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L-Carnitine and meldonium: compatibility, can we together

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Modern medicine offers many medications used to accelerate intracellular metabolism, thereby increasing the physical capabilities of the human body. Some of these are L-Carnitine and meldonium whose properties are described below.

Description L-Carnitine

L-carnitine is a dietary supplement and is often used in sports nutrition.

The main component - carnitine possesses the following properties:

  • enhances metabolism;
  • improves performance and endurance;
  • It accelerates protein, fat and carbohydrate exchanges substances;
  • It stimulates the energy metabolism;

In medicine, L-carnitine is used in kidney disease, liver, cerebral circulatory disorders, ischemic heart disease. It is available in several dosage forms - tablets, powder, solution, and vials for the / m.

When ingested, Carnitine helps to release energy from fat cells, due to which a person feels a surge of courage and strength. It transports fatty acids into the cells, thereby reduces somnolence, increased efficiency.

The dosage depends on many factors and is assigned to a specialist. Allowable rate per day - up to 5 t.

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What is meldonium

To understand that better meldonium or L-carnitine, are now necessary to consider the properties of the second drug. So meldonium discharged in the form of solution for injection, and has a form of capsules meldonium Organics. It refers to the group matabolicheskih preparation of medicaments. The main active ingredient - meldonium. This is analogous to the enzyme gamma butilobetaina, which is in the cellular composition of tissues in the human body.

Meldonium has a broad spectrum of effects:

  • It speeds up the metabolism in the tissues;
  • reduces the physical strain in the muscles;
  • It accelerates the process of rehabilitation after injuries and operations;
  • improves cerebral blood circulation.

You can not use the drug in case of hypersensitivity to the composition of cancer tumors, pregnancy, and increased intracranial pressure. Direct analog - Mildronat - drug whose principal ingredient is meldonium.

The drug significantly increases the physical capabilities, thus it is sometimes used by athletes as a performance-enhancing drugs, even though it is strictly forbidden for competition.

Meldonium taken by injection three times a day for 0.5 t. The dosage is adjusted depending on the individual patient.

Can I take Carnitine and meldonium

Compare L-Carnitine with meldonium possible, but this makes no sense. Both drugs are based on different components and have different effects. Among the similarities can be noted accelerate metabolism and regeneration of osteochondral and soft tissues.

At the same time to take the two drugs is not recommended, although there is no prohibition for that. At higher doses L-Carnitine has the same effect as meldonium. In everyday life, and to increase energy efficiency is recommended Carnitine. When preparing for a competition to rebuild tissue after strenuous exercise take meldonium.

In a joint reception following dosage is recommended:

  • Carnitine - 250 mg three times a day;
  • Meldonium (Mildronat) - 0.5 g 2 times a day or 1 g. 1 per day

In summing up the need to notice that meldonium with carnitine can take athletes with high physical exertion.

Meddony included in the list of banned doping products, but it is widely used in cardiovascular disease, decreased sexual function in women, normalizes the intracellular metabolism.

L-Carnitine, in turn, used by athletes and patients with problems of the heart muscle. He improves blood circulation and relaxes the muscles, due to which the body is less tense.


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