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From What Helps Aktovegin?

From what helps Aktovegin?

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Aktovegin tool widely used in various branches of medicine where treatment of circulatory disorders, and skin trophism. The general concept of what is prescribed medication, gives instructions for use to aktoveginWhere signs drug action in detail.

Aktovegin helps to cope with neurological, endocrine diseases, used in gynecology for pregnancy maintenance, training women for motherhood, treatment vnutriplatsentarnyh developmental disorders fetus. This natural drug rarely giving an allergic reaction.

On the preparation

Means active substance is an extract of calf blood, has a therapeutic effect. It improves metabolic processes at the cellular level, it promotes better transport of oxygen and glucose in cells. It promotes energy metabolism and decrease cell hypoxia. Such properties of the preparation is important for the normal functioning of the nervous system and blood circulation.

Aktovegin also assigned to accelerate tissue regeneration process at visible Abuse its integrity. It promotes rapid healing of wounds, ulcers and other skin lesions. Aktovegin discharged in the form of an ointment, gel, lotions, tablets and injections. What kind of drug form chosen for the therapy, the doctor decides, based on the characteristics of the disease.

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Application Actovegin possible inside (tablets), parenterally (injections, IVs), and externally for local use (ointment, gel, cream). Analogs funds are solkoseril, levomikol, cerebrolysin cavinton, cinnarizine, which okazyvyut similar action, but a lot cheaper aktovegina.

Most often, doctors prescribe Aktovegin in:

  • neurology;
  • gynecology;
  • psychiatry;
  • ophthalmology;
  • dermatology;
  • Cardiology.

Effect of the drug is expressed as:

  • accelerating cell metabolism;
  • improving blood circulation.

Additionally it has regenerative, restorative effect on the cells of the skin and mucous membranes, promotes increase their resistance to hypoxia (oxygen starvation), contributes to the overall strengthening of the nervous system of the body person.

when administered

With a wide range of action of drugs used in different branches of medicine. Indications for use Actovegin:

  • violation of cerebral circulation;
  • ischemic stroke;
  • cranial trauma;
  • encephalopathy;
  • dementia;
  • varicose veins;
  • angiopathy;
  • changes in skin trophism;
  • ulcers of various etiology;
  • and decubitus prevention;
  • ray lesions.

Additionally Aktovegin used for burns of varying etiologies.


Ophthalmologists prescribed medication when damaged cornea (burns, ulcers, inflammation) for its rapid healing. Assign it conjunctivitis associated with the selection of lenses, and after surgeries on the eye. For the treatment of eye medication is used in the form of a gel, which is applied directly on the eyeball or under the eyelid. For the treatment to be applied 2 drops of the substance three times a day. The course of treatment depends on the extent of damage is determined by the doctor and his eyes. The drug was well tolerated, except in cases of individual intolerance.

The medicine is used during pregnancy and lactation, since it does not have a negative impact on the mother and child. There are cases of application of funds in pediatric practice. But in gynecology and pediatrics use funds held under the strict control of the doctor.

The negative reaction to aktovegin is local irritation, which manifests itself in the form of itching, redness, lacrimation. If you cancel the medicine discomfort disappears. Aktovegin gel well with other medicines pharmacological groups of drugs.


By enhancing cellular metabolism Aktovegin treats skin lesions of various origins, so it is widely used by dermatologists. For topical use, doctors prescribed an ointment, gel or cream. 20% gel is used for purification of wounds, trophic ulcers and other skin damage.

Aktovegin topically applied in the form of compresses, which are superimposed on the damaged areas of skin 1-2 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. Ointment is used not only for treatment but also prevent the formation of pressure ulcers.

For the treatment of venous ulcers, weeping or conduct cleansing gel skin, and then put a piece of soaked aktoveginom x \ cotton fabric. Make a compress once a day, but changed more often if necessary. In the treatment of pressure sores with a bandage remedy changed 2-3 times.

In the presence of burns, minor damage to the skin cream or ointment is applied directly to the affected area with a thin layer. The drug does not cause adverse reactions. Sometimes it is local irritation of the skin (itching, redness), cases are manifestations of ointment.

Patients with a tendency to allergies is necessary before using Actovegin to test for individual tolerance. For this small amount of drug applied to the wrist (the inner side) and after 15 minutes to see if there is irritation. If the skin is clean, you can start the treatment, otherwise it is replaced by another medicine. Also, be aware that the treatment of large wounds on the area held by a combination of aktovegin ointment with other antimicrobial drugs, and treatment of purulent wounds combined with antibiotics.

Aktovegin worked well in the treatment of skin damage caused by diabetes. But a more stable result is achieved by correcting blood glucose levels to the normal range.


The increase in life expectancy leads to a greater number of older people with a history of cerebral ischemia, hypertension, cognitive disorders. Cerebrovascular accident, is often observed in this group of the population, resulting in the death of brain tissue cells.

Long-term studies of this problem have led scientists to conclude that the cause of necrosis is the lack of cellular energy metabolism. Active substance aktovegina improves energy processes in the cells, preventing necrosis.

Appointment Actovegin with antihypertensive and antithrombotic drugs has a positive result during treatment of patients with circulatory encephalopathy, developing as a result of hypertension, chronic cerebral ischemia due to atherosclerosis, diabetes, injuries skull. The combination of drugs makes it possible to reduce the risk of ischemic stroke.

For the treatment of memory disorders and moderate initial Aktovegin drug administered by intravenous injection. Treatment outcome was observed already after two weeks of use.

Action aktovegina clearly seen in severe hypoxic brain cells. Under its influence there is a marked improvement in the oxygen of energy cells, increasing their resistance to oxygen starvation. Therefore, the drug is indicated in the treatment of traumatic brain injury. Increasing the metabolic processes at the cellular level, the drug accelerates tissue repair. It is worth remembering that the facility does not apply in the presence of tumors in the brain, because it provokes growth. Therefore, treatment should be done under medical supervision.

In cardiology

The most common pathology is ccc vascular hypertension, which develops due to increased vascular tone, narrowing of the lumen. Such a state is negatively displayed on the brain work. In humans, there are hypertension symptoms:

  • headache;
  • tremor;
  • blurred vision;
  • noise in ears;
  • state of anxiety.

Symptoms can not be ignored, since they lead to the development of stable forms of hypertension, the risk of complications (heart attack, stroke).

To remove the hypertonicity of blood vessels and further maintain their normal physicians prescribe aktovegin which is administered intravenously. Its effect is observed after 25 min after injection and acts to 6 hours. Apply the drug to patients with hypertension than 150 mm Hg. The drug lowers the tone of capillaries and enhances their clearance. Prescribed independently at the initial stage of the disease, and the later stages in the complex treatment. Besides drug is indicated with an increase in ICP, as well as in violation of the venous circulation.

In gynecology

Indications for the application in gynecology drugs are:

  • prepare women for motherhood;
  • prevention of complications during pregnancy;
  • treatment of fetal disorders vnutriplatsentarnyh;
  • prevention of premature termination of pregnancy.

The drug helps to restore normal blood circulation, reduces the risk of miscarriage in women, if such pathology was already in her history. Depending on the degree of circulatory disorders doctor prescribes the drug in tablets or injections. Aktovegina ampoule contains 80 to 400 mg of active substance.

The use of tablets

The drug is available in addition ointments and injections in tablet form. What used Aktovegin tablets:

  • dementia;
  • bleeding in the brain;
  • cerebral ischemia;
  • encephalopathy;
  • cranial trauma;
  • angiopathy;
  • skin damage;
  • bed sores;
  • ulcers.

Pills drunk before meals for 1-2 pcs not liquid, squeezed small amounts of water. Repeated dose three times. The duration of treatment is one month aktoveginom. In severe cases, the reception of tablets may continue up to 45 days. The course of treatment and the dose determines the only doctor on the basis of the patient's condition.

The drug was well tolerated except in rare cases of allergic reactions, which take place after the cancellation means. Aktovegin has contraindications:

  • ccc dysfunction of moderate and severe;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • kidney disease;
  • intolerance to the drug components.

The use in children and during pregnancy is carried out under the supervision of a physician. When the negative reactions to the substance need to stop taking it and tell your doctor.

opinion of patients

Reviews of the drug positive. Many patients were treated aktoveginom noted its positive effect. Nicholas he helped to cope with intercostal neuralgia, caused by stress. At the same time he was appointed Aktovegin in 5 ml ampoules in \ m at night. After a week of this therapy to the patient felt better, the pain was gone, and the condition has improved.

Anastasia 29. Since childhood, he was a weak child, and at age 21 she was diagnosed with herpetic neuralgia (affects the area around the eyes). After the treatment aktoveginom (in \ m injection) during the month of disease disappeared. Besides therapy enhanced the protective properties of the organism.

Alex from Sochi with diabetes type 2 therapy and courses Actovegin helps it prevent complications. Anna from Minsk drug helped prevent placental abruption and premature termination of pregnancy.


Aktovegin confirmed its efficacy in the treatment of many diseases. But despite this, the therapy drug alone can not. Any treatment should begin with consulting a doctor, because only he can give an adequate assessment of the patient, prescribe the right medication, the appropriate dose. Self-treatment can not only eliminate the disease, but also harm the body.

During treatment Actovegin need to monitor the reaction of your body and stop taking the medication, take an antihistamine and inform the doctor if you have an allergic reaction. Compliance with the recommendations of the expert - the key to successful treatment of diseases, prevention of complications and relapses.


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