oil when consumed inside:

  • intestinal cramps;
  • colic;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • dehydration;
  • fainting;
  • hallucinations.

The patient is given in the inside and / venno administered loperamide, atropine sulfate or otherwise antidote. Man also conduct rehydration and prescribe medication, eliminating the symptoms of overdose. If manifest neurotoxic symptoms, intravenous daizepam. In the absence of medical care possible death.

All contraindications funds

Castor oil is not recommended to give infants and toddlers into up to 3 years, but many manufacturers specify the age limit of 12 years. Lactating women at the time of treatment should stop breastfeeding the child, and expressed milk should be discarded.

Other contraindications castor oil oral:

  • hypersensitivity to plant substance;
  • chronic constipation;
  • bowel obstruction;
  • poisoning by means of an extract from a fern;
  • treatment of male fern worms means;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • phosphorus poisoning or other fat-soluble substance;
  • "Acute" abdomen (pain in the abdominal area for unclear reasons);
  • nephrosonephritis;
  • appendicitis;
  • acute stages of gastrointestinal diseases, organs in the abdominal area;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • enteritis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and other inflammatory bowel diseases;
  • infringement of an internal hernia;
  • during childbearing.

Attention! In women, the consumption of castor oil into the causes uterine contractions. Therefore, pregnant women it can be used only in preparation for childbirth.


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