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L-Carnitine: how long can you take, how much time

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Duration receiving medications studied clinically and limits the possibility of side-effects with prolonged use means. How long can I take L-carnitine is described in the official instructions for use. In this article, we try to understand what can be harmful for long use of the dietary supplement.

L-Carnitine: theoretical information

L-carnitine - an amino acid that is normally present in some amount in the body. In its lack of its occurrence or risk further prescribers carnitine. These drugs normalize lipid metabolism, promote the transformation of lipoprotein, cholesterol and triglycerides for energy.

In the physiological state of equilibrium, this process does not cause excessive dietary fat to the mitochondria and properly regulate the formation of ATP. But with increasing levels of physical activity, expressed carnitine deficiency may occur when a strong emotional factor.

If it is impossible due to lack of carnitine convert fats into energy for the body begins to use these goals proteins and carbohydrates to a greater extent, which is extremely physiological, and may lead to negative consequences.

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The main indications for the additional purpose of L-carnitine:

  • for athletes during submaximal exercise and during preparation for a competition;
  • for healthy people with a lack of self-Carnitine and the development of symptoms characteristic of the deficit;
  • weight loss;
  • body weight reduction in obesity and its excess;
  • long and intensive training, psycho-emotional stress, unaccustomed exercise.

Means produced in the form of a solution, tablets or capsules.

Among the contraindications to the use of L-Carnitine manufacturers specify individual intolerance to the components of the composition, allergic reactions, rashes, anaphylactic shock history upon receiving tablets, pregnancy and lactation baby, children up to 16 years.

Rules of admission of L-carnitine

Take L-Carnitine for the time recommended to experienced athletes. For them, receiving the dietary supplement is divided into 4-5 pieces per day: morning, afternoon, evening and immediately before exercise. The dosage is adjusted individually advised by sports doctor, taking into account the intensity of load and weight of the patient.

For healthy people usually administered 1-2 capsules, tablets or liquid Carnitine 200 mg per day with an additional reception before training, if a person visiting a gym. Take the time L-Carnitine to people not involved in professional sports are not recommended in order to avoid overdose. Overdose symptoms include dyspepsia, abdominal pain, metabolic disorders.

How long to take L-Carnitine

How to take L-Carnitine - it depends on the purpose and effectiveness of the dosage. the drug is usually prescribed for a month. Then a break of 2-3 months, during which acts residual dose of medication. After the expiry of this period Carnitine can be repeated after a consultation with a physician. Do not exceed the recommended course of treatment of L-carnitine when administered to patients who are overweight, so as not to disrupt the normal processes of fat metabolism.


How long can I drink L-Carnitine - it depends on the individual and the purpose of medication purposes. Athletes often use a large number of additives and exceed the normal duration of the course without harm to the body, because the metabolism is accelerated and they require more energy. Those patients who are prescribed Carnitine to compensate for the deficit, or to deal with excess weight, exceed the recommended duration of admission is prohibited.


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