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How often can chop Diclofenac and how many times a day

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Among the majority of drugs that have analgesic to the human body, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects, especially popular among doctors and patients gained Diclofenac. The main indications for prescribing are motion sickness organs accompanied by painful sensations in joints, soft tissues which surround the joint. If your doctor has prescribed the drug in capsules, you should have an idea about some of the features of its use, as well as to know how many times a day to prick diclofenac.

Indications for use of medicines in ampoules

To eliminate inflammation, it is possible to inject drugs in diseases such:

  • arthritis, Arthritic joints
  • pain claimed in osteochondrosis
  • various injuries, characterized by injuries and sprains
  • Increased body temperature
  • conjunctivitis bacterial and viral trends
  • soft-tissue inflammation
  • post-operative pain
  • gout acute form

It is important to bear in mind that put Diclofenac injections is recommended only under the supervision of a specialist.

Who is contraindicated use of injections?

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Diclofenac can not chop if:

  • child less than 6 years
  • pregnancy in the last trimester
  • lactation period
  • the patient has stomach ulcer, gastritis
  • patient cases, bleeding in the stomach over a lifetime
  • the patient is aspirin asthma and allergic to non-steroidal, reduces inflammation drugs
  • have severe chronic liver disease, kidney

Important! Prescribe Diclofenac together with other non-steroidal drugs undesirable.

How to conduct injection

If the patient has been appointed drug therapy, the first 2 days of Diclofenac injections are often prescribed intramuscularly. To make an injection, it is necessary to choose the right area in which to input means. The injection can be done only in the muscle tissue of large dimensions.

Often injections pose the upper portion buttocks. Diclofenac must prick intramuscularly syringe in which a long needle, its size should be 5 ml. Putting a shot in the buttock needle is inserted, and then the plunger extends. Thanks to this manipulation will be seen, or not hit the needle into the vessel.

Important! Prohibited Diclofenac administered into blood vessels under the skin, and. This can lead to necrosis of the blood vessel, the subcutaneous fat.

Advise every day to put a shot in the buttock different.

Basically patient enough single dose of the solution. But if necessary, the doctor may prescribe a double dose. a long time can not be put Diclofenac injections. The allowable number of days, not more than 2 days. Then, perhaps, to carry out the use of pills, apply the gel on the painful area, to light candles.

Adult recommended, no matter what method is to administer the drug, not to raise the daily rate of Diclofenac -150 mg. If you count how many shots a day Diclofenac allowed to set, then you need to build on this figure.

See also: Instructions to the drug Diclofenac

In children, the drug dosage depends on the weight and age. On the basis of being a little patient, prescribe diclofenac dose of 2 mg / kg body weight. Dosage designed per day, divided into 1-2 equal doses.

Duration of therapy cure is calculated in each case individually.

Basically injection means is placed alternately with barbs other analgesics. It is best to use Diclofenac through the day, as it can have a negative impact on the digestive system, changing the production and synthesis liver.


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