
Features of the design of the corset Chenot, and the basis of the mechanism of action of the corrective devices in scoliosis

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Corso Sheno for back

Scoliosis, that is, the curvature of the spine, often develops in adolescents during the period of intensive bone growth.

The disease is characterized not only by an appreciable deformation of the spinal column and changes in posture, but also by a decrease in the volume of the thorax and abdominal cavity, which negatively affects the condition of the internal organs.

With the rapid progression of the deformity of the spine , the use of special orthopedic corsets designed to correct pathology and prevent further development of the disease is shown.

Article Contents

  • Types of corsets for scoliosis
  • Supporting braces scoliosis
    • recliner
    • Thoracic posture corrector
    • thoracolumbar posture correctors
  • principles impact on the spine corrective corsets
    • Corset Chenault
    • corsets for the back of Milwaukee
    • Lyons corset( corset Brace)
    • Boston corset
  • Aswear and use the corset Chenot to achieve the desired result?
  • Reviews of the use of corsets Chenot
    • Review of Tatyana M.,( 39 years)
    • Review of Alexander
  • insta story viewer
  • Video describing the use of a corset by a real patient

Types of corsets in scoliosis

The presence of scoliosis requires the appointment of appropriate treatment. Patients are developing a mandatory course of therapy, including anti-scoliosis gymnastics, massage sessions, swimming and using corsets.

Early onset of treatment of the deformities that occurs leads to the complete elimination of the problem and the child begins to live the normal life of a teenager in a few months.

The lack of treatment not only leads to visible visual distortions, but also provokes the development of problems with breathing, with cardiac activity, reduced immunity and many chronic diseases.

Parents of children always need to remember that good health in the future, social adaptation and life expectancy of a child depends on the measures taken after the diagnosis of scoliosis.

Technological innovations in the field of medicine allowed to develop several types of corsets for the spine , differing in the types and uses depending on the stage of development of scoliosis.

There are two types of corsets used for scoliosis - supporting and corrective .In turn, they are divided into several subspecies, differing in the material of manufacture, the principles of use and the indications for use.

Supporting corsets for scoliosis

The main function of back support devices is to unload the spine, relieve tension in the muscles, reduce soreness.

They can not correct the developing deformity of the spine, but they allow to partially avoid the further progression of the disease. Supporting corsets are shown at the beginning of the development of scoliosis as a preventative measure and in adulthood in pathologies of the supporting system.


recliner for the back

They are elastic bands, worn on the upper half of the chest in the form of a figure-eight.

The tension of the tapes allows you to straighten the stoop, corrects the posture of the , unloads the shoulder girdle and spreads the shoulders to the sides.

The use of recliners is shown in the early stages of scoliosis, with minor disturbances in posture, with muscle weakness.

Recliners put on top of T-shirts, T-shirts, use up to 4 hours per day when viewing files on a computer, TV shows, doing lessons, reading.

The device is completely invisible under the clothes, but it must be taken into account that this type of corset is not curative and is therefore not able to bring the expected benefits in the second and subsequent stages of scoliosis.

Thoracic Posture Corrector

thoracic posture correctors

Represents a bandage with a corset belt and a semi-rigid part for the thoracic part from the back.

The corset provides additional elastic straps, covering the upper part of the torso. The main part, located on the thoracic spine, is made with special stiffeners, and the entire structure is made of elastic material.

Similar devices are used in the pronounced stoop , with blade pathology, kyphoscoliosis in the initial degree.

orthopedic corsets for back Learn more about corsets for back from stoop, and you can correct your posture.

Read in this article how to dress the collar of Shan's baby, and what indications for its use. What is the use of an orthopedic pillow for a chair? For more details, see here.

Lumbar Posture Correctors

thoracolumbar corsets

These are orthopedic devices that combine corset belt, reclinator and semi-rigid part for back with stiffeners.

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Breast-lumbar correctors are designed to correct posture and scoliosis of 1 and 2 degree in children and adults, selected by a doctor according to individual sizes.

Thoracic and dorsal correctors must be worn and used correctly, they are worn in the standing position, fixed with special fasteners on the chest or abdomen.

If the technique of donning is observed, the spine should straighten , the thorax straighten, and shoulders retreat.

Wearing the correctors begin with thirty minutes a day, gradually the time of their use increases to 4 hours a day.

Wearing chest and chest lumbar correctors is necessary when doing physical work, while doing lessons at the table, while working on the computer.

The changes in the spine are determined by the doctor and radiography, with positive dynamics, the use of support devices is reduced to one hour per week.

In the absence of the desired effect from the use of supporting structures of the spine and with the expressed degrees of scoliosis, the use of corrective corsets is prescribed, most of which are constructed on individual casts.

Principles of impact on the spine corrective corsets

The main purpose of corrective devices is to prevent further progression of the scoliosis and correction of the vertebral column deformity diagnosed during diagnosis.

Correction of the curvature of the spine in the corset is based on the effect of support structures exerting back pressure on the deformation region.

Corrective corset for the spine has a positive effect immediately in two planes - the lateral and antero-posterior, the special retainers support the straightened back in the physiological position.

Corset Chenot

corset Chenot for the spine

Today is the most popular. The material for the design of the device is a special thermoplastic plastic , the device is manufactured by individual plaster casts.

The individual design of the corset allows the manufacture of devices with reference points of influence on the convex points of the spine.

Inside the hull, special gaskets made of dense foam rubber are glued in the projection of the pressure points, providing pressure on the area of ​​the required correction of the defect.

On the opposite side of the deformation area, special free zones are provided in which the extension of the curvature section occurs.

As the scoliosis is corrected, the corset is replaced with .During the wearing of the corset, it is recommended to perform special respiratory gymnastics aimed at increasing the volume of the lungs.

Milwaukee back corset

Milwaukee corset

This design is with a saddle for the pelvis and metal pads.

The corset provides chin and neck fixation for the .

Milwaukee's corset is manufactured based on the degree of scoliosis and depending on the growth, the design provides for the possibility of adjustment.

Lyons corset( Brace corset)

This is a metal-polymer device consisting of horizontal and vertical racks. The corset is adjustable in height, which allows you to change it no more often than once every two years.

Lyons corset is designed to treat scoliosis, which simultaneously develops in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine.

Boston corset

boston corset

A device of this design is used by to correct scoliosis of the 3rd degree of the lumbar and sacral section.

is a frame that reaches the level of the chest, has a rear and front fasteners, which ensures its full fit to the body.

The corset selection is carried out after diagnosis and on the basis of the doctor's recommendations. To achieve a normal physiological position of the spine, it is necessary not only to change the devices in a timely manner, but also to wear them correctly.

Also worth mentioning is the cost of products, which is high, as corsets are made by individual plaster casts. So, the average price for Corso's corsets varies between 7500 - 9000 rub.

How to wear and use the corset Chenot to achieve the desired result?

Corset Chenot with proper use is able to correct scoliosis 2 - 3 degrees. When is prescribed, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the doctor , the main ones are as follows:

  • in the first days the corset is worn for one to two hours for addiction and psychological adaptation. In the future, the corset Sheno worn constantly, remove it only to take a shower and to perform exercise therapy;
  • a corset is put on a vest or a T-short, it is necessary to watch a condition of a skin in places of pressure;
  • during the use of the corrective structure it is necessary to avoid lifting weights of more than 5 kilograms by weight;
  • conducts a comparative diagnosis every three months. X-ray pictures of the spine are made in the corset, then it is removed and two hours later the radiography is repeated;
  • after three to four months, based on repeated radiography, the device is corrected.

Reviews about the use of corsets Shento

reviews about corset

Corset Chenot is made in Russia by only a few companies, so it is necessary to ask for a certificate at the moment of prosthetics.

Technically competent manufacture of the correcting device is the main guarantee of success of the device.

Before use, you can read reviews on the Internet, with observance of the rules of use, patients note the positive dynamics in a few weeks.

To correct deformity of the spinal column, it is necessary to constantly undergo diagnostics and get medical advice. During the use of the corset, one should not give up anti-scoliosis exercises, swimming and breathing exercises. Only a combination of all methods of conservative treatment can benefit.

Review of Tatyana M.,( 39 years)

"My daughter started wearing Corset Chenot about 8 months ago. I got used to it not at once, hesitated to wear it to school and to the street, but then gradually everything went back to normal, and about a month later my daughter began to wear it almost for the whole day.

The main problems of are the selection of clothes and skin care - in some places the corset rubs. But all this is trivial in comparison with the results - the correction of the spine is seen on the x-ray image and visually, in the first months there was pain in the hip joint, now everything has normalized.

The corset was changed two times already, as the scoliosis became smaller, and other supporting pads were needed. And my daughter and I hope that in about six months, the corset will have to be much smaller, but not far away and until the cure is complete. "

Review of Alexander

« We managed to correct the progressive scoliosis of the son only with the help of the corset Sheno .Before that, there were gymnastics and training in a specialized center, the desired result was not. After using the corset, the spine began to improve and the son is more optimistic about life. "

The results of the application of the Chenault corset can be estimated from the above photos of scoliosis before using the correcting device and after several months. Based on these pictures, you yourself can judge whether these corsets help with scoliosis. After all, the results of roentgenography from using corsets are more eloquent than any words.

Video describing the use of a corset by a real patient

See the video of the conference of manual musculoskeletal medicine in which a real example of a patient describes the process of treating scoliosis in stages with the help of the corset Chenot, and describes the results of treating the disease with a similar method

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