
New trends in medicine regarding proper nutrition

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Chia seeds can be replaced with flax seeds

Today, many seek to lead a healthy lifestyle: they abandon bad habits, follow all the canons of proper nutrition. And this is not surprising - judging by statistical data, the risk of chronic diseases increases every year. Particular attention should be paid to their health and nutrition people who suffer from the manifestation of allergic reactions.

More and more often you can hear about such innovations as chia seeds, kinoa and Asai berries. Experts argue that these products must necessarily be in the diet of every average Russian - they contribute to improving immunity, restore the work of the digestive tract, act as a powerful antioxidant. Another fact: these products contain a high amount of protein, minerals and essential for the body acids.

More recently, our scientists-researchers have undertaken to check whether this is really so. And it was revealed that indeed, the regular use of these superfoods can prevent the development of many diseases, as well as exacerbation of chronic ailments. The only thing that does not please in this situation is the rather high cost of such products - it is overseas, hence the price. After a moment's thought, having made laboratory researchers, scientists came to the conclusion that there is a way out, or rather an alternative,!

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Dear superfudy can be replaced with the usual products for us - while the effect of them will be no lower.

Domestic counterparts instead of overseas tropical fruits: learn to save

If overseas fruits are an expensive treat for you, our specialists offered no less effective counterparts that can be found in every pharmacy. It should be noted that the content of useful substances, they are not inferior to foreign versions.

Rosehip, vitamin C Tropical berries of Assai can be replaced with wild rose. Almost at every corner, you can be assailed with assurances that Assai berries are record holders for the content of vitamin C, which is simply necessary for the human body to fight against colds and infectious diseases. They are also a potent antioxidant, which is especially important for people prone to allergic reactions, because in itself an allergy is a riot of the body against its slagging and intoxication.

Rosehip - just a storehouse of vitamin C. It can be compared with the most real vitamin for the body, in addition, it is an excellent antioxidant - provided that you drink the broth regularly. For example: rose hips contain 50 times more vitamin C than a lemon. Infusions of rosehips are rich in phosphorus, iron and calcium.

Chia seeds, health Chia seeds can be replaced with flax seeds. Have you ever encountered this wonderful product? But in vain. Regular application of flax seeds normalizes the intestinal microflora, promotes the complete elimination of constipation, which is especially important for people suffering from hemorrhoids. It is known that not only weight lifting, but also frequent constipation leads to exacerbations of chronic hemorrhoids, and can provoke an acute attack of the disease in those who have never previously encountered such a disease. Fiber, which will restrain in the seeds of flax, helps to remove all the slag from the body, and useful enzymes and acids have a restorative and rejuvenating effect. The product reduces the level of sugar in the blood, which is important for people suffering from diabetes. The ability to control the level of glucose is an excellent option for losing weight - with daily use of flax seeds you will cease to disturb the severe attacks of hunger. Apply flaxseed on an empty stomach. If you do not like the specific taste of the seeds( they need to be chewed well), bite them in a blender and add them to the usual food - the effect will become visible after a couple of days.

Goji berries Goji berries, popular with Hollywood stars, can be replaced with the usual cranberry .It helps to remove toxins from the body, lowers cholesterol. It contains a lot of useful microelements. An ideal addition to the diet of people suffering from excess weight - in view of the fact that the cranberry lowers the level of cholesterol, significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

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