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Benefits And Harms Of Aktovegina

Benefits and harms of Actovegin

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Before using a particular drug should be convinced of its effectiveness. Benefits and harms of Actovegin should also be carefully examined, especially if the drug is used to treat women in the period of gestation.

The appointment of these drugs is necessary when there is a need for additional oxygen supply for the proper development of the child. Use the drug may be at different stages of pregnancy. Another reason that the prescribed use for Aktovegin head.


Actovegin harm during pregnancy is completely eliminated. Because the main component of the drug is a blood extractor. This means that the medicament has an entirely organic composition without impurities. Once a substance enters the body women, it begins to participate in many biochemical processes.

The benefits of Actovegin due to the presence in the composition of the special protein compounds that help fill the glucose and oxygen is not only the mother but also the fetus. Another important property of the drug - it protects from the threat of termination of pregnancy. This is because due to its useful properties of the body is saturated with useful substances.

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Brain cells have high sensitivity such components, however, they are beginning to function already at 3.4 hour after administration. The drug is also used as a preventive measure when necessary to restore the circulatory functions, resulting in oxygen starvation, and various injuries. Medication can restore the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, it promotes the formation of muscles.

Such benefits Actovegin during pregnancy is extremely important for the normal functioning of the body of the child. This allows for full physiological and mental development.

The main indications why tablets or injections are used in women with child-bearing:

  • uterine muscle - a risk of miscarriage;
  • violation of placental blood flow;
  • detachment of the placenta in mild;
  • swelling of placental tissue (usually in conflict Rh mother and child);
  • pathological disorders of the parent organism that cause metabolic disorders;
  • Women have several unsuccessful attempts of pregnancy followed by a miscarriage or a sinking.

Usually appointment will be closer to 15 weeks of gestation. However, if necessary, medication can be appointed at any stage.

Aktovegin and its analogues are used in gels and creams from wrinkles. Based on reviews from patients, such means help for a short time to regenerate the skin.

undesirable effects

Some women fear for any harm caused by Actovegin may occur during chronic administration. However, if all assignments carried out by doctors and strictly enforced instructions to the drug Aktovegin, You can not be afraid. Contraindications include medication only individual intolerance, as well as swelling of the respiratory system.


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