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L-Carnitine and Creatine: Is it possible, together, interoperability, which is better

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People seriously involved in sports, and taking sports supplements, are interested in: whether sports performance will improve if you drink with L-Carnitine and Creatine. Despite the fact that drugs are harmless to the body and are considered sports supplements before taking means, should be familiar with the basic characteristics.


Amino acids are synthesized in the liver and human kidneys, but for its production requires vitamin B and C, as well as some other components. When insufficient flow of these elements in the body, carnitine synthesis is slowed down.

As a part of sports nutrition Carnitine used as a fat burner.

After taking the drug quickly burned fat and improving overall health:

  • increased resistance to stress;
  • improves the function of blood vessels and the heart;
  • toxins from the cells;
  • stimulate mental and physical activity.

Further enhances the anabolic effect of other drugs. Joint reception Carnitine Protein stimulates the rapid build-up of muscle mass.

In addition to sports, carnitine is prescribed for acute and chronic brain disorders, severe intoxication.

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Part of the drug substance similar to that synthesized in the body, so carnitine is well tolerated and does not cause side effects.


If Creatine compared with L-carnitine, among the common characteristics would be just what substances are in the composition of the drug, similar to those produced in humans.

Creatine is synthesized in muscle tissue and influences the energy transfer:

  • improving the quality of the increased muscle;
  • increased power to achieve;
  • It stimulates the natural synthesis of anabolic hormones.

If creatine occurs lactic acid binding that appears when the muscles, and the person does not experience muscle pain after intense exercise. It is recommended to athletes to improve the static performance, and to replenish spent energy drink Gainer.

As Carnitine, creatine is harmless and does not cause overdose - excess agent utilized and cleared from the body by natural means, without affecting the metabolism.

Can I drink together

Information about the fact that gives simultaneous reception of creatine and L-Carnitine are relatively few due to the fact that little research. Based on the results of observations, the athletes taking together Carnitine and Creatine, had higher performance compared with the other groups are only accepted or only Carnitine Creatine. The drugs increase the effect of each other, allowing you to quickly achieve high athletic achievement without harm to the body.

Creatine simultaneously with L-carnitine can be consumed, but it is better to use them separately, combining with other sports supplements:

  • Creatine is a gainer. Some manufacturers add Creatine Gainer immediately in the protein-carbohydrate mixture that would quickly fill the energy (show creatine content in the jar with a supplement);
  • Carnitine with a protein to accelerate the muscle growth, burning fat and muscle obtain beautiful relief.

Like creatine, carnitine is one of the elements of high-grade sports nutrition. Natural supplements are not harmful to the body, and makes it easier to build a beautiful relief of muscle and increase strength gains. They can drink together or combined with other additives to enhance the strength and accelerate muscle growth.


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