
Angioneurosis - vascular disease in the background of failures in the work of the nervous system

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angioedema of extremities Angioneurosis - a group of diseases that develop due to a violation of vasomotor activity, which is caused by a disturbance in the work of peripheral vessels, a sharp decrease in the tone of their walls.

Angioneurosis most often affects women of the age group from 20 to 40 years - negative symptoms often manifests itself on the fingers, somewhat less often affecting the toes, ears and nose.

The main feature of the disease is the symmetry of lesions and manifestations of symptoms.

Classification and causes of the disease

Physicians classify angioedema into a general and local group. So the specialists in the local group are:

  • acrocyanosis and acroparesthesia;
  • erythromelalgia;
  • Raynaud's disease in the early stages;
  • migraine and Ménière syndrome;
  • obliterating endarteritis and angina

Angioedema is often associated with a malfunction in the nervous system, namely:

  • nervous exhaustion, immaturity of the nervous system - this is typical for adolescents and patients whose work is accompanied by large nervous loads and overstrain;
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  • by the reorganization of the nervous system under the influence of the hormones during puberty;
  • due to a malfunction in hormonal regulation or in metabolic metabolic processes - most often at risk are patients with thyroid problems who are diagnosed with obesity.

In addition, doctors divide the causes of the disease into exogenous( external) and endogenous( internal).

For external reasons, doctors consider the following factors: Forms of angioedema

  • suffered hypothermia of the hands and feet, until their frostbite;
  • poisoning of the body with alcohol or with narcotic substances, an industrial group of poisons or with carbon monoxide - this factor is especially common among drug addicts or alcohol dependent patients, as well as anyone who, due to work, encounters chemicals and poisons;
  • infection and the action of pathogenic microflora, previously suffered injuries.

In the group of internal provoking factors, physicians refer to:

  • intoxication, poisoning of the body with decomposition products in case of toxicosis or severe stages of the disease course;
  • failure in metabolic processes and hormonal disorders.

Along with the above reasons, this pathology can provoke:

  • work in harmful working conditions, especially if the latter is associated with constant vibration;
  • injury to the hands or feet in the workplace;
  • rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis.


Angioedema of the vessels most often manifests itself as a local symptom, namely:

  • pallor, and then - reddening of the fingers of the upper or lower extremities;
  • changing the color of the dermis on the face, in particular in the area of ​​the cheeks, nose and ears - more often on the skin there are pronounced whitish spots, which eventually acquire a persistent redness;
  • decrease in temperature on a particular affected area of ​​the skin;
  • attacks of pain caused by local ischemia or irritation of nerve endings with poisons and toxins;
  • numbness and burning sensation in the affected area.

In its current pathology has 3 stages: cyanotic hands

  1. In the first stage of , arterial vasospasm manifests itself as seizures, accompanied by a characteristic pallor of the skin and a feeling of chilliness. Duration - from a few minutes to an hour, after giving way to a normal state.
  2. In the second stage of , the skin acquires a cyanotic hue, the pain and veins show up.
  3. The third stage of the disease is characterized by the appearance of blisters filled with a fluid with a splotch of blood, which, gradually bursting, will form ulcers. In addition, necrosis can affect the deeper layers of the dermis and muscles, when the infection joins, eventually leading to gangrene and the loss of one or another organ.

Diagnosis and treatment of

In the process of diagnosis, the physician should determine whether angioedema is an independent disease or whether Raynaud's syndrome occurs.

For the precise diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the capillaroscopy of the nail bed, and for diagnosis of the internal state of veins vascular dopplerography and blood vessels - a study using ultrasound and dopplerography. Also, doctors use a cold sample - in this case, hands or feet are simply lowered for 2-3 minutes in cold water, and then the external condition of the dermis is evaluated.

Treatment angioneurosis must necessarily be comprehensive. Doctors prescribe a course of taking medications - it can be Aminazine and Tropafen, andreno-and ganglioblokatory. In parallel, the patient takes antispasmodic and vasodilator preparations, vitamins of group B.

Along with medicinal preparations, the patient undergoes a galvanization course in the Scherbak and electrosleep, hydrogen sulphide and radon baths are prescribed, and ultraviolet rays are irradiated.

Also a favorable effect gives and a kind of gymnastics for the vessels - the alternation of cold and hot baths for the hands and feet. Aminazine If pathology is accompanied by vasodilatation, doctors prescribe the use of vasoconstrictive medications - ephedrine or caffeine, calcium-containing drugs and vitamin C and B. To remove severe attacks of pain, a new-block blockade is put.

In the early stages of the course of pathology, one can resort to phytotherapy.

The course of angioneurosis treatment is a long process, which can be supplemented with methods and recipes from the arsenal of folk remedies:

  1. Alcoholic tincture of red hot pepper .To make it, take mustard powder - 2 tbsp.l., alcohol or vodka - o.5 liters, salt - 1 tbsp.l., 2 tbsp.red hot pepper. All components are mixed and allowed to stand for 12-24 hours - tincture is smeared on the night affected areas. This tincture warms up and strengthens the blood flow, accordingly warming and supplying to the affected tissues and areas of the body more blood, nutrients and oxygen.
  2. Tincture of walnut - for its preparation take 3 liters of milk, 1 tbsp.sugar and green, fresh peel of walnut. In milk, sugar dissolves, and the green peel of walnut is wrapped in gauze and dipped in a container with milk. Put the resulting mixture in a dark place, allow to brew for 2 weeks and take a teaspoon three times a day.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent or slow the course of angioedema, the patient should strictly adhere to the following rules and advice.

At the very beginning it is necessary to completely abandon bad habits - smoking, alcohol consumption and sedentary lifestyle. It is recommended to protect hands and feet from any injuries, negative influence of vibrations and, of course, hypothermia.

It is necessary to introduce more in the diet of fruits and vegetables, vitamins C and PP, to minimize the consumption of fried and fatty foods, as well as food that can provoke the formation of clots and clogging of blood vessels, a failure in the bloodstream.

The patient is contraindicated in any kind of work that is accompanied by hypothermia and vibration, fine motor skills and fairly complex, rapid finger movements, as well as any contact with chemicals and poisons.

The prognosis of physicians is most often positive, especially if the disease manifested itself during puberty, in which case there is a greater chance of overcoming pathology.

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