Useful For Preparations
The Best Analogy Ambrobene

TOP 8 Ambrobene analogues: a review of drugs being replaced

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characteristics of drugs

Ambrobene - a mucolytic drug used for therapy of coughing (wet, dry). The medicine is available in Pharmacy as a syrup, tablet, encapsulated forms, injection, oral, inhalation solution. Cost Ambrobene is 115 - 209 rubles.

The active component of the drug is ambroxol hydrochloride. Active component helps make the mucus more fluid and improves its outflow. This is achieved by breaking bonds in the bronchial mucus, as well as increased secretion of bronchial tree cells.

Ambroxol stimulates the production of surfactant. It is necessary to maintain the tone of the alveoli. The substance provides good oxygen passage through the alveolar wall. Ambroxol is able to activate the secretory activity of type 2 pneumocytes and Clara cells.

Bacterial respiratory disease (pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.) require the use of antibiotics. Ambroxol during antibiotic therapy is often prescribed to increase its effectiveness. The substance increases the concentration of antibacterial agents.

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Ambroxol penetrates well through the digestive tract wall. He is able to take place in liquorodynamic liquid milk women, as well as through the placental barrier. Leaves drug is excreted in the urine.

Indications for use of injection Abmrobene solution:

  • bronchitis, acute and chronic flow;
  • pneumonia;
  • asthma;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • production of surfactant in preterm neonates and toddlers (with a total treatment).

All forms of drugs are not indicated for use during gestation (1 trimester), allergy to its components. Tablet form do not use in patients under 6 years of age. The syrup is not shown with malabsorption and lactase deficiency. The capsules do not use in patients under 12 years of age.

Carefully Ambrobene need to appoint at any function of ciliated epithelium, ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract. Carefully apply the drug in pregnant patients (2-3 trimester), and also in lactating mothers. Patients with kidney disease the drug is prescribed with long intervals between doses.

drug analogues

Ambrobene analogues of the drug may be structural and non-structural. Structural analogs have the same active ingredient. Non-structural analogs include other components, but have the same effect.

Structural analogs are often chosen if the patient Ambrobene is expensive. Non-structural analogues are used because of intolerance Ambrobene, as well as because of their higher efficiency, low price. Before choosing a drug it is necessary to visit a doctor for further limitations and undesirable effects.

Ambrobene has analogues:



  • Ambroxol;
  • ambrogeksal;
  • Ambrolor;
  • Ambrosan;
  • Bronhoksol;
  • Bronhorus;
  • Lasolvan.
  • ACC;
  • bromhexine;
  • libeksin;
  • Pulmozyme;
  • Solvin.

structural analogues

1. Lasolvan

Ambrobene good analogue for children (synonym) - it Lasolvan. The drug has the same dosage forms. It is produced in the form of tablets, encapsulated forms, solution for oral administration and inhalations, syrup. Just in medicine is a form of lozenges. Active component is an analogue of ambroxol. The tool can be used in infants toddlers, preschoolers, school children and adults. Cost Lasolvan slightly higher. It is 167 - 442 rubles.

2. Ambroxol

It is also possible to replace Ambrobene ambroxol. Its active component is ambroxol. Analog sold in pharmacies as a syrup, tablet food, capsules, inhalation, oral administration and injection solution, lozenges. Indications and limitations are the same as in Ambrobene. Ambroxol costs less Ambrobene. The price of an analogue is 16 - 209 rubles.

3. Bronhorus

Russian analogue Ambrobene is Bronhorus. It costs very cheap - 18 - 58 rubles. Active component analogue considered ambroxol. The preparation is made in the form of tablets and syrup.

4. Bronhoksol

Bronhoksol is a structural analogue Ambrobene. It is produced in the form of inhalation and oral solution, tablet forms.

Indications and limits in drug no different. Analogue is from 39-70 rubles. This is a great tool that helps you keep the effect of treatment and save money.

5. ambrogeksal

Ambrogeksal is a cheap substitute for Ambrobene. It is sold in tablet form and syrup inhalation and oral solution. analogue cost is almost the same. It is 101 - 253 rubles.

Non-structural analogues

6. ACC

Instead, the drug Ambrobene allowed to use drugs with a similar impact, but different composition. The most famous analogue considered acetylcysteine ​​(NAC). ACC has a high efficiency. It refers to the analog of mucolytic drugs.

The drug is available as a tablet form (effervescent), powder, syrup, granules. An analogue may be for use in children 2 years of age. You can not use the medication in pregnant and lactating patients, children less than 2 years of age. Carefully prescribed medication in patients with abnormalities of the liver and kidneys. analog value is 93-256 rubles.

7. Bromhexinum

Non-structural analogue Ambrobene is Bromhexine. Therapeutic drug component - bromhexine hydrochloride. The drug thins mucus and helps her to withdraw. An analogue can be purchased in a pharmacy paragraph as a syrup, inhalation and oral solution, tablet forms, drops, jelly beans.

Means actively used in adult and pediatric practice for the symptomatic treatment of cough. Analogue is relatively cheap: 20 - 223 rubles. Its effectiveness is equated in Ambrobene.

8. libeksin

Another analogue is Ambrobene Libeksin. The drug is composed of karbotsistein. Analogue enhances the secretion of bronchial tree cells, destroys communication in the sputum. It means you can buy in a pharmacy in the form of tablets and syrup. The drug should not be used in a child under 15 years of age. drug cost is 368 - 627 rubles.


The presence of analogues in medicine allows you to buy a cheaper means, but with a good therapeutic effect. They make it possible to replace Ambrobene if he has an allergy. Ambrobene analogs can be selected only on doctor's advice. Yourself should not use drugs because they have contraindications and adverse events.


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