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Ascoril or Sinekod: it is better if you can at the same time, a comparison

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Respiratory system sharply perceives differences in temperature and disease-causing organisms that provoke cough, sore throat, bronchitis and other diseases. Consider a drug effective to use and what is better: Ascoril or Sinekod.

Overview ASKOR

To compare with Sinekod Askorilom, you need to be familiar with the compositions and pharmacological effects of drugs. Ascoril represents expectorant drug combined action.

It is composed of 3 basic active components:

  • bromhexine is a mucolytic agent and reduces the viscosity of sputum;
  • salbutamol - a bonholitik, soothing and relieving bronchial spasms;
  • guaifenesin - allows removal of phlegm, eliminates dry cough.

By such composition Ascoril it has the following effects on the body:

  • liquefies phlegm;
  • It allows mucus to move away from the bronchi;
  • provokes coughing to remove mucus;
  • It calms armor reduces inflammation.

The drug should not be used for children under one year. After a year, you can apply the syrup prescribed by a doctor. Ascoril contraindicated in pregnant women, patients with intolerance to individual components of the composition, the problems with the liver and kidney function.

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Take the form of syrup for children from 1 year to 5 ml three times daily for 5 days. When using the forms of tablets for children from 12 years and adults: 1 tablet before meals 2 times a day. The course of treatment depends on the results, an average of 7 days.

If for some reason you can not use this drug, it can be replaced by similar products: Bromhexine, Stoptussin, Antitusin, Mukaltin.

Characteristics Sinekoda

Sinekod relates to antitussive and discharged in the form of droplets and syrup. The active component has butamirata citations kashlepodavlyayuschim action. It enhances the bronchial tubes and ease breathing.

Used drug in the dry cough of any origin, as well as after surgery to improve breathing. The drug has a lot of contraindications, so it can be used only after consulting a doctor. You may not use Sinekod children under 3 years (syrup) and up to 2 months (drops), pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as allergies to components of the composition.

Syrup apply up to 12 years to 5 ml three times a day, after 12 years - 10 ml. When strong cough dosage may be increased to 15 ml of a physician for 1 reception. It is recommended to use the syrup after eating and do not eat or drink for an hour.

What is better to use

Sinekod used in case of whooping cough or dry cough of different origin. The drug relieves the urge cough, but has at the same antimicrobial or antibacterial action. Ascoril has expectorant and mucolytic action, and is most commonly used in time for SARS prevention of bronchitis. Which one is better to use drugs, you need to check with the doctor who will conduct pre-survey and find out the real cause of the cough.

Can I Sinekod and Ascoril

Joint reception Sinekoda ASKOR and causes a lot of controversy among doctors. Some prescribed concomitant use of drugs, others are categorically against such a combination. If you delve, the Ascoril liquefies phlegm and facilitates its removal. For this excited receptors responsible for the urge to cough, and during this mucus from the bronchi cough and out.

Sinekod, in turn, blocks the urge to cough, neutralizing receptor sensitivity. Thus, we can conclude that the drugs though and relieve cough, but the "work" differently, so Ascoril with Sinekodom appoint stupid.

In summarizing important to note that at the same time and Sinekod Ascoril modern doctors do not recommend the use of opposites their mechanisms of action. Choose an effective drug in a particular case will help the doctor.


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