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Flaxseeds with type 2 diabetes: how to make

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Flax seeds, thanks to fatty acids in the composition, are a natural remedy for many diseases. They stimulate cellular metabolism, prevent fat storage, stimulates the regeneration of nerve fibers, prevent blood pressure jumps (blood pressure). Flax seed with type 2 diabetes reduce the amount of glucose and cholesterol in blood. Therefore, traditional recipes with flax seeds are popular in the treatment of diabetes.

therapeutic effect

In diabetes flax seed promotes regeneration of pancreatic tissues responsible for the insulin synthesis. Additionally beans contain substances similar hormone produced in the human body. They prevent the appearance of malignant tumors, which tend to patients type 2 diabetes due to lower level of immune protection.

Rich in flax seeds and vitamins:

  • Retinol - a natural antioxidant, restores eyesight, combats wrinkles;
  • Thiamine - activates the metabolism, normalize the bowels and stomach, restores the red blood cells, strengthens the immune system;
  • Tocopherol - strengthens blood vessels, reducing blood sugar levels, contributes to the restoration of soft tissue cells;
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  • Fatty acid - possess anti-inflammatory properties and stimulates the production of steroids, enzymes, including insulin, normalize metabolism.

In diabetes to take flax seed is recommended for normal operation of the urinary system, the processing of dietary carbohydrates, activate the digestive process.

Reception rules for diabetes

Often diabetics receiving flaxseed recommends endocrinologist who observes the patient. He picks up a treatment regimen with a view of available patient history of chronic disease, and the clinical picture of diabetes.

Take flax seeds can be fresh. This - the small grains rich brown. It is recommended to eat 4 tablespoons of flax seeds per day, divided into two steps. A full course of treatment is 60 days. As prevention of diabetes Flax seeds take 1 tablespoon per day.

The addition to food

Useful for diabetes is to add flax seed to your favorite dishes. It must be remembered that the high calorie fatty foods reduces the effectiveness of the product. Therefore, to add flax seeds worth to porridge, cottage cheese, unsweetened yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt or salad vegetables.

Grind flax seeds in a coffee grinder, you can get a meal. Keep this product can not be, he loses favor. It is better to find a use flax flour immediately after cooking.


Flax seed can be cooked medicinal teas. This drink will help to cope with type 2 diabetes. The advantage of broth that flax preserves all healing properties. Additionally, the infusion can add herbs, roots and berries. Preparing decoctions such daily, as flax during prolonged storage in contact with air, which reduces its effectiveness.

Linseed oil

flax seed for diabetes type 2 is recommended to take an oil. This method of application minimizes the risk of disturbance of metabolic processes due to the high concentration of fatty acids in natural grains. Prepare their own oil from flax seed is very difficult. It is better to buy ready-made. This item can be found in pharmacies or stores offering organic products.

Oil from the seeds of the flax in diabetes:

  • It reduces the amount of "harmful" cholesterol;
  • activates the digestive tract (gastrointestinal tract);
  • normalize lipid and fat metabolism;
  • It accelerates the excretion of bile;
  • It supports the health of the liver;
  • It eliminates the deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  • It minimizes the risk of heart attack and stroke (cerebrovascular accidents).

Klitsinisty recommend taking in diabetes flax seed oil every day before breakfast. This product specific taste, therefore it is possible to wash down water oil (aerated) or citrus juice (orange, lemon, grapefruit). In cosmetology linseed oil is used topically to remove blemishes and body shaping.

Recipes from diabetes with flax seed

There are many popular recipes for the preparation of decoctions and infusions with flax seed for diabetes. The main requirement: to maximally preserve the useful qualities of flax seed, should abandon the long-term heat treatment. Strong heating reduces the concentration of useful substances in the beans.

A decoction of fresh beans

Effective and simple recipe for diabetes, for the preparation of which would require only Flax seeds and purified water. Rinse the glass grains under running water using a fine sieve or gauze. Bring to boil a liter of water, add flax seeds. Boil for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Remove from heat, cover tightly and let stand for 5-7 hours in a dark cool place. The present Strain broth through a sterile gauze bandage or the segment. Pour into a glass jar. Take 50 ml three times daily before meals. Full course - 30 days. Repeat treatments may be no earlier than 3 months.

Action decoction of flax seed in type 2 diabetes:

  • lowering blood sugar and urine;
  • strengthening the walls of veins and arteries;
  • Revitalization of the work of the digestive system;
  • prevention of flatulence and other dyspeptic symptoms.

decoction efficiency is improved if the cook it on a daily basis. The best option - to prepare the infusion in the evening and drink it throughout the day.

diuretic tea

Flax seed from diabetes can be taken as a tea. To cook it you need the beans, leaves, cranberries and blueberries. All ingredients except the beans were ground with a knife or blender. The bowl 3 is connected bean pod and 2 tablespoons of flax seeds and leaves. Zaparivayut mixture was boiled water. Tightly cover and leave to infuse for 3-4 hours. It is better to choose a place that is protected from the sun hit.

The resulting broth is decanted through cheesecloth and bandages or poured into the jar. Take infusion of 50 ml three times a day for 1-2 months. The treatment course will help to normalize blood pressure, reduce the amount of glucose in the blood, stimulates the excretion of urine, eliminates edema.

Tincture of flax meal

This broth is recommended for patients with a second type of diabetes. For its preparation are not used fresh corn, and flax meal. Get the flour can grind flax seeds in the coffee grinder. To one portion need 3 tablespoons fresh beans. They filled in a compartment of the bean and is converted into a homogeneous powder.

The resulting flour is poured into a pan of boiling water and zaparivayut (pint). Put on the fire and boil for 5-7 minutes at a minimum fire. Remove the broth. Leave to infuse for half an hour and to cool and filtered through a cloth. Drink half a cup three times a day for half an hour before or an hour after meals. A full course of treatment of type 2 diabetes - a month.

Refilling of flax seeds

Flax seeds for diabetes can be used as a tasty salad vegetable salads.

Prepare it is not difficult:

  • Combine the lemon juice and French mustard in a ratio of 1: 1. Was added 2 parts of olive oil or corn oil, and mix well;
  • Add 1 part fresh flax seeds and whisk whisk;
  • The finished dressing sent to the refrigerator for one hour, tightly closed with a lid or wrapped in plastic wrap.

Linen refueling from diabetes can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. Add it to salads or meat dishes daily is recommended. Prolonged use flax dressing has a tonic effect on the body, and normalizes blood glucose level activates the metabolism and the digestive tract.

When you have to give up the flax seed

Despite the fact that the seeds of flax - a safe and natural product that helps to cope with diabetes type 2, they have a number of contraindications.

I have to give up the treatment of diabetes patients flax seed:

  • in which the fixed histamine (allergic) reaction product or its constituent material;
  • while carrying the baby;
  • during breastfeeding.

Adverse reactions during treatment of diabetes flaxseed practically do not occur. The main thing is not to exceed a daily dose - 50-70 grams. If there is a rash, dizziness, or nausea, you should stop taking and consult your doctor immediately.

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