
Diffuse pancreatic changes: what is it, signs, treatment

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1 Symptoms of diffuse changes

The pancreas in the body plays a very important role. It performs endocrine function by producing insulin, which allows the body to control the level of sugar in the blood. And the pancreas performs the exocrine function. In this case, the body produces certain enzymes, such as:

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  • trypsin, which allows the cleavage of peptides and proteins, as well as the esters involved in the hydrolysis;
  • lipase, which is part of pancreatic juice and is capable of breaking down fats;
  • amylase cleaves carbohydrates in the body;
  • proteases cleave proteins;
  • lactase, which performs the function of hydrolysis, during which lactose molecules are converted into galactose and glucose molecules.

Picture 1

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Symptoms of diffuse pancreatic changes usually manifest as focal inflammation, the onset of a tumor or cyst, the formation of stones. Due to this the structure of the pancreas undergoes various changes:

  1. Diffuse changes in the pancreas, due to a decrease in its density( a non-uniform structure is formed), echogenicity disorders and pancreatic enlargement. Usually, such symptoms are peculiar to such a disease as acute pancreatitis. The inflammatory process is caused by certain provoking factors, under the influence of which proteolytic enzymes are being actively developed.
  2. Diffuse changes in the pancreas, resulting from an increase in the amount of fatty tissue deposits, are a sign of lipomatosis. This disease can arise due to infection, malignant tumor, diabetes and alcoholism. Such changes in the pancreas are more common in the elderly and often bear a hereditary character. In order not to cause harm to health during treatment, one must adhere to a certain diet and lead a correct lifestyle.
  3. Changes in the pancreas that occur with the tightening of its tissue and a decrease in its size can occur with fibrosis of the gland. Fibrosis is not a separate disease, but is a pathological organ change in chronic pancreatitis. At the place where there is a diffuse change in the pancreas, due to inflammation, the death of the site of the organ occurs. And over time, the damaged areas are covered with fibrous tissue.
  4. Diffuse changes in the pancreas that help reduce tissue density, but maintain the normal size of the gland, are characterized by a disease such as chronic pancreatitis. It can manifest itself in the form of periodic, and sometimes permanent pain. Chronic pancreatitis is endangered by irreversible pathological changes in the pancreatic parenchyma. Treatment of this disease requires a strict diet, eliminating fatty foods.
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2 Causes of the pathology of

The causes of changes in the pancreas can consist both in small diffuse deviations, which become the first bell of the fact that there were disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, and can be characteristic signs of pancreatitis, gallbladder inflammation, and fibrosis development. Moderate diffuse changes in the pancreas indicate that the body has abnormalities in the stomach and intestinal parts. In this case, swelling of the organs can be observed.

The emergence of diffuse changes in the pancreas is manifested in metabolic-dystrophic processes of the body, in violation of blood circulation, in diseases of the endocrine system, the biliary tract and liver fail.

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Picture 2 Some patients with pancreatic pathology may develop lipomatosis - an irreversible process of fat cell growth due to imbalance in metabolism. It can be detected using ultrasound. Due to the occurrence of this disease, iron is not able to fully exercise its function. The appearance of dry mouth, the appearance of sores, general body fatigue may be the first signs of lipomatosis. When the disease begins to progress, there are abdominal pain, upset stomach, vomiting. Treatment is carried out conservatively, when the foci are small and do not squeeze the parenchyma and ducts. In case of detection of large foci, surgical intervention will be required. After carrying out any therapy it will be necessary to adhere to a certain diet and lose excess pounds.

The main signs of any changes in the pancreas may well be:

  • irregular diet, as well as excessive consumption of fried, spicy, salty, sweet and fatty foods;
  • disorders in the work of other organs of the digestive tract;
  • use of a large number of medicines;
  • frequent stress, panic;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • violation can be hereditary;
  • the elderly person.


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In people with diabetes, the body lacks insulin production, which often causes a diffuse change in the pancreas. Symptoms of diabetes mellitus are expressed in an increase in the level of sugar in the blood, and urine tests show glucose. Such a disease requires special treatment and a proper diet.

Acute and chronic form of pancreatitis due to its inflammation can have obvious diffuse changes in the pancreas.

Only the specialist should find the right treatment. Do not self-medicate in any case, tk.inflammatory process, especially in acute pancreatitis, can be life-threatening. The following factors can cause an inflammatory process:

  • the wrong metabolism in the body;
  • diseases of the vascular system;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • side effects of medicines;
  • abdominal trauma;
  • appearance in the body of pinworms or ascarids, etc.

3 Symptoms of the disease

The main symptoms that lead to diffuse changes in the pancreas are often manifested in the form of abnormalities of the stomach, causing frequent disorders in it, such as diarrhea or, conversely, constipation. At the same time, there is constant fatigue and lethargy, pain.


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The opinion of doctors. .. ยป

For each disease, certain diffuse changes in the pancreas are characteristic. The emergence of these changes and becomes the main cause of the disease. The main symptoms are:

  1. Acute pancreatitis forms an onslaught on the duct, which creates changes in the pancreas by damaging it. Gastric juice, getting on other tissues, begins to corrode them, and this leads to a feeling of severe pain in the region of the left hypochondrium, nausea, increased heart rate and blood pressure disorder.
  2. Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by puffiness with a small discharge of blood, resulting from damage to the gland. Over time, there is a change in the pancreas: it begins to decrease. Accordingly, this will lead to a decrease in the production of gastric juice, which will cause a sensation of pain.
  3. When the cause of diffuse changes in the pancreas becomes fibrosis, then at the initial stage of the disease, there are no deviations. At this time there is a gradual replacement of normal gland tissues with connective. This contributes to the violation of metabolic processes in digestion. To manifest this disease begins with a disorder in the digestive system, pain in the left hypochondrium and a sharp weight loss. The body can not produce enough insulin, as a result of which there is a risk of a disease such as diabetes mellitus.
  4. An irreversible process will result in changes in the pancreas that have arisen due to lipomatosis. It is impossible to get rid of this disease on your own. It is compulsory to consult a doctor. In lipomatosis treatment will depend on the degree of pancreatic damage. The first degree is when one-third of the lesion is affected, the second - when the half of the gland is affected and the third degree - when the fat lesion occupies more than 60% of the surface. This may require surgical intervention.

4 Diagnosis

The pancreas is an important organ in the digestive system. It has an exocrine( external) function responsible for the release of a certain amount of pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes and an endocrine( internal) function responsible for the production of certain hormones in the body, as well as for the regulation of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the body.

Picture 3 When in the pancreas there is a disruption of functions and there are changes, ultrasound can help. She is able to give an accurate conclusion about the causes of this disease. These causes may be focal processes in the gland, the formation of cysts or stones.

Inconvenient location of the pancreas behind the stomach on the posterior abdominal wall and partially setting in the direction of the left hypochondrium makes it difficult to obtain a qualitative result of ultrasound examination. The accumulation of gases often interferes with a normal review of the inflamed organ.

When there is pain above the navel in the right hypochondrium, it means that the inflammatory process proceeds from the gland's head. When the pain is felt on the left side, this means that the tail has inflamed. If the pain covers the entire upper abdomen, then the entire pancreas is affected. Having performed palpation, having studied the laboratory tests, the doctor evaluates the shape and dimensions of the pancreas, how diffusely the heterogeneous structure is. Thus, the uniformity of the parenchyma and the presence of formations are determined.

To determine whether the pancreas has increased, radiography is performed. Magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography will allow the examination of internal tissues and organs. This will provide an opportunity to detect the presence of pancreatic necrosis( necrosis of the pancreas) or the formation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Conduction of ultrasound will give an opportunity to investigate the general structure and detect abnormalities in the organs of the abdominal cavity. Only after this the doctor puts the main conclusion and appoints the appropriate treatment.

5 How is the treatment of

When a diffuse change occurs and the body suffers from a number of diseases, then first of all it is necessary to take care of the strict diet. You should adhere to proper nutrition: include in your diet low-calorie foods, vegetables and fruits, dairy and cereal products. And to exclude from the diet it is necessary to smoked, salted, spicy and fried food. Eat small meals, not eating and adjusting foods. On the menu, daily must necessarily include broths.

Healthy food will enable you not to load the body with fatty and high-calorie food. Turning to diet food, you need not forget about cooking dishes for a couple. They retain all the nutritional properties, vitamins and trace elements, in contrast to the boiled food, and do not irritate the gastrointestinal tract.

Rational fractional food, refusal from alcohol and smoking, the use of herbal infusions and teas will enable the body to recover and function normally. Regular examination of the body and properly selected treatment will keep the pancreas in the norm.

  • 1 Symptoms of diffuse changes
  • 2 Causes of pathology
  • 3 Symptoms of the disease
  • 4 Diagnosis
  • 5 How is the treatment performed by

Diffuse pancreatic changes are disorders in its structure, determined by ultrasound. Ultrasound will give an opportunity to estimate the size of the pancreas, the accuracy of its shape, and will help to identify possible neoplasms. The timely treatment will prevent the inflammatory process of the stomach and intestines.

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