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Ambrobene with dry cough: help or not

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Why do I get a dry cough

Before considering, if Ambrobene helps with dry cough, is worth a little stop on the reason why a person starts coughing.

When injected into the lumen of respiratory pathogens or irritating substances occurs:

  • Irritation, accompanied by hyperemia and edema.
  • Arose condition makes breathing more difficult, creating a sensation of a foreign body.

Cough - a natural defense mechanism to clear the respiratory system of the foreign clusters. In case of violation of air flow in humans a desire to clear his throat to try to correct the discomfort. But the bronchial secretions in the early hours of the disease and there stands a little exhausting dry cough, throat irritation and reinforcing causes overstrain of respiratory muscles.

How does Ambrobene

The active drug substance - ambroxol hydrochloride, possessing mucolytic action. Component stimulates the serous cells of the mucosa of the respiratory system and increases the activity of ciliated epithelium. Because of this happening:

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  • enhancement of production of bronchial mucus and sputum becomes thinner;
  • Stimulation remove accumulated secretion due to increased activity of "cilia".

Liquefaction of mucus softens dry cough, making it moist, reduces irritation of the trachea and larynx, reduces the urge to expectorate.

In addition to softening, and antitussive actions use Ambrobene provides:

  • local antioxidant effect on the respiratory mucosa cells;
  • decrease irritation caused by dryness and local inflammation;
  • increasing the concentration of antibiotics in bronchial secretions.

Reception at dry cough Ambrobene leads to the fact that the 2-3 day of treatment, patients start to cough vigorously, clearing the respiratory system of accumulated mucus.

When will Ambrobene

Assign Ambrobene shown in diseases accompanied by the appearance of dry unproductive cough:

  • catarrhal infection;
  • pneumonia;
  • infectious and non-infectious bronchitis;
  • Allergic reactions are accompanied by irritation of the respiratory mucosa;
  • tracheitis and laryngitis;
  • asthma;
  • bronchiectasis.

Dry cough drink Ambrobene recommend to smokers and to reduce the irritation caused by heat and smoke from entering the lungs nicotine gum.

Despite the fact that Ambrobene effective drug for relief of dry cough, the drug has only a symptomatic effect, reducing the severity of symptoms emerged. To eliminate the signs of established disease requires a comprehensive therapy aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease.

If you treat a cough Ambrobene, neglecting the use of other medications, it will lead to the fact that the condition of the person will be better, but the disease will not disappear and will become chronic.

A variety of release forms

Pharmaceutical companies produce several forms Ambrobene, allowing you to choose a more convenient method of administering the drug:

  • Pills. The most convenient form containing 30 mg of active ingredient (adult dose). If necessary, the tablet can be divided into 2-4 pieces to give the child the prescribed dose. Not suitable for children under 3 years due to the inability of children to swallow pills.
  • Syrup. The liquid is discharged in bottles with measured glass and has a pleasant taste. In 5 ml contain 15 mg of active substance. Ambrobene syrup for dry cough prescribe kids from an early age.
  • A solution for a nebulizer. Application Ambrobene inhalation helps with dry cough, bronchospasm accompanied. This method of administration is very good for the cough laryngospasm, bronchial obstruction and asthma attacks.
  • Suspension. As syrup is in liquid form and a single dose is measured via measuring container.
  • The injectable form. In severe conditions caused by dry cough, make the injections Ambroxol.

What a way to introduce the drug is more effective - the doctor decide individually.

allows for maximum drug concentration in spite of the fact that the inhalation of the drug airways, this method is not available to all for the need to use a special device - nebulizer. Ambrobene do with steam inhalation is impossible - hot water will destroy the structure of the drug and the procedure will be ineffective.

Injections do only in a hospital during the first days of illness to facilitate serious condition, and then the patient to alleviate the dry cough is recommended to take Ambrobene in another form.

The most frequently prescribed syrup and pills that can be taken at home.

How to drink the medicine

Ambrobene in the treatment of dry cough should be taken after meals with water.

The dose depends on the age:

  • from 2 months to 2 years - 1 ml of suspension / day;
  • aged 2 - half measuring cup syrup with a 12 hour interval (5 ml / day);
  • 2-6 years - 1/2 dimensional slurry tank three times a day at intervals of 8 hours (no more than 7.5 ml);
  • 7-12 years - measuring cup liquid Ambrobene or ½ tablets three times a day;
  • adults and teenagers - on a tablet 3 times.

How much drinking - is determined individually. Typically, the duration of therapy for dry cough is 4-5 days. If during this time period to facilitate the state has not come and phlegm is thick, it is necessary to consult with your doctor about further treatment.

Are there any contraindications

Ambrobene available without prescription, and patients are often in an effort to get rid of the attacks of dry cough, start to drink the medicine without a prescription. For most people, health relief comes, but a number of individuals observed health problems. This is due to the fact that before you treat a dry cough, the patients are not familiar with these annotations contraindications:

  • ambroxol intolerance;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach or bowel disease;
  • severe liver damage;
  • kidney disease accompanied by inflammation;
  • early pregnancy.

Require caution in the treatment of dry cough in patients with atrophy of the respiratory mucosa. Atrophic process leads to a decrease in ciliary epithelial area responsible for the evacuation of mucus and reception Ambrobene can lead to congestion in the bronchi significant liquid sputum.

During lactation, and in the later stages take Ambrobene desirable, but not painful cough less harmful to pregnant or lactating women. If there is no other way to alleviate the condition of the woman, it is recommended for dry cough Ambrobene solution for a nebulizer. The introduction of the drug into the airways provides a local effect on the mucous membrane and the active substance hardly enters into the general circulation.

Adverse reactions and overdose

If the treatment of dry cough follow the doctor and do not exceed therapeutic dose, the drug was well tolerated by patients. But less than 1% of patients receiving Ambrobene can cause:

  • skin rashes;
  • local or local swelling;
  • nausea;
  • frustration of a chair;
  • pain in the gut or in the epigastrium;
  • weakness;
  • temperature rise;
  • headache;
  • dry mucous membranes of the bronchi and larynx;
  • dyspnea;
  • decrease in urine;
  • giptenziya.

In rare cases Ambrobene causes such dangerous condition for life, as anaphylaxis and angioedema.

The risk of adverse effects increases with the dose of non-compliance. Usually this happens in the first days of illness, when a dry cough moderately softened after the use of medication. In an effort to be rid of the discomfort arose, a person starts drinking Ambrobene more than 3 times a day, or take a double dose at once. Increasing the dose slightly eases dry cough, but may appear undesirable reactions. More likely to have headaches and indigestion, rarely - a violation of the work of other bodies.

Another reason overdose - failure to comply with the rules of storage drugs. Sweet syrup tastes good, and the kids do not understand the difference between a drug and a delicacy, so can enjoy the sweet contents of the bottle unattended.

Does "boomerang effect" is possible

Sometimes you can hear a complaint that intensified after Ambrobene dry cough, and became tickle in the throat.

At first glance, it seems impossible, because Ambrobene softens dry cough, phlegm and diluting stimulating expectoration of bronchial mucus.

But if you go back to the list of adverse reactions, there stated that the bronchial mucosa may be dry after use Ambrobene. More often it provokes:

  • individual sensitivity when topically administered medicament (nebulized);
  • abuse of inhalation (made more than 3 times per day);
  • Ambrobene parenteral administration.

Less dry cough develops at the application of a syrup or tablet.

The passage of air enhances irritation, dry mucous, causing a person's desire to clear his throat.

People are not always associated increased dry cough with a side effect of medication. Often, people trying to get rid of the painful symptoms, continues to drink Ambrobene, aggravating the condition arose.

If the cough becomes wet

With the proper use of the drug for 2-3 days of dry cough disappears and starts discharge of bronchial mucus. Some patients stop drinking medicine, but can not do it.

Doctors recommend drinking Ambrobene continue to provide:

  • Further dilution of the bronchial secretions;
  • stimulate expectoration.

Indication for Ambrobene is dry and wet cough, so you should take the full course of treatment drugs.

Indication for discontinuation of the drug may be only the appearance of adverse reactions or that softens dry cough while taking Ambrobene more than 2 days.

patients error

Ambrobene well softens dry cough and sputum improves the evacuation, but some patients reported that the medication does not work or has little softening effect on the bronchi.

Consider why this happens:

  • Other reasons. Dry cough provokes not only the difficulty sputum discharge, but also diseases of the esophagus or the cardiovascular system. When is the use of pulmonary diseases Ambrobene ineffective.
  • The absence of complex therapy. More common in adults, when the affairs of the people engaged once to visit the doctor, and they buy in a drugstore Ambrobene cough. The medicine for a short time, eliminates the symptoms of the disease, but the cause remains and soon dry cough appears again. Eliminating only concomitant symptoms causes complications that the disease gives or becomes chronic.
  • Inattention to him. The appearance of dry cough using Ambrobene is rare, but it should not preclude the development of adverse reactions. When taking medication when deteriorating health and a dry cough is worse - it is necessary to stop treatment and see a doctor. In this case, the drug needs to be replaced on mucolytics, do not have a part of ambroxol.

dry cough treatment with Ambrobene help if a doctor determined the cause of the disease, took the appropriate dose and administration form, and further designated therapy to eliminate the cause disease. In compliance with all recommendations of the doctor relieving the condition will happen in 2-3 days.


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