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Castor oil eyelashes: how to apply, application features

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Castor oil is used for eyelashes in order to improve their growth, increasing density, general health, strengthen the roots, eliminating signs of inflammation century. Beauticians have identified a number of features of application of castor oil in the eye area.

Features funds

Castor oil - it is from the seeds of castor pomace. The liquid leaves a viscous, transparent, colorless or yellowish tint peculiar smelling. At drying on the treated surface does not form an air-tight film. In medicine, the means used inside as a laxative.

But doctors castor oil is also used for the topical treatment of:

  • ulcers;
  • dry seborrhea (dandruff);
  • acne;
  • burns (chemical addition caused liposoluble substances);
  • wounds;
  • bites of poisonous insects;
  • abrasions, bruises and other types of surface injuries;
  • hair loss.

Doctors and beauticians can also recommend use for eyelashes and eyebrows of castor oil. Castor husks of seeds contains ricinoleic, palmitic, linoleic fatty acids. For exterior use their main feature is the regeneration and strengthening of the power at the cellular level.

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As castor oil affects the eyelashes:

  • It makes hair soft, supple, shiny;
  • awakens inactive follicles;
  • It stimulates the growth of hair;
  • It nourishes and strengthens the stem and the root of the lashes;
  • warned earlier loss of hair;
  • It makes eyelashes darker color tone;
  • reduces inflammation, dryness or irritation of the century along the line of hair growth;
  • It prevents the development of fungal and bacterial infections at the site of application.
After several times of application of castor oil was stopped pour eyelashes. Then they start to grow thick, long, healthy-looking. With regular application also on the edge of the century, it rejuvenates the skin, so Vesta dryness disappear and fine lines. The result is visible after 2-3 weeks of treatment.

Products and supplies for procedures

For the treatment and care desirable smear eyelashes castor oil with the mark on the label "for oral and topical use." It is expensive, well-cleaned, does not contain preservatives, perfumes, dyes and other harmful substances. Means sold in pharmacies, the prescription for the purchase is not necessary.

What may be needed for the procedure:

  • cotton pads;
  • means for make-up removal;
  • disposable mascara brush or a dry well Washed brush from brasmatika;
  • cotton swabs;
  • paper towels or wipes;
  • food film;
  • towel size in the range of 30 * 30 * 50 cm 50 cm.

Attention! Castor oil after beginning to apply the sample to the sensitivity to the substance. For this purpose lubricants small area of ​​skin in the elbow or wrist and observe the reaction of the skin the first day. If within 24 hours does not appear allergies, squeeze of castor seeds can lubricate the eyelashes, the skin on the eyelids or other area of ​​the body.

Features of the application

Means losing the beneficial properties, if violated the conditions of its storage or shelf life expired. Castor oil should be put in place with a temperature of + 5-20º C, away from heaters, sunlight and without the reach of children. At the use of a high dose (over age norm) the child needs urgent medical care.

Mascara application Castor Oil (Procedure algorithm):

  • In the evening, clean the eyelids and eyelashes from the makeup, wash with warm water (you can also steam the skin), blotted the face with a towel. In a water bath heated to 30-36º C castor oil (temperature determined finger).
  • Brush dipped in warmed castor oil, remove excess fluid (with villi should not drip) and paint the eyelashes as mascara, but from the middle of the hair to the tips.
  • A cotton swab moistened with castor oil, remove the excess fluid and, retreating 1-2 mm from the lash line, "paint" arrows.
  • The treated area cover with cling film and a warm towel. This item does not need to perform, but the application of this rule raises the effect of castor oil.
  • After 40 minutes from the time of application of castor oil residue was washed with a cotton swab, wash chamomile broth or water. If this is not done, in the morning the eyelids may be swollen.
  • The procedure is performed daily for 1-5 months. Repeat the course in 4-8 weeks.

On a note! You can simultaneously with the processing of the eyelashes castor oil is distributed over the eyebrows. It is best to apply liquid clean toothbrush along and against the hair growth. At the end they must be smooth and put in shape.

Recipes homemade cosmetics with castor oil

To enhance the effect of treatments was treated eyelashes castor oil, coupled with other useful substances. Additional components do not cause allergies or irritate the eyes. It is strictly forbidden in the mask add citrus juice, essential oils, sour fruits, bee products, alcoholic drinks and late matter.

What can be connected castor oil in home remedies for eyelashes:

  • liquid from the capsules of vitamins E, A, Aevitum drug;
  • Fish fat;
  • cosmetic and edible oils, including buckthorn, almond, jojoba oil;
  • Shostokovskogo balm;
  • parsley juice or aloe vera;
  • pulp of banana, melon;
  • oatmeal, steamed milk;
  • cream;
  • a raw egg.

On a note! A mixture of castor oil with other oils can be made for the entire course of treatment: they combine well and can be stored for up to 2 months. Masks with fresh juice, vitamins and foods make to a single procedure, and the remnants of discarded tools.

liquid vitamin

Warmed to body temperature with 5 ml of castor oil was added to the liquid solution of a capsule of vitamin E and A, 5 almond oil droplets. The ingredients are thoroughly kneaded brush and gently spread over the eyelashes and eyebrows. Agent is applied every 3 days for 4-6 weeks. Used for the recovery of ciliary hairs.

Nourishing liquid

The equal amounts castor oil combined with food and cosmetic oils of rose, almond, flax, grapeseed, wheatgerm. Before use, 5 ml of warmed fluid and 1 ml of balm Shostokovskogo. It means you can use every night or every 1-2 days. Used for the recovery, increasing the thickness and length of lashes.

Restorative liquid

1 ml of castor oil and connect burdock oil, sea buckthorn hips. The mixture was warmed, poured on 1 ml carrot juice and aloe, vitamin E of 1 capsule. Means use every 3-4 days. Used to restore eyelashes after the summer and the winter, building procedures, long-term application of decorative cosmetics.

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Many cosmetic manufacturers offer for eyelashes use castor oil, added to the mascara, eyeliner, and the like. In this case, the squeeze of castor seeds only mitigates the negative impact of decorative materials. And care is better to use cosmeceuticals such as brands Erand Taila, Zeitun.

On a note

Castor oil brings benefits in caring for eyelashes both in pure form and together with other substances. It is necessary to avoid liquid getting into the eye. If this happens, they need to wash with a stream of warm water. To use funds yielded the expected results, the procedure is carried out on a regular basis, two courses with 2-8-week break.


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