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How To Restore The Skin's Collagen?

Skin Collagen: is it possible to somehow restore

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Activation of the synthesis of substances from inside

Restoration of collagen inside implies consumption of food, the right to education this protein in the body, and the ingestion of dietary supplements or medications, which is composed of a substance collagen.

Attention! This method is not targeted to the skin. I.e., collagen from food intake and dietary supplementation helps to restore the elasticity and strength of tissue containing the collagen fibers.

proper nutrition

To restore collagen in the epidermis, it is necessary to saturate the body with vitamins, amino acids, minerals, protein products. These substances are necessary for the synthesis of collagen fibers.

The diet must be foods that are rich:

  • animal protein (meat, fish, seafood);
  • vegetable protein (legumes, green vegetables, tropical fruits);
  • ascorbic acid (from the hips meals, citrus fruits);
  • vitamins B, A, E (seasonal fruits and vegetables);
  • amino acids proline, glycine and lysine (all kinds of nuts, dried fruits, mushrooms);
  • antioxidants, lycopene, lutein (peppers, tomatoes, leafy vegetables).
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Women after 45 years it is important to drink herbal teas, soy products and other food resources rich in phytoestrogens. Restore collagen they will not succeed, but you can slow down aging of the skin, keeping the rapid decline in the level of sex hormones in menopausal period.

Drugs with systemic action

By systemic formulations include dietary supplements and sports supplements, which are taken orally. Best body metabolizes aqueous collagen powder and beverages. Desirably, the composition also comprises their amino acid, vitamin C and other substances necessary for promoting the formation of the protein.

Impact on the outside of the epidermis

Collagen skin can be restored from the outside using the methods of aesthetic medicine, cosmeceutical creams, serums and other topical agents, as well as natural masks and other home's Skin Care.

What methods of aesthetic medicine to restore collagen is obtained:


The essence of the procedure,



Collagen injection is administered under the skin. Multiplicity of procedures depends on the severity of symptoms of protein deficiency.

Mesotherapy is performed once a year or less. During the first 9 months to digest the collagen cells of the epidermis. This triggers the synthesis of own material.


Liquid collagen is distributed over the skin, is covered with a mask film, and placed on top of the electrodes. By using current protein administered subcutaneously.

Iontophoresis is used to quickly restore skin elasticity and smooth superficial wrinkles.


Current through the skin of the needle electrodes damage of connective tissue.

Ridolizom start the regeneration of collagen in the epidermal tissue.


The device is heated epidermis to 60ยบ C, which violates the relationship between the structure of the connective tissue.

Thermage helps to restore collagen, fibroblasts rapidly forcing synthesize protein.


Man is located in the cabin, the walls of which are equipped with red and blue lights. Their light penetrates the epidermis without heating the skin. In the conditions of home use table kollarium.

The procedure increases the production of collagen, helping to restore the cell metabolism, to withdraw toxins from the skin, smooth wrinkles and remove age spots, protect against photo-aging.

It is important to know that all these cosmetic techniques have age restrictions and other contraindications. Therefore, it is desirable to apply them after consultation with dermatologists centers aesthetic medicine.

Which beauty products can help restore collagen in the skin:

  • creams / ointments / gels / mask / serum, which is composed of one animal collagen, type 3;
  • all for external use, which is composed of fish collagen;
  • all means of local application, which contain fitokollagen;
  • external means, which is composed of coenzyme Q10 or cynergy TK;
  • cosmeceutical agent, which is composed of vitamins A, C, glycolic acid and / or hyaluronic acid, copper peptides, amino acids.

At home, collagen masks replace gelatin. Its molecules can not penetrate deep into the epidermis and activate the synthesis of substances. But the product is able to restore the smoothness of the skin, facial contour, moisturize and exfoliate dead skin cells, to prevent damage to the protein fibers. To preserve the integrity and the amount of collagen, gelatin better mixed with honey, raw egg, banana, oatmeal, cream. The mask is applied on the course 14-20 procedures.

Prevention of the protein in the epidermis destruction

It is important not only to restore collagen, but also to prevent the disintegration of matter. Its fibers in skin damaged by the action of ultraviolet light, alcohol, carcinogens, nicotine, and in the presence kollagenozavisimyh diseases. The most effective prevention of loss of protein - eliminate the causes of damage.

The first thing abandon bad habits and start to do exercises every day, take a contrast shower, use other methods of healing the body. If collagen deficiency caused by disease, it is necessary to undergo treatment. From the action of ultraviolet radiation is necessary to process the skin sunscreen. To remove nutritional factors you need to give up junk food and alcohol abuse.



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